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Warmonger: Despotism vs Monarchy

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  • Warmonger: Despotism vs Monarchy

    As Rome I have been in constant war for entire game and it is now 200 ad. I cleared continent of Egypt and greece on regent. Whats best for someone who is fighting a constant war like rome? I am in middle ages thinking of staying in despotism and invading russian continent. Wonder if benifits outweigh costs..hmm. What government to choose , I have republic and monarchy but tempted to just stay as a despot. I liek idea of rushing things and losing pop in my captured cities.

  • #2
    good question

    not enough analysis has been done on monarchy and despotism. But I would think communism is better on all aspects. You can still rush build with population and corruption is slightly better- so your science rate should be better.

    I can never get a good science rate with despotism. but if I'm in the middle of a war I don't change out. I'll usually change to monarchy before attacking my next enemy though.


    • #3
      Monarchy gives extra food & prduction (ignores despotisam penality).
      Also unit upkeep won't be to much bigger.

      So only question is:
      Will you sacrifice gold or people.

      I personaly choose gold (monarchy), but if I am in war & have taken hostile cities I'll stay in Despotism (to sacrifice some enemy popultion for units).

      Better question is:

      Monarchy vs Communism (pretty similar)


      Forced Labor vs Paid Labor (while waging war)


      • #4
        Monarchy vs Communism:
        I noticed that if you build a courthouse in a city near the capital in Monarchy, there may not be a decrease in corruption.
        In Communism, courthouses work in every city because corruption is spread out.
        And if the improved espionage ability in Communism works, then Communism may be a better choice for war.


        • #5
          communism is probably the closest thing we have to fundamentilism from civ2, for the end game conquer all gov.

          as i wrote in another thread, rush building requires pop points with communism, but if you own the longevity wonder your population grows 2 points instead of 1! That's very powerful with plenty of food, which is the type of city you would be rushing stuff anyway (more food less shields)

