In my current game, I've been using renegotiation of peace treaties to get the AI to give me useless size 1 or 2 cities. Having gotten to a point where the AI fears me, I can usually get all the size 1 or 2 cities with no growth potential (no tiles with 2+ food sources) for renegotiation. When the AI turns the city over, I get a free defensive unit, and it's the best defensive unit available with the resources that can reach that city. At first I was just using these cities to produce extra workers, or the slow pop-rushing of units (they all grow in 20 turns, max size of 2).
Quite by accident I noticed that I could pop rush a settler when at size 2, making sure there was no excess food production, and the next turn the settler would be built, disbanding the city. Then a few turns later the AI would rebuild a worthless city in the same spot, which when the next peace treaty was renegotiated, I would get again. I was getting Musketmen and Impies for free, depending on whether the cities had road connections to my empire or not. Once I research Nationalism, I would assume Riflemen will be the free unit. With 16 AI, I was able to renegotiate a treaty on an average of almost 1 per turn. A few of the AI were weakened to the point that renegotiations were no longer of use though.
Using this tactic seems to have brought the AI expansion to a grinding halt. I have recieved about 30 free settlers (they can often be pop-rushed the first turn you own the city) and an equal number of defensive units, which I had been neglecting to build myself. This allowed me to get a good sized lead in number of cities, and concentrate on building offensive units. The larger army and empire made the AI more willing to give up cities in later negotiations. A self-perpetuating cycle.
In case you were wondering, this was all done on Deity level. The hardest part is obviously getting into a position where the AI fears you enough to give away it's cities. Often though, a few of the AI get beat down early, and their cities can be used as a stepping stone to the next most powerful Civs.
Quite by accident I noticed that I could pop rush a settler when at size 2, making sure there was no excess food production, and the next turn the settler would be built, disbanding the city. Then a few turns later the AI would rebuild a worthless city in the same spot, which when the next peace treaty was renegotiated, I would get again. I was getting Musketmen and Impies for free, depending on whether the cities had road connections to my empire or not. Once I research Nationalism, I would assume Riflemen will be the free unit. With 16 AI, I was able to renegotiate a treaty on an average of almost 1 per turn. A few of the AI were weakened to the point that renegotiations were no longer of use though.
Using this tactic seems to have brought the AI expansion to a grinding halt. I have recieved about 30 free settlers (they can often be pop-rushed the first turn you own the city) and an equal number of defensive units, which I had been neglecting to build myself. This allowed me to get a good sized lead in number of cities, and concentrate on building offensive units. The larger army and empire made the AI more willing to give up cities in later negotiations. A self-perpetuating cycle.
In case you were wondering, this was all done on Deity level. The hardest part is obviously getting into a position where the AI fears you enough to give away it's cities. Often though, a few of the AI get beat down early, and their cities can be used as a stepping stone to the next most powerful Civs.