Let see, we have an infanrty units fortified in metropolis (12+ pop),
it will have defense of 10*(1+1+0.5)=25.
So chance of hitting with bomber is 8/(25+8)=24,24%
Since bomber has rate of fire 3, there is an averege 0.75 hits in turn.
Since units heal 1hp (or more wich barracks) per turn, one bomber can't do anything. So you must have MANY BOMBERS (at lest 4 or 5).
Maybe that CITY BONUS (+100 for metropolis) shouldn't be inculed.
Looking for patch?
In that case it would be 10*(1+0.5)=15
8/(15+8)=34% ---> average 1 hit per turn (maybe still not much, but remember bomber cost is just 100)
I haven included any modifiers for City Walls, Coastal Fortrress or SAM, since I don't know wich they are.
I thnik these abilities can be seen in editor & since I don't have the game, it would be nice if someone could read these abilities from EDITOR.
For Artillery:
12/(25+12)=32,34% or 0.65 hits per turn (rate of fire 2)
for R. Artillery
16/(25+16)=39% or 0.78 hits per turn (rate of fire 2)
So all range units don't do much damage (not just Bombers)
That is also problem wich catapults (rate of fire 1).
Maybe solution is in lowering HEALING RATES (3 times):
-without barracks +1 hp evrey 3 turns
-with barracks +1 hp every turn
Probably because cities have barracks, it is almost impossibile to do any kind of damage without fleet of 8+ Bombers (in that case it is better to build 8 tanks & take city more easyly)
Bobminig is at least usefull against ELITE ARMIES of SWORDSMEN.
It is more effective then losing Regular Tanks one by one.
These things SHOULD Firaxis take in serious consideration.
it will have defense of 10*(1+1+0.5)=25.
So chance of hitting with bomber is 8/(25+8)=24,24%
Since bomber has rate of fire 3, there is an averege 0.75 hits in turn.
Since units heal 1hp (or more wich barracks) per turn, one bomber can't do anything. So you must have MANY BOMBERS (at lest 4 or 5).
Maybe that CITY BONUS (+100 for metropolis) shouldn't be inculed.
Looking for patch?
In that case it would be 10*(1+0.5)=15
8/(15+8)=34% ---> average 1 hit per turn (maybe still not much, but remember bomber cost is just 100)
I haven included any modifiers for City Walls, Coastal Fortrress or SAM, since I don't know wich they are.
I thnik these abilities can be seen in editor & since I don't have the game, it would be nice if someone could read these abilities from EDITOR.
For Artillery:
12/(25+12)=32,34% or 0.65 hits per turn (rate of fire 2)
for R. Artillery
16/(25+16)=39% or 0.78 hits per turn (rate of fire 2)
So all range units don't do much damage (not just Bombers)
That is also problem wich catapults (rate of fire 1).
Maybe solution is in lowering HEALING RATES (3 times):
-without barracks +1 hp evrey 3 turns
-with barracks +1 hp every turn
Probably because cities have barracks, it is almost impossibile to do any kind of damage without fleet of 8+ Bombers (in that case it is better to build 8 tanks & take city more easyly)
Bobminig is at least usefull against ELITE ARMIES of SWORDSMEN.
It is more effective then losing Regular Tanks one by one.
These things SHOULD Firaxis take in serious consideration.