Anyone notice that subs are pretty much useless? I've played several games now at the first 4 levels (chieftain, warlord, etc.) and each time I leave a sub in enemy territory, their leader would ask me to get lost. Come on... in the chieftain level, no one else can build anything better than a frigate and there are NO naval units anywhere but they can still see my sub... same thing in warlord, regent and monarch.
Does the AI have some sort of sonar system that I don't? How is it that they can detect my sub sitting in their territory with NOTHING except a coastal city when the civilopedia says that only destroyers and other subs can detect? How can an ironclad defeat a sub, something that it's not supposed to be able to see?
Some rather strange unanswered questions here, and that makes the sub the most useless of naval units due to their expense, weak attack and weak defense...
Does the AI have some sort of sonar system that I don't? How is it that they can detect my sub sitting in their territory with NOTHING except a coastal city when the civilopedia says that only destroyers and other subs can detect? How can an ironclad defeat a sub, something that it's not supposed to be able to see?
Some rather strange unanswered questions here, and that makes the sub the most useless of naval units due to their expense, weak attack and weak defense...
