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Monarchy vs. Republic

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  • Monarchy vs. Republic

    I know, for the most part this topic would seem a no-brainer. My last experience with Republic, however, was quite disappointing. Playing US on Monarchy level, with three neighboring civs chomping at the bit to downsize me and my slight Histograph lead, I decided the only way I could keep up unit production was to hopefully get a production or gold bonus from going to Republic. I was a couple units above my Monarchy max anyway, and thus paying for them.

    Nothing of the sort happened. My gross income and expenses rose, but my net take, research capacity, and productivity doesn't appear to have improved at all. I'm used to the CIV 2 model where you get a substantial benefit. Worse, I was out six turns in Anarchy I could have used to keep up with unit production, had to increase entertainment to 20%, and was hit more frequently with civil disorder. That pattern continued until the BIG ONE, war weariness, hit with a vengeance, and virtually my entire territory shut down for a turn, and my civ of course emerges the worse for wear.

    In this scenario, I see little reason to go to Republic; better to wait for Democracy, which is now just a few discoveries away. BTW, I had several marketplaces, cathedrals, colosseums, etc., and temples in most cities of 4+ size. Is there anything else I can do in this more warlike scenario, or is this really going to be the pattern in CIV 3?

  • #2
    Do you have roads all over the place? I think that's where the real bonus of the jump from Monarchy to Republic kicks in. AFAIK, Republic gives bonus income for each square with a road on top of that given by Monarcy. If you don't have enough roads you won't see much benefit from that switch.

    And don't go to Democracy unless you're a religious civ that can switch governments in 1 turn. War weariness is insane with Democracy. You can't wage war for more than a handful of turns at a time before your civ goes up in riotous flames. Republic is a good compromise, IMO.


    • #3
      Actually, I've built a bunch of roads. Most every square near any city of any size has 'em. Your comment brings up the thought that I don't have much in the way of luxuries, and that may affect the changeover. I'm pretty good on resources, and have roads going to all resources and luxuries I do have. I'm not sure what's missing here.


      • #4
        I just ignore Monarchy. Saves you a lot of research time and one more anarchy period. Just go straight for republic. Or the other way round if you like to keep a large army and fight wars. The key is to choose one path, stick with it and ignore the other path.

        I agree republic isn't that great, but its still slightly better than Monarchy once you have developed your economy fully with roads, city improvements, and luxuries. Unless you have a ton of units.


        • #5
          I usually like waging war in the midgame before enemies get riflemen in the industrial age, so I run Monarchy. My experience leads me to believe that the unit support differences make up for any slight lack of cash due to corruption...

          I am clearly not a fan of republic =]

          Democracy is great though, just as long as you are not fighting. I do not like the "ok at waging war" aspect of Republic, when I fight a war it is a *total* war, I never fight a war half way. If I get in a serious conflict I will delay the fighting until I can send overwhelming numbers to the enemy... the extra cash you get during this time period with monarchy makes up for that.

          Monarchy is overall flexible, and does a good enough job for me (I am getting 1 tech/4 years on Monarch in the middle of the Medievel era while having my army stomp on the Babylonians- Go Immortals!)


          • #6
            The reason why i never switch to republic in the medieval age is because my unit support cost will drain my treasury as i keep TONS of units...(i'm a fan of martial law)..

            Mornachy is the way to go if you want to wage war..but in the industrial-modern age, i always switch to democracy, which i feel is the best in the game. Save for the war wariness, its simply the BEST! terms of commerce, worker efficiency etc..

            Any one fancy communism in the modern age though? corruption sucks big-time......
            " I'll be back", Gen. Douglas MacArthur after surrendering Philippines to the Japanese.


            • #7
              I use republic early on, *as long as i have at least 2 luxuries*. Without those extra happy people, the lack of military police forces me to invest 20% to entertainment, pretty much negating the biggest advantage Republic has (extra trade).


              • #8
                i'm usually very peaceful, just building in my little corner and giving luxuries away to the other civs.... so i stay in republic and democracy for as long as i can. my militay is so little that invasion is something that i have to watch for... but.... in case some stupid civ finally gets on my last nerve, i turn communist. i think that it's the best war government in the modern era. all the martial law is great. i just stomp those stupid citizens of mine who don't like my government... and then i raze all the other cities and move their workers to my towns, my relocation plan.



                • #9
                  The comments above confirm my suspicions about Republic. In my current game, I don't have much choice but to wage war - Russia will let about five turns go by before stirring something up. I reset and didn't go Republic this time, and it worked a lot better, if for no other reason than not having to suffer the six-turn downtime. I have a lot of units, although I'm not the strongest (see Aztecs) and the costs and entertainment issues in Republic were really hurting me. I'll chalk it up to learning the game.


                  • #10
                    I think that the type of government you are will rely on your civ. For instance, in my current game, I am the Russians, and Republic has been working very well for me. Why? Their naturally expansionist and scientific nature lends itself well to a Republic, which allows you to rapidly build settlers and workers, and very good scientific research. I am the most advanced civ in the world, and I also have the largest population. Early in the game, I took over a couple of cities of my only adjacent neighbor, the Aztecs, and have kept them at bay since while staying within the unit limits, allowing me to concentrate on building improvements in my cities. Because of this, my culture is absurdly dominant.

                    As someone else stated, choose one strategy, and stick to it.


                    • #11
                      Republic and democracy are peacetime governments. If you're going to war, you should use monarchy or communism. Republic is a great early/mid-game peace government if you plan for it - get some luxuries, enough happiness buildings, etc. To successfully wage war as a republic, you need police stations and/or universal suffrage.

                      It depends on your play style. Lots of people have had great success beelining to republic and raking in the cash.


                      • #12
                        It depends on style

                        If you are an achient era azz kicker (ie; if you play persia and like crowded maps) go straight for Monarchy after Iron Working, the unit bonus will make up for the lack of commerce. On the other side of the coin if you like to make peace first and get a tech lead, go for the Republic straight off.


                        • #13
                          Hmmm; in my experience, Monarchy is under-powered.

                          Assuming you have lots of roads, and some luxury resources to keep people happy, the increased income from Republic will more than make up for having to pay for your units, even if you wage war often.
                          Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                          Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


                          • #14
                            Since most of AI players don't aim for Monarchy, I chase it at start, get a Harding Gardens & revolution, buy all other techs and go in Republic after someone else discovers it (& I am not in war).

                            Just hint:
                            Never go to anarchy if there is chace for getting a goldern age soon.


                            • #15
                              Ok guys. Just one thought. Im on my first game, we have just hit the modern era, I`m the Americans, and we is getting our butts handed to us, not in war terms, but definitly in land area and scientifically. Why are all the AI`s in democracy? Every Single One.
                              Even the chinese :P. Why is this?

                              By the way great game, been playing since civ 1, onto civ 2, bypassed ctp, and got smac. This is the best!
                              Go the ALL BLACKS!!!

