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Why Bomberd does't do much damage

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  • Why Bomberd does't do much damage

    Let see, we have an infanrty units fortified in metropolis (12+ pop),
    it will have defense of 10*(1+1+0.5)=25.
    So chance of hitting with bomber is 8/(25+8)=24,24%
    Since bomber has rate of fire 3, there is an averege 0.75 hits in turn.
    Since units heal 1hp (or more wich barracks) per turn, one bomber can't do anything. So you must have MANY BOMBERS (at lest 4 or 5).

    Maybe that CITY BONUS (+100 for metropolis) shouldn't be inculed.
    Looking for patch?

    In that case it would be 10*(1+0.5)=15
    8/(15+8)=34% ---> average 1 hit per turn (maybe still not much, but remember bomber cost is just 100)

    I haven included any modifiers for City Walls, Coastal Fortrress or SAM, since I don't know wich they are.

    I thnik these abilities can be seen in editor & since I don't have the game, it would be nice if someone could read these abilities from EDITOR.

    For Artillery:
    12/(25+12)=32,34% or 0.65 hits per turn (rate of fire 2)

    for R. Artillery

    16/(25+16)=39% or 0.78 hits per turn (rate of fire 2)

    So all range units don't do much damage (not just Bombers)
    That is also problem wich catapults (rate of fire 1).

    Maybe solution is in lowering HEALING RATES (3 times):
    -without barracks +1 hp evrey 3 turns
    -with barracks +1 hp every turn

    Probably because cities have barracks, it is almost impossibile to do any kind of damage without fleet of 8+ Bombers (in that case it is better to build 8 tanks & take city more easyly)

    Bobminig is at least usefull against ELITE ARMIES of SWORDSMEN.
    It is more effective then losing Regular Tanks one by one.

    These things SHOULD Firaxis take in serious consideration.

  • #2
    I agree somewhat, If you want to siege a city as realistically as history, then you wont find it in Civ3- since next turn all the units in the city you're sieging has miraculously healed fully thanks to barracks. So in order to capture cities, you have to concentrate all your units in one turn. Bombard, then start attacking with your stack of units weaiting outisde his city.

    I don't know if its at all possible, but from what I've seen bombard can NEVER kill a unit, only bring it to 1 hit point. I think there should at least be a small chance that you kill the unit... say you carpet bomb a city down to level 1 pop and all improvements destroyed. I think it should be safe to say some units should perish in that attack too instead of just brought down to the lower ceiling of 1 hp.

    My only wish in this game was that it had more power in modding. alot of variables/settings you just dont have access to and cant change them


    • #3
      It says in the book that you can't kill a unit by bombarding alone.


      • #4
        Even worse, since then you must attack city in than turn or city units will be healed.

        Germans bombard of England, NOT in this game.

        How often bombrads kill a pop or destroy building?
        If is is high enough, than this is maybe OK.

        Imagine a need to bombard with 8 bombers & then assaulting with the Tanks is same turn, or else nothing would happen.

        For MarkG:
        Why you moved this thread from General Forum?

        Now no one from Firaxis would read it.

        I posted it mostly not to enlighten Apolytoneers with marvelous stratgeies, then to send message to Firaxis to FIX some things for the PATCH.


        • #5
          its misses 2/5 of time its damage an unit 2/5 of time and kill a population or improvement 1/5 of time


          • #6
            It really doesn't make sense that Firaxis made bombardment so much weaker than it was in SMAC vs. units in a city.

            In SMAC, every shot from artillary hits EVERY unit in the city. Also, I think units damaged by bombardment don't heal any that turn (but maybe the reason they don't appear to heal is just that bombardment does significant damage in SMAC).

            Was artillary really that powerful in SMAC? No... But now artillary gets several fewer hits, and also can be captured. On top of that is the ability to destroy random enhancements and kill population, which is actually a MAJOR DISADVANTAGE, because 99% of the time you're bombarding a city is because you intend to take it over. It sucks taking over a city that now has 1 pop and no enhancements because you bombarded it.

            Bombarding units are useful for defense, though. It's nice having a few artillary on your border to weaken attackers. It's much more effective that way since the enemy units are not healing, and they're not usually stacked.

            As far as offense, you'd be better off losing a few units in an assault than wasting production on a huge number of artillary and then paying their support every turn.
            To secure peace is to prepare for war.


            • #7
              about bombing again.. i find it annoying when i bombard enemy war galleon 10 times with my bombers and stealthbombers.. i cant destroy it. perhaps naval vessels should be destroyed utterly after heavy bombing since they got nowhere to hide and hull is still vulnerable.. imagine 50 stealthbombers to drop their payload on a iron clad deck.. what wil happen. it would rock if this would be possible after you develop smart weapons at least


              • #8
                Also barracks should be changed so that they will double the healing rate instead of healing in one turn.
                "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                • #9
                  ---NOTE TO FIRAXIS---

                  Units in cities sould only heal if city ISN'T in SEIGE.
                  SIEGE should exisit if:
                  -enemy units are in yours 21 tile radius, or
                  -ememy air units have that city in their range of operation


                  Something abaout that galley. It's strage, because,
                  bombing chace is 8/(8+1)=89% to make a hit & since rate of fire with bomber is 3, you take out 2.66 hp in turn approx.

                  But, maybe bombing CAN'T KILL a unit, than just damage it to 1 hp.
                  Personnaly if this is a case I think that it should be allowed to Fighters to have ability so kill units with thier "tactical" bombards.
                  Strategy: Bomb with bombers, then kill with fighters.
                  Anyway fighters & bombers have sinked many carriers in history, right?


                  • #10
                    The way to execute successful siege warfare (once artillery is around) is to bombard with 4-8 units a turn for, say, three turns. Or for longer with fewer units, if you have the time. At some point you will destroy the barracks, decrease the population to the point that it doesn't get any defense bonus, and destroy the city walls (usually). Sieges shouldn't be quick. They aren't. Mostly they involve soldiers sitting outside doing nothing. But I'm only talking about the industrial age and afterward.

                    In the ancient world, siege warfare is aggravating, since catapults seem to be almost useless (except in ambushes of stray swordsmen and for defensive purposes). Something has to be done to increase their power so that you don't need eight or nine of them to make a dent in a city. Cannons need help too. Both are unbelievibly underpowered.


                    • #11
                      I really think that best way would be to make cities under SEIGE unable to heal their units.
                      That way you could actually do some damage & their units won't heal instantly next turn.

                      Just to note, bombard units are just OK as they are, regading killing pop or buildings (for those defense is considered to be 4 & they don't have hp, see edior)

                      Bombard units just barely (if ever) do any damage to units.


                      • #12
                        i have destroyed with bombard

                        just last night, playing as the english i was able to bombard with a man-o-war and destroy a unit. it was a persian spearman with 2 hitpoints left (yellow) and my man-o-war did two hits and killed it. i have noticed though if there are no improvements in a tile and the units there have only 1 hitpoint left u can not bombard.


                        • #13

                          While I can understand many of your gripes with the system of
                          bombardment, the only one I really agree with is the idea a previous poster had about defining a "siege" state for certain cities to prevent their garrisons from healing.

                          Other than that, I think the bombardment system is FANTASTIC.

                          First of all, you do not win a war by strictly bombardment alone.
                          Historically, this is bourn out. WWII, gulf war, even current military action, bombardment is used to soften
                          defenses, damage the economy of an enemy, and disrupt
                          his ability to make war.

                          If bombarding could kill units, than the obvious strategy would
                          be to rely on bombarding solely. This way with the limitation
                          that units are only damaged, you are forced to use a
                          "combined arms" approach with a mix of
                          land forces/air power/naval power you get the full experience of a
                          cooridinated land/air/naval assault being the most effective and
                          safest means of invasion/attack which more closely mirrors
                          reality IMHO.

                          In my games, I have successfully pursued a strategy of using
                          bombardment in a few ways.

                          First of all you need a LOT of them to make a big impact. But
                          by using bombarding to soften up cities, you lower the population,
                          you damage the units. When you invade with land forces, they
                          win more easily, get promoted easily because they tend to survive. I rarely lose any units at all when I bombard a city for a few turns prior to invasion.

                          Secondly, DO not underestimate the ability of bombers to damage
                          the economy. In one of my games, I parked an aircraft carrier off
                          the coast of my enemy, and bombed his strategic oil supplies, which were 3 around one city. I couldn't invade that well protected city yet, so I just bombed the oil. I magaged to setup a trade embargo with the only other player who had oil against the enemy. Every time he used a worker to build roads on the oil, I bombed them. He couldn't build any oil based units, which in the modern era was crippling. After losing a few cities defended by cavalary agaisnt my modern armour, he sued for peace.

                          I didn't even need to invade the city which had the oil. If the
                          strategic resource is in their territory,but they can't build a road
                          to it, they don't get it. Very realistic in my opionion. There
                          are many creative and effective ways bombardment can be
                          used to cripple your enemy, above and beyond just attacking

                          Kudos to Firaxis for modeling the intricate complexities of
                          warfare with a simple elegant solution.



                          • #14
                            I agree that the bombing system is very well done, with one caveat and one bug fix:

                            Obviously the fact I can NOT intercept enemy bombers will be fixed. That's the bug, so I can wait until the patch.

                            Caveat: Bombing SHOULD be able to sink naval units. Don't kill land units, but boats go DOWN to bombers.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Grunthex
                              I agree that the bombing system is very well done, with one caveat and one bug fix:

                              Obviously the fact I can NOT intercept enemy bombers will be fixed. That's the bug, so I can wait until the patch.

                              Caveat: Bombing SHOULD be able to sink naval units. Don't kill land units, but boats go DOWN to bombers.
                              Couldnt agree more. Good analysis
                              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

