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  • solo
    I will not swear to it, since it was quite a while ago, but I do believe I got a leader once when I had an elite, fortified hoplite defending a mountain that was attacked by a barbarian horde.

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  • Arrian
    My problem with beating on barbs to get elites is that I rarely have any sort of army until after all the barbarians are history. I usually don't build an army until the Middle Ages. Besides, with the AI expansion the way it is, NOTHING is "isolated" for long.


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  • Hermann the Lombard
    "By the way, fighting barbs on an isolated isthmus can be a good way to generate elite units, which of course helps (indirectly) generate leaders. "

    Arrian, I keep forgetting this and killing off potentially useful barb villages. I have to get better at my "animal husbandry."



    "Isthmus be the place!"

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  • Arrian
    Originally posted by Fergus Horkan

    That is my experience too (learned after many hours spent chasing barb huts around isolated isthmi).

    I have had three in my current game (Forbidden Palace, Leonardo's and one waiting to see if I can figure out how to build and use an army)
    There is an order button, right next to the one for "hurry improvement" which will allow you to build an army. Then you must "load" ("l") units into that army. What you should put in there depends on your tech level. I have pretty much stopped building armies (wonders all the way), but when I do, they are used for defensive offensive purposes They are used to escort invasion stacks. In the Middle Ages, I make 'em Knights. After that, however, I go with the footsloggers until Mech Inf and Modern Armor. Armies just aren't very powerful on the attack.

    By the way, fighting barbs on an isolated isthmus can be a good way to generate elite units, which of course helps (indirectly) generate leaders.


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  • Laertes
    Originally posted by Willem

    You can't get a Leader by fighting Barbs, it has to be another Civ.
    That is my experience too (learned after many hours spent chasing barb huts around isolated isthmi).

    I have had three in my current game (Forbidden Palace, Leonardo's and one waiting to see if I can figure out how to build and use an army)

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  • Willem
    Originally posted by Ogie Oglethorpe
    Aeson et. al.,

    IS it truly for any form of combat? I have yet to have an elite anything gain a great leader from attacking barbs. Perhaps its just bad luck despite the fact I'm partial to the Germans with their militaristic trait.

    I have had success gaining leaders tho' when at war with other civs.

    You can't get a Leader by fighting Barbs, it has to be another Civ.

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  • Ogie Oglethorpe
    Aeson et. al.,

    IS it truly for any form of combat? I have yet to have an elite anything gain a great leader from attacking barbs. Perhaps its just bad luck despite the fact I'm partial to the Germans with their militaristic trait.

    I have had success gaining leaders tho' when at war with other civs.


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  • Willem
    Yes definitely escort him back if there is any sort of danger! A Leader has no defence/attack points so a housefly could take him out. I learned that lesson the hard way. After playing several games, I finally got my very first Leader, who promptly got whacked on the next turn. Not quite as tough as I thought he was going to be.

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  • Aeson
    Your leader will have 3 movement points, which makes it easier to safely get back to your empire. It definitely is best to escort them back if there is any question of the leaders safety though.

    For leader generation, the type of battle doesn't matter. The chance of a leader being created is the same whenever an Elite unit wins, regardless of the battle circumstances.

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  • Flight
    the leader is not a ocmbat unit, so if attacked he will die
    escort him

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  • Worthingtons
    started a topic Leaders...


    Right, I'm quite new to Civ III, and have only played one game with a large amount of combat, so can somebody clear up two things for me.

    Does the Promotion to leader depend on the battle? ie, Would my Elite Horseman have to beat a decent unit to gain promotion, or would it still have the same chance if i beat a conscript warrier???

    And also, Would the leader have to make it's own way back to my empire , and if it the unit took combat , would the leader have this damage??

    I could do with knowing this, because In one of my games I have Elite units right on the outskirts, and moving units back into the Empire is *Very* dangerous, So If I got a leader, from that area, it could be difficult to use.