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Calculating spending on happiness, science, treasury

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  • Calculating spending on happiness, science, treasury

    I have run a few tests to try to understand exactly how to calculate the amount of gold going to the treasury, science and happiness. As far as I can tell, this is how it works. Does anyone have any corrections?
    • In every city, add up the gold produced from each tile (but not from specialists)
    • Subtract gold lost to corruption (I don't know how corruption is calculated). What is left is the city's profit.
    • Split the city's profit between happiness, science and treasury according to the percentages set in the Domestic Advisor screen. For happiness and science, multiply by the percentage and round to the nearest whole number (0.5 rounds up). Whatever is left goes to the treasury.
    • Each gold that goes to happiness counts as one happy face for the city.
    • To the raw science and treasury numbers, add the bonuses given by buildings in the city. If you have more than one bonus, add up the percentages first and then calculate the bonus. This time, fractions round down. The buildings with bonuses are:

    <pre><b> Building Science Treasury</b>
    Library 50%
    Marketplace 50%
    University 50%
    Bank 50%
    Research Lab 50%
    Copernicus's Observatory 100%
    Newton's University 100%
    SETI Program 100%</pre>
    • You now have the amount from the city that goes to happiness, science and treasury, as well as the amount lost to corruption. The sum of these four numbers is included in the "From cities" number in the Income section of the Domestic Advisor screen. The happiness, science and corruption numbers appear in the Expenses section.
    • Add up the specialists in the city (entertainers, scientists and tax collectors). Each entertainer adds one happy face to the city. Each scientist and tax collector counts for one gold per turn, but these are kept separate from the city profit, and are not affected by the bonuses from buildings. Income from tax collectors appears as "From taxmen" in the Income section of the Domestic Advisor screen. Entertainers and scientists do not affect the numbers in the Income and Expenses sections.
    • The total science output of your empire is the amount shown as "Science" in the Expenses section plus the number of scientists in your empire. You can verify that the contribution of scientists counts (even though it is not quantified on the Domestic Advisor screen) by setting the science percentage slider to 0%: if you have no scientists, the next advance will be in "-" turns, if you have scientists, the next advance will be in no more than 32 turns.