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  • Seeds

    Just a quick question. I've noticed several people mention that they've reset their seed numbers that predetermine the die roll results for a saved game.

    I know that you can use up one predetermined result by having a different unit attack first, but is there a way to completely change the seed result (or use one up when you don't have any other units to attack with)? Preferably without rebooting .

  • #2
    I know that talking with another civ will change the seed (use up one)
    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


    • #3
      Talking with a civ doesn't guarentee that you will change the seed number used for the next random number generation. You have to do something that forces that software to make a decision that requires a random number.

      Bombardments are the best way to change it. Create some roads inside your borders that your city is not working and just bombard it when you need to. Multiple times if necessary.

      For those that try to manipulate the game this way though, using just the next number rarely solves the problem. (the problem being that they just lost a combat they didn't want to lose). A combat uses quite a few generated numbers. If you're in a bad streak of "die rolls" one or two numbers won't help. It's best to just attack with a unit you don't mind losing. It uses up more numbers.

      I personally don't see what satisfaction you can get out of having to do this to win. I did it the first few times to figure out the mechanics of the game and it was tedious as heck. I can't imagine doing this for an entire game. But different strokes for different folks.

      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

