For what it's worth, I agree that a quick military rush is almost necessary at Deity in order to keep up with the AI production and science bonuses.
The more I think about it, the more I think I might have goofed about the Emperor thing. I was thinking that Emperor level (just below Deity) in civII was renamed Monarch in civIII. That's probably wrong, though. I suppose that means I play on Emperor, not Monarch...
I'm sorry myself for any screw up, just goes to show why people shouldn't jump down other's throats: you might make a mistake yourself!
The more I think about it, the more I think I might have goofed about the Emperor thing. I was thinking that Emperor level (just below Deity) in civII was renamed Monarch in civIII. That's probably wrong, though. I suppose that means I play on Emperor, not Monarch...
I'm sorry myself for any screw up, just goes to show why people shouldn't jump down other's throats: you might make a mistake yourself!
