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  • Resources???

    I was in a cheftian level game as America i had 3 sources of iron to were being used they both quickly dried up even thought i wasn't building anything using iron then i located the third source on a small island off my main continent i quickly built a colony and made a connection to the iron source the next turn i got a prompt saying in other words too bad your iron just ran out. Why don't u go talk with the evil british who want 6 techs 2000 gold lump 15 per turn and communication with 2 enemies. Is it the game or is it my cpu and harddrive trying to get back at me for not defraggmenting enough

    P.S. i had just entered the industrial age

    Please Help?

  • #2
    Sure, go conquer some iron if you can't find any or trade for it.
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    • #3
      Sorry about your bad luck, and thats just what it is. Bad luck.

      there is simply a random chance of a resource drying up. Nothing much you can do about it. My last game I made it through the entire game using the same source of iron. Though i did have to fight to keep it a couple times. the game before that my source dried up damn quick, and left me hangin.

      its just that damn fairy Rand, casting his spell of Om.
      By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.

