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Switching Governments

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  • Switching Governments

    You guys have probably noticed this already, but there seems to be a similar formula to switching governments in Civ 3 as there was in Civ 2. Only, instead of governments being switched every third turn, it's every seventh. Also, can't switch governments on the same turn that anarchy ended like in Civ 2, so make sure you select the right government.


  • #2
    one thing i learnt about the anarchy period is that civil disorders can be DANGEROUS. Once, i switched from monarchy to democracy and i knew that the anarchy will last for quite some time..but i didnt pay any attention to the civil disorders. Then, to my horror, the blasted rioters start to destroy my improvements...priceless cultural buildings that had existed for thousands of years...damn..painful lesson.
    " I'll be back", Gen. Douglas MacArthur after surrendering Philippines to the Japanese.


    • #3
      My last game I played the babylonians, and was very happy to be a religious civ. of course all i had to protect me were those virtually worthless bowmen, but thems the breaks.
      By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


      • #4
        One good time to switch goverment is if you are in a golden age,seems like it will only take half the turns to switch then.


        • #5
          is there already a list of the new "oedo years" somewhere?

          and btw if you read this thread oedo,
          schöne grüsse aus wien, hoffe du bist gut nach hause gekommen
          weird god, EUROPA

