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coal plant v. hydro plant

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  • #16
    I have to beg to differ on this one....

    Building the Hoover Dam, gives hydro power to all cities that would be ABLE to build a hydro power planet. IE, that city MUST have access to water, more specifically a river. (i have one city with a lake 1 square diagonally left (west) and I can only build a coal plant there.

    In my gmae last night, I just build the hydro plant, and when i look around after, any city that didn't have a river in it's immediate (1tile) vicinity, had no hydro plant, and I had the option to build a coal plant.



    • #17
      I thought so too, but I just checked in my last game and a city which didn't have access to water had a hydro plant.

      Maybe I'm mistaken here, and there was a bit of river somewhere nearby.


      • #18
        No, for the hoover dam it doesn't matter per city, just the one that builds it. For a hydro plant, though, it depends on each city trying to build one. I wasn't sure when I first built the hoover damn and so I checked. Sure enough land-locked cities had a hydro plant.

        Try making a wonder have the effect of building a harbor in all of your cities. Now that looks funny. All your land-locked cities have a harbor. Check the city view screen for a real laugh.

        Glad I could be of some help, guys. Happy gaming.
        Yours in gaming,


        • #19

          I'm gonna check this out in my game when i get home, with screenshots, so everyone's certain!



          • #20
            Actually, I think I've picked up a bug with the Hoover Dam wonder...

            I built the Hoover dam....yet found I could still build coal I built one to see what happened - and, strangely, I had both coal and hydro plants in the city - what I wonder though is, are both functioning? I.e. am I getting +100% production? Or is only the newer one functioning? Bug or not? I can't figure it out. Has this happened to anyone else"
            If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man


            • #21
              I would say try it again in another city. This time keep track of shields produced.
              Yours in gaming,


              • #22
                Originally posted by Zorkk

                I'm gonna check this out in my game when i get home, with screenshots, so everyone's certain!


                Yeah, I'd love to post screen shots, but I am not there yet in my current game. I will if I get there and no else has posted screenies yet.
                Yours in gaming,


                • #23
                  Well.. I guess I should pay more attention in the game!

                  I have the Hoover damn in another city, and here's a city with NO water close to it at all...



                  • #24
                    If you build the Hoover Dam, ALL your cities get Hydro plants. Water, or not. Even on the city view screen you can now see a river maraculously appear ( ) You can then build a coal plant in any city you want, replacing the hydro plant, then build a hydro, then a coal, etc......... It's ever-exchangable.


                    • #25
                      By the way, nice strategic box, Zork!


                      • #26
                        Nuclear Plant Bug

                        It turns out that you need fresh water in the city radius to build the Nuclear Plant, not "fresh or salt" as te Civlopedia says. Either it is a bug or the Civlopedia is out-of-date.


                        • #27
                          I had a nuclear plant meltdown on me in my tournament game. I switched to democracy thinking a long war would be over for good but I was dragged right back in and the people let me hear it. Tons of cities were in disorder and one of my big ones had a meltdown. It was just as if a nuclear bomb went off, population was cut in half, 8 tiles of polution, all improvements on those tiles burned away and changed to plains... It was nasty. Take care of your nuclear cities!
                          Some 3d models and art work I've done.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Zorkk
                            Well.. I guess I should pay more attention in the game!

                            I have the Hoover damn in another city, and here's a city with NO water close to it at all...

                            Have you noticed that the total shield production is the entire result of the following formula, only the result being rounded!

                            Base production*(1+Factory Bonus*(1+Plant Bonus)=

                            Rounded=9 Total Shield Production

                            I think in Civ 2, the shield production bonus were rounded one-by-one like this:

                            Base production=5
                            Factory Bonus=Base production*50%=5*50%=2.5 => Rounded=2
                            Plant Bonus=Factory Bonus*50%=2*50%=1
                            Total Shield Production=Base production+Factory bonus+Plant bonus=5+2+1=8 Total Shield Production

                            Nation of: Magellan's (from Magellan's Expedition);
                            Vasco da Gama (Discoverer of the Maritime path to India);
                            and Pedro Álvares Cabral (Discoverer of Brazil in 1500)
                            "Every day Mankind fights a battle against Nature, forgetting if winning, Mankind will be among the defeated!"


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by DK36
                              If you build the Hoover Dam, ALL your cities get Hydro plants. Water, or not. Even on the city view screen you can now see a river maraculously appear ( ) You can then build a coal plant in any city you want, replacing the hydro plant, then build a hydro, then a coal, etc......... It's ever-exchangable.
                              But what seems to happen is that, because of building the hoover dam, I can concurrently have both a Hydro plant + coal plant in any given city.
                              If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man


                              • #30
                                And you should probably sell that coal plant ASAP. In the game that I got the screen shot from (btw.. i made all the people entertainers so it would be eaiswer to see there was NO water nearby at all) I did a test, and built a coal, and a solar plant in a city. That city gained NO extra production bonus'. So if you can be sure of building the HD wonder, then it's est not to build any coal plants

                                Even if i didn't get HD, i'd probably wait, and go for solar plants over coal plants, that way i know the pollution is less.


