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2nd Apolyton Civ3 Tournament : 1-15/December/2001 (results are in!)

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  • 2nd Apolyton Civ3 Tournament : 1-15/December/2001 (results are in!)

    here it is!

    standard size
    raging barbarians
    archipelago map (with care to have a couple large islands)
    climate: normal
    temperature: temperate
    age: 3billion
    level: monarch
    huts: removed
    civ: english
    opponents: 7(americans, germans, iroquois, japanese, french, russians, indians)
    theme: the other 8 civs(which werent in the 1st tourn.)

    i think it will be a very interesting game!

    please use this thread for saved game submissions and comments on the specific tournament game only.
    general discussion and suggestions should be done here
    Attached Files
    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog

  • #2
    This will be much more interesting.
    All those islands, no huts.

    Playing Expansionistic English with no Huts?

    Still, since most of those civs are Expansionistic you won't be penalized much.
    Anyway, there are nice Golden Age triggering Wonders (Lighthouse, Magellan)


    • #3
      I think two weeks isn't long enough to play a good game unless you don't have anything else to do.....
      One Life One Game...


      • #4
        2 City Diplomatic *cough* Victory 1872

        I was really trying for a culture victory, but wasn't going to make it as everyone was building spaceship parts left and right. Other than a battleship that I sent out to start WWI, I didn't take military action at all. Also never set foot on any land outside the starting island. Really wasn't any strategy involved, just end turn, end turn... Very deserving of the pitiful 1060 points! Hey, I though earliest victory by date meant 7:33am Dec. 2, 2001 :P
        Attached Files


        • #5
          guh....??? Why did you do that?....just to prove that my above argument was wrong????
          One Life One Game...


          • #6
            after that, i will not be accepting any delayed games
            Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
            Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
   my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


            • #7
              Re: 2 City Diplomatic *cough* Victory 1872

              Originally posted by Aeson
              I was really trying for a culture victory, but wasn't going to make it as everyone was building spaceship parts left and right. Other than a battleship that I sent out to start WWI, I didn't take military action at all. Also never set foot on any land outside the starting island. Really wasn't any strategy involved, just end turn, end turn... Very deserving of the pitiful 1060 points! Hey, I though earliest victory by date meant 7:33am Dec. 2, 2001 :P
              wow good work. i guess this is the reason i never enter any comps for SP games!!!!!
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tilemacho
                I think two weeks isn't long enough to play a good game unless you don't have anything else to do.....
                I second this, and of course with the exams it's goign to be harder :/ I'm still playing the first Tournement, almost finished. Learned a lot but wished the air-superi... bug was fixed.
                Also the corruption that is hard made me use another strategy...
                I'm looking forward to play the next tournement but my parents won't allow me to play CivIII that much because of the exams.


                • #9
                  a bit disappointed by this 2nd map so far... except for the first two english cities the starting location is rather poor. northwestern part of the island impossible to irrigate...

                  by the time I discovered cartography, the two nearby islands were already occupied, so I'm gonna have to share them...

                  high level of corruption makes all my cities except the top 3 almost useless (despite courthouses and democracy).

                  It seems that I'm gonna have to attack somebody if I want to expand... on the other hand i've never been a big warmonger, and I fear several other nations declare war on me if I attack one of them, as everybody is in peace with everybody.

                  also, were the heck does the american settler start?? he doesn't seem to be able to build a city!! anyone has seen him?


                  • #10
                    And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dainbramaged13
                      same as #1
                      Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                      Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
             my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                      • #12
                        There were rules for #1? Where?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by philler
                          also, were the heck does the american settler start?? he doesn't seem to be able to build a city!! anyone has seen him?
                          I think they started stacked with the Indians. If they did, and the Indians built their city first, then they americans would be in the foreign city (check diplomacy, an american worker is for sale from ghandi, or at least was for me). Must be some sort of bug that they can't move out of the Indian city (bug that they can be in it as well).

                          I just wanted to see if I could pull off an isolationist victory, wasn't trying to prove a point or anything about length of games. I know that more expansionistic games do take a lot longer to play through, and 2 weeks could limit the ability for the more busy among us to finish the games the way they want to play them.

                          I think the map is great, really would take some doing to score anything near what people were posting on the last tourney. The only real problem I have with this map is that all islands were galley accessable. Other than that, I think its the perfect change of pace from last game, nice settings MarkG!


                          • #14
                            Spaceship Victory 1824AD Score 2585

                            Well, I grabbed that good spot to the south of my starting position and after a granary in it and capital, was pumping out settlers like there was no tomorrow. Colonised most of my island, but barbarians held me back for a while. Nasty brutes
                            Got galleys ASAP and colonised the 2 islands on either side of me, only 3 Iroquois cities slipped onto them as well. Traded for maps, and was puzzling over where those Americans were.
                            I lost one city to culture (or lack thereof), and gained that city back soon after (through culture again... strange). No other military action until late in the game.

                            The space race was going on, with everyone joining the party. India felt a bit jealous of my 'underdog' style success, and decided to land an invasion force and start a world war. At this stage, my cities were still defended by warriors, so the invasion force only consisted of swordsmen and archers. A few conscriptions later, all my cities had brand new Mech Inf devisions, and the tanks i was stockpiling rolled over the enemy.

                            The enemy alliance tore up much of my terrain on the lower island, but didnt manage to land any units (that werent soon underneath my tank treads) while my main island built the spaceship parts. I held off the attacks long enough, and victory was mine in 1824 AD.

                            Score 2585
                            Attached Files
                            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                            • #15
                              Well played Shanky.
                              Youve given me some hope for carrying on with this map as each time i`ve either had my butt kicked (by starting a war when not really ready to do so) or just not expanding quickly enough so my empire ends up cut in half.
                              I see you didn`t concentrate on any wonders apart from hoover Dam, or did you not bother with trying for any others?
                              Also, were you tempted to go for a UN win?
                              The space race victory was close, so kudos for getting it.

                              Well played again


