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cancel Mutual Protection

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  • cancel Mutual Protection

    Hi Guys,

    I went to war against the Greeks so I could take their aluminum. I had a mutual protection pact with Russia before the war. I took a few of Greece's cities and signed a peace treaty. Everything was perfect. Then Greece attacked Russia and I was dragged into a war I wanted no part of. I want to be at peace! So my question to you, my fellow Civ 3ers, is: How do I cancel that Mutual Protection Pact with Russia short of declaring war on her?


    Gray Fox

  • #2
    As far as I know, the only way to cancel a MPP (without diplomatic penalties) is to wait for the twenty turns it is in effect to finish, and then go to the diplomacy screen and renegotiate the 'active' treaties to take it off the table.

    Since you are already at war, you can negotiate peace with the Greeks, but if your MPP han't expired yet, you will take a diplomatic hit - "We remember what you did to the Russians!"
    Civfanatics Forum Co-Administrator


    • #3
      allright, and what do you have to do to cancel a MPP which is more than 20 turns old??

      In my current game I really need to cancel a MPP because I am in a democracy and I have a MPP with the English wo keep attacking the Americans on a remote island.

      I've had a MPP with the English for much more than 20 turns (I've checked using old savegames), they never proposed me to cancel it whereas they always do with luxuries trade, so HOW ON EARTH DO I CANCEL THIS MPP??

      (tell me step by step on whats BUTTONS to click, the civ3 GUI is so clumsy that sometimes it takes me 30 minutes to find out what seems obvious to some of you).

      thanks in advance.


      • #4
        oops he already said that


        • #5
          aaaaah, found it, it took me almost as much time than when I was trying to build my first embassies!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Padma . . .
            Since you are already at war, you can negotiate peace with the Greeks, but if your MPP han't expired yet, you will take a diplomatic hit - "We remember what you did to the Russians!"
            That's another thing I hate about Civ III. The AI Advisor is not only stupid HE NEVER FORGETS. If YOU forget to cancel a MPP everyone will hate you for millennia!

            It's the same deal with borders. If the damn "culture border" flips on your improvements (even a garrisoned fortress) you have to get out - or everyone will hate you forever.

            I think both of the above are a big crock.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Encomium

              I think both of the above are a big crock.
              So who cares what you think!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Encomium
                It's the same deal with borders. If the damn "culture border" flips on your improvements (even a garrisoned fortress) you have to get out - or everyone will hate you forever.
                I don't understand why people whine on this. Of course you have to get out! After the border change, the tile is righfully belong to the other civ!!


                • #9
                  I don't know about whinning, but since you had no opportunity to move, they could wait one turn to see if you will leave and then yell. If you are up to no good, it will not matter, if I am honorable, why irretate me? This usually happens to me after I agree to peace and was in their city. Poke me and I often will give the "tired of your insolence". Since the peace came after many lost cities, why chance my taking more?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by philler
                    aaaaah, found it, it took me almost as much time than when I was trying to build my first embassies!
                    I still haven't found it--could somebody please answer the question? Just pointing to a relevant link will do...thanks.
                    No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                    • #11
                      Bring up the F4 screen. Talk to whoever you want to cancel the MPP with.

                      Below the negotiation screen it says "New" and "Currently Active" or similar. Click on the currently active link, and it will show what trade deals you currently have active with that particular civ.

                      Click on the MPP, and then say "Never mind" on the negotiating screen. It should now be null and void.

                      Admittedly its not the most natural way to cancel things, but if ya gotta do it, ya gotta do it
                      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                      • #12
                        No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.

