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How do I access the cheat menu?

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  • How do I access the cheat menu?

    I need help in accessing the cheat menu.

  • #2
    There isn't one.



    • #3
      Are there any cheats for the game?


      • #4
        Originally posted by ZionBlade
        Are there any cheats for the game?
        Generally I ignore this kind of question, but, seeing as you've asked it three times, I will answer it.

        There was a trainer posted a week or so ago, if you really feel you need it. I don't know if you've tried winning without cheating yet, but I urge you to do so. If you're having trouble on the higher levels, go back to Chieftan and learn the game there (there is also a tutorial mode that you can try). I realize that a lot of people (generally people that won Diety level in Civ2 quite often) have started the game at higher levels, but if you're not that experienced, there's no shame in starting Chieftan and learning the game first. You can always advance to higher levels as your skill increases.

        If you need help with strategy, I'm sure you've already seen that many people are already posting hints and tips. Read them, they'll help considerably. All in all, though, (and I say that to everyone who's trying to find cheat codes), please try to win the game honestly first. You'll find, if nothing else, you'll get more out of the game in the long run.



        • #5
          Originally posted by tmarcl
          If you need help with strategy, I'm sure you've already seen that many people are already posting hints and tips. Read them, they'll help considerably. All in all, though, (and I say that to everyone who's trying to find cheat codes), please try to win the game honestly first. You'll find, if nothing else, you'll get more out of the game in the long run.

          Not necessarily true.. some people - myself included - actually enjoy these games more WITH cheat codes... I've just beaten the game on Monarch without using cheats, but I am pretty sure that I actually would enjoy it a heck of a lot better on Warlord or Regent difficulty level with cheats... don't know why though


          • #6
            People who seek instant gratification tend to cheat. People who like competition tend not to. Anyone who owns the game will use it in whichever manner they find most satisfying. But if you want more substantive answers to your question, I'd suggest posting anywhere but the strategy section. For obvious reasons, it's not the right crowd.


            • #7
              Originally posted by tmarcl

              Generally I ignore this kind of question, but, seeing as you've asked it three times, I will answer it.

              There was a trainer posted a week or so ago, if you really feel you need it. I don't know if you've tried winning without cheating yet, but I urge you to do so. If you're having trouble on the higher levels, go back to Chieftan and learn the game there (there is also a tutorial mode that you can try). I realize that a lot of people (generally people that won Diety level in Civ2 quite often) have started the game at higher levels, but if you're not that experienced, there's no shame in starting Chieftan and learning the game first. You can always advance to higher levels as your skill increases.

              If you need help with strategy, I'm sure you've already seen that many people are already posting hints and tips. Read them, they'll help considerably. All in all, though, (and I say that to everyone who's trying to find cheat codes), please try to win the game honestly first. You'll find, if nothing else, you'll get more out of the game in the long run.

              yep just like me i started monarch the first time ...
              got wiped out in no time
              it's like yhey say ,it's not civ3 it's a new game ....
              but at regent i'm doing a bit better..
              i am even thinking to take another step down (it hurts but....)


              • #8
                here, you want to cheat? go the civ3mod thing and make the civ that you always play unstopable... make the aztec jaguar warrier attack at 30 and move 10 with multiple attacks per turn.... then pick the aztec and make these little buggers and kill all.

                I hate cheaters.....



                • #9
                  Apart from using the "cheat menu" in Civ2 for really cheating your way to victory, it was also used as a tool for creating scenarios and modifying the game. Perhaps the original poster wanted to do this in Civ3 as well.

                  The cheat menu is gone indeed, but the new not-so improved Civ3 Editor takes its place. Try firing that up and see what you can do.


                  • #10
                    So what

                    If people want to cheat just so long as they don't cheat in multiplayer I see no problem. But that is impossible in civ 3 anyway.

                    The cheat menu in civ 2 was useful to check out the tactics of the AI as well as edit as pointed out by Grim Legacy. But to actually use in a game is up to the player. Personnally I never cheat in single player. I even think that to save and reload is a cheat in itself. In fact when I play I like to put all the settings to random as this, in my opinion, makes the game more fun when I don't know what to expect. So, MaSsConFUsi0n, how many times do you save and reload in a single player game.

                    In reality this game should be fun, if you think cheating adds to the fun then do it.

                    I still remember how people got fired up on the 'rehoming of caravans' in civ 2. (LaFayette do your thing) I think I said the same things then.


                    • #11
                      Er, well, morals aside ...

                      The fact that a player seeking cheats posts in the strategy forum indicates a certain ... what am I looking for ... true and deep need for help.


                      • #12
                        There was actually a function of the Cheat Menu that I found quite useful. That was the "Reveal Entire Map" option. I used it when I was about to get clobbered and wanted to see what I was missing before I quit the game. Then again, I'd like to see how the world generator code in Civ 3 is working. Surely I don't have to wait till the end of the game for this???
                        Frodo lives!


                        • #13
                          I can't believe some of you are attacking someone who asks for cheat codes! They spent their own hard earned money on the game and they have the perfect right to play it any way they want!

                          Personally, I got great satisfaction out of turning on the cheat mode of a 'lost' game, creating nukes and blowing the planet to he**

                          BTW: Believe it or not, 98% of the people who buy CIV think it is just a game and not the real life and death struggle we know it to be.


                          • #14
                            i *ahem* sometimes imagine that there are real people in there who think of me as their leader. im weird but it gives me the oppurtunity io dont get in the real world (i.e.- ability to change history)

                            ps- im completely serious. makes just as much sense as saying we are in someone's fingernail molecule. what if were all just someone's Civ XLII game
                            DEVM SVM
                            I cant think of anything else intelligent...except, check out my alternate history page:
                            Roma Invicta


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by salkin
                              I can't believe some of you are attacking someone who asks for cheat codes! They spent their own hard earned money on the game and they have the perfect right to play it any way they want!
                              Great point there.. Noone should complain about someone wanting to cheat in this game because it affects noone but the cheater. Now, in a MP game, it would be different, but last time I checked there was no MP in Civ3.

