Most people have probably opened up the Civ3 Editor at least once, and if you have then most likely you have noticed under the unit tab that their is a large box called AI strategies. It is divided into three categores, Land, Sea, Air and each category has a number of check boxes. Also it clearly states that giving the AI more than one strategy can cause the game to crash and is just generally bad. So what i want to know is how does each strategy check box influence AI unit behavior?
What i am specifically wondering is this...if a unit has a defense strategy selected but because of its stats it has a 42.1% chance of surviving on defense but it has a 45.6% chance of surviving if it attacks, which would it do?
also is the AI smart enough to bring strong defenders along with its attackers even if the defenders have a defensive strategy?
The more insight to the AI the better (both from a single player strategy view, and from a modders view), and Soren if you are out there I would love to see some feedback
What i am specifically wondering is this...if a unit has a defense strategy selected but because of its stats it has a 42.1% chance of surviving on defense but it has a 45.6% chance of surviving if it attacks, which would it do?
also is the AI smart enough to bring strong defenders along with its attackers even if the defenders have a defensive strategy?
The more insight to the AI the better (both from a single player strategy view, and from a modders view), and Soren if you are out there I would love to see some feedback
