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UN victory too easy?

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  • #16
    Oh yes the diplo elections were much better in SMAC. But the Space Race is by far the easiest victory - at least the fastest possible for the hybrids-peaceful builders. I guess the fastest way for warmonger players is domination.
    The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".


    • #17
      I too lost my first (and so far only) UN vote. I lost another one once when someone else built the UN, prompting me to think "I better always build the UN or else I'll always lose." I haven't had a chance yet to win the vote by bribing, but if it's as easy as it sounds....

      Does anyone have strategies for what to do if, somehow, another Civ builds the UN? Do you suddenly try to be really nice, while simultaneously increasing population and/or land area if necessary? Does taking over the UN city transfer its benefits to you?
      " is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it." Commander Togge, SW:ANH


      • #18
        Originally posted by player1
        If you ask me, I think that Diplomatic Victory wasn't really finished by Firaxis because of lack of time.
        So, that's probably a reason why is it so simple.

        @#$^% Infogrames!!!


        • #19

          maybe they should do the UN vote like they did in SMAC (where # votes is proportional to total. pop).

          also, if you were THE superpower - ICBMs, complete invasion fleets, future tech... and you lost, wouldn'y u want to challenge that (with an ICBM or 2?). i know i would...


          • #20
            The concept that the UN would elect a world leader and that everyone else would abide by it is a little nonsensical if a war is going on. If these votes were restricted to times of peace, then the result might make sense. I agree, the result is very anti-climatic.

            Second question: If you leave the world-domination option on how can you win by conquering the world? Seems that ought to be an either/or switch on the victory conditions.
            No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
            "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


            • #21
              The only problem with the SMAC diplo system was that for leader votes (either Governor or Supreme Leader) it was more a game of expanding population and bribing/adjusting SE choices for people to pact you. A vote where executing a pop-boom was just as important as pacting a large faction...? Not as diplomatic as it could be. I agree it is better than this three-window thing we have now, but not by much.

              That said, I'd like to see more resolutions in regards to the UN. Economic sanctions, world emissions agreements, antiballistic missile treaties, throw in a Declaration of Human Rights (auto-activating sanctions on people who rush-build with people), and the UN could become a seriously involved part of the game. Even better, your support on any of these issues could be part of a deal...or supporting someone else bringing an issue to the table could encourage them to vote for you later.



              • #22
                I like Frodo's idea alot. The idea of going down in a blaze of glory is a whole lot better than the anti-climatic cumulation of the UN.

                Hm. Maybe "Fizzle of Insignificane" would be more apt.
                Orange and Tangerine Juice. More mellow than an orange, more orangy than a tangerine. It's alot like me, but without all the pulp.

                ~~ Shamelessly stolen from someone with talent.

