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anyone have cheats for this game?

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  • anyone have cheats for this game?

    I,m looking for some cheat codes,have any?

  • #2


    • #3
      I wish there was a scenario mode like in SMAC or a cheat menu like in Civ2, so that any game mechanics or strategy questions I have can easily be answered in a sand-box mode like I used to treat the SMAC cheat menu. Having to go through a whole separate program (particularly with my already slow ass computer) sucks big time.


      • #4
        All I want is an addition to the editor, which lets me control how many years go by in a turn. I have problems reaching the higher techs before retirement in 2050. other than that, I think the game is great and don't really need a cheat.

        If you really are having trouble with the game, maybe you should go play starcraft or something; those types of games tend to be easier.


        Honk! If you hate noise pollution.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pacific_Wing
          If you really are having trouble with the game, maybe you should go play starcraft or something; those types of games tend to be easier.


          Well at least Starcraft has multiplayer
          It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars


          • #6
            Re: anyone have cheats for this game?

            Originally posted by ZionBlade
            I,m looking for some cheat codes,have any?
            If you hit shift->ctrl->alt->esc->delete, the game declares you the winner and an all-around great guy. Then you can shut down the computer and go outside for some fresh air.
            Eine Spritze gegen Schmerzen, bitte.


            • #7
              yeah, go play starcraft. play the computer and type in power overwhelming, as you'll feel better. or get a map hack like everyone on bnet and play other cheaters like yourself.

              i mean, geeez, if you need to cheat to win, then don't play at all



              • #8
                i mean, geeez, if you need to cheat to win, then don't play at all
                Yeah, exactly!

                I haven't played since Saturday.
                "Harel didn't replay. He just stood there, with his friend, transfixed by the brown balls."


                • #9
                  What's this?? Someone who's got Civ III and is NOT playing it?? What are you crazY?? Please send your copy of civ 3 to me, I'll give you a piece of gum.
                  Give praise and inhale the corruption. - ****rath


                  • #10
                    Hit Shift-D to call up the Diplomacy screen.
                    Pick any nation you are currently at peace with.
                    Tell them you want to make a deal.
                    Choose Gold->Per Turn from their side.
                    Type in 1 followed by as many 0's as fits in the box, something like 100000000.
                    Demand that they pay you this much or you will destroy them.
                    They will refuse, but not declare war.
                    Keep clicking on the Demand choice. They will become annoyed.
                    Keep clicking on the Demand choice.

                    After about 20 or 30 times, the AI will AGREE!

                    Next turn, call up all of the AI players you have contact with and buy all of their non-capitol cities from them for about 500,000 gold each.

                    Kind of takes the challenge out of the game, but it actually does work!
                    I'm just a pigment of your imagination.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ahlyis
                      Hit Shift-D to call up the Diplomacy screen.
                      Pick any nation you are currently at peace with.
                      Tell them you want to make a deal.
                      Choose Gold->Per Turn from their side.
                      Type in 1 followed by as many 0's as fits in the box, something like 100000000.
                      Demand that they pay you this much or you will destroy them.
                      They will refuse, but not declare war.
                      Keep clicking on the Demand choice. They will become annoyed.
                      Keep clicking on the Demand choice.

                      After about 20 or 30 times, the AI will AGREE!

                      Next turn, call up all of the AI players you have contact with and buy all of their non-capitol cities from them for about 500,000 gold each.

                      Kind of takes the challenge out of the game, but it actually does work!
                      YES THIS WORKS, IT WORKS I TELL YA! WOO HOO!


                      • #12
                        YES THIS WORKS, IT WORKS I TELL YA! WOO HOO!

                        wooooohoooo this is soooo coooooool !
                        I can win the game !
                        Now I go outside and I start to play football alone, I win 1000 - 0 yeah yeah !
                        After that I I do some arm wrestling with my baby sister, I win again and again and again !

                        it's soooo fun !

                        I play some FPS games and there are no enemies, and if they show up they're death before I blink ! wooohooooo that's sooo coooooool !!

                        I want to play some chess as well ! My pieces can do any move but the pieces of the other players can't move, I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN !

                        This rocks sooooo much !
                        I LOVE LOVE LOVE it to pay $40 to get a game that I can win that easily ! I LOVE IT ! wooohoooo !

                        anymore cheats ? I want cheats so taht my enemies don't show up to begin with or something, and that their units have an attack and defend value 0 ! that would be soooo cool !

                        oh man oh man

                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CyberShy

                          wooooohoooo this is soooo coooooool !
                          I can win the game !
                          Now I go outside and I start to play football alone, I win 1000 - 0 yeah yeah !
                          After that I I do some arm wrestling with my baby sister, I win again and again and again !

                          it's soooo fun !

                          I play some FPS games and there are no enemies, and if they show up they're death before I blink ! wooohooooo that's sooo coooooool !!

                          I want to play some chess as well ! My pieces can do any move but the pieces of the other players can't move, I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN !

                          This rocks sooooo much !
                          I LOVE LOVE LOVE it to pay $40 to get a game that I can win that easily ! I LOVE IT ! wooohoooo !

                          anymore cheats ? I want cheats so taht my enemies don't show up to begin with or something, and that their units have an attack and defend value 0 ! that would be soooo cool !

                          oh man oh man

                          LOL: RolleEyes??? Muhahaha! ::IthinkYouAreAFreaK:: ::MUHAHA::

                          lol... i think ur pissed that YOU DID pay $40 for this game... LOL... dont make assumptions that everyones like u...

                          btw, i'm confirming 's post... whats ur problem??? did u get it to work???


                          • #14
                            And, with the billion gold per turn, you should buy a dictionary and an English grammar primer!

                            At least then, you might get something out of the game.



                            • #15
                              seems like some people missed my sarcasm.
                              tmarcl, only in a perfect world everybody comes from england and speaks english like the english queen.

                              I'm dutch. do you speak any dutch ?

                              ik wordt doodziek van iritante engelstalige kutventjes die denken dat de wereld rond hun taalgebiedtje draaid, oppleuren, je bek houden of een cursus nederlands volgen etterbakje
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

