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3rd Apolyton Civ3 Tournament : 17/Dec/2001-7/Jan/2002 (results are in!)

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  • #31
    Battle of armies

    Told you there were lots of armies. And what's with the grape forest?
    "Honestly, Anakin, I swear you'll be the death of me someday." Obi-wan Kenobi


    • #32
      Interesting distribution of resources

      Domination victory, 1908 AD, 3389 points.

      I thought I was going to do better than that, but the science trade bug/feature messed me up.
      Attached Files
      To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


      • #33

        Here is my zip file. Just change the production at Athens to the space ship Lounge and launch the ship the next turn. For your gaming pleasure you can even beat upon the moron Aztecs who have backstabbed me at every turn.

        This was a great game. very bloody and very challenging. I thought the Aztecs would get a domination victory after they wiped out the enormous chinese empire. But I was able to launch in 1918. this is my first victory on Monarch level.
        Attached Files


        • #34
          MY SAVEGAME...


          2826 Points.

          Attached Files


          • #35
            Stick'em with the pointy end!!

            Here's my game.
            Attached Files


            • #36
              Domination Victory, 1880 AD, 3552 points

              Hmm, I posted my savegame here before the server-crash, but now the message is gone - weird! So, here we go again...

              I achieved a Domination Win in 1880 AD, and a nice tally of 3552 points (2nd highest I've ever got). However, I must admit that I reloaded a few times. If you find that this is illegal (I've never really got a good grip of what the rules are really like) you can count this submission out of the final results. In any case I won't reload anymore in future games, 'cause it really destroyes the challenge.

              The win may be a bit difficult to reproduce exactly, because I got the domination win by rush-buying some temples and libraries in the former English cities on the turn before the win was announced. But I don't think this will do much of a difference in the score.

              -- Roland
              Attached Files


              • #37
                conquest victory, 1904 AD, 3150 pts.

                conquest victory, 1904 AD, 3150 pts.

                at the beginning I thought I would simply eradicate the zulus, settle their territory and go for culutural or space race victory.
                Then the Aztecs started pissing me off for no reason so I conquered them as well, then its was the romans and then the japanese. (these cities were almost completely useless because my forbidden palace was in zimbabwe).

                by that time the germans had wiped out the chinese and the english had like one city left (which I took )

                I fought a long battle with the germans, which I won easily when I got tanks.

                I thought I would get a domination victory but it wasn't coming, so I managed to take the last german city and the last aztec city (in some remote part of the southern ocean) during the last turn.

                it's not too bad a score considering how disjointed my strategy has been

                also, anyone has any idea why the summary replays of my games never seem to be available? apparently they only work with short games...
                Attached Files


                • #38
                  cultural victory, 1945 AD, 5615 pts

                  cultural victory, 1945 AD, 5615 pts
                  Sold all cultural improvements in early XIX century in order to get a higher score...
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    Death By Barbarians

                    I am not going to be posting a win here as I got trashed. I wanted to follow up my last great game with another and do it completely with no saves.

                    It started great and I had great plans.

                    I gave up one turn to make my capital on the coast. This accomplished two things. It got the Furs out of my city radius and allowed me to build coastal wonders. I played a number similar setups in getting ready for this tournament and I noticed that the aggression of the military civs was greatly lessened by not having any resources or luxuries in any city radius. This was an important step as I endeavored to build no hoplites.

                    By building no hoplites I was trying to have a late Golden Age where it could do the most good. I got the GL with no difficulty and was keeping everyone at least polite to me.

                    Then I made an error by not wiping out a barbarian encampment. I left them there to produce ships to protect my backside. I said an error because of a pop up saying something about rampaging hordes and my jaw hit the floor as units came poring out blowing past my gaurd and marching for my capital.

                    OK, regroup. Pulled lots of men from surrounding cities to protect the capital and I just (Down to the last warrior!) saved it. The next punch came almost immediately. The one lone German warrior that long ago got stuck behind my choke point goes and takes one of my undefended cities that no amount of tech or $ could prevent. I pull my last units from my choke point to clean it up and it is, as I feared. The Aztecs who are gracious to me attack.

                    It was a very exciting game for me but not having Iron really hurt. Since putting in the patch the non-military option is having a tougher time of it. I think it is time for a break for me. My son got a copy of zoo tycoon and it looks fun. Still waiting for NWN though.


                    • #40
                      Can't download tourny game???

                      I know time is running out on playing this 3rd tournament, but I was gonna give it a try anyway. BUT, it won't let me download the map. When I click to download, it takes me to the FILE DOWNLOAD page, where it says, if nothing happens in 5-10 seconds click here. Well, it takes me automatically to a page saying "Page not found" Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for any help.


                      • #41
                        Space Race Win

                        This was definitely an interesting game. i thought I lost it early, the Zulu gave me a run for my money. Centuries of war with them before taking their lands. I tried building right on their border, which got me the horses (off and on for a while), and we were lucky enough to discover a source of iron in the mountains near Sparta--anyone else experience this?? As someone else above, got the Chinese and Aztecs to dismember the English--by the way, seems no one noticed that militaristic Persia was left out--should have been either England or China (non-mil), not both--and I wonder what this game would have been like with immortals running around...?

                        I tried to stay peaceful, but when the Aztecs attacked I responded by taking all of their English lands and bottling them up in their original peninsula. Japan turned around and attacked me the turn after we made a MPP. Weird. Japan actually seemed to be threatening a culture win, as they had six wonders in Kyoto and three of their cities in the top five. Attempts at spying brought more war, but when I finally got a peek, they didn't have time to get there. So I left wondrous Kyoto standing as I didn't have the heart to raze it--captured it knowing full well it'd be back in their hands in a few turns, took a couple of their tiny cities for peace.

                        At this point I thought, now how was I planning to win this game...? It seemed I might not make it, as I certainly didn't want to go trashing my friends the chinese.... So space it was, eeking out the win in 2037. The last fifty turns or so were just passing the time, letting the governor build up my military. I have never once played a game where I used stealth planes or radar artillery. No nuke experiences either (except reloading and dropping the bomb for kicks).

                        I did try for a diplomatic victory actually, as I was honorable throughout, but each vote was the same: Mao votes for Mao, Caesar votes for Caesar, Alexander votes for Alexander, Tokugawa abstains. No consensus. Well I had to build the spaceship at that point so they'd recognize my (minor) greatness. Ah, and since I skipped the first UN meeting because I wanted to try some bribing, I lost 12-20 turns waiting for it to meet again before embarking on the space race. Interesting game, but I too, will be taking a break. (Alas?) there is more to life than civ.

                        space race win, 2037AD, 2028 (?) points.
                        Attached Files


                        • #42
                          Re: Can't download tourny game???

                          Originally posted by Severus
                          BUT, it won't let me download the map.
                          try this link

                          you have to add the .zip extension in the name with which it will be saved on your disk
                          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                          • #43
                            Herewith a spaceship victory in 1992 with 2763 points.
                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              My savegame

                              5316 Points in year 1985.

                              Cultural victory
                              Space race visctory
                              Domination victory

                              all in the same turn...

                              But I'm not the Best
                              Attached Files


                              • #45
                                Ultimate save game....

                                5817 Points....

                                This is the BEST......

                                Attached Files

