I have found that there are many situations where relocating your capital is extremely beneficial. One is when your first city starts out at one end of the continent, or on a peninsula as mentioned above. Once your empire has grown enough that the cities on the side away from your capital are experiencing heavy corruption, build a palace in your most central location.
Another time when relocating your palace is good is when your empire ends up being split over two continents. As you know, on the new continent corruption will be so high that it would take forever to build the Forbidden City - so what I do is build the Forbidden City in a central location on my home continent, and then build a new palace on the new continent - it doesn't take nearly as long as building the Forbidden City. This has the added benefit of having your capital closer to your borders with other civilizations, which makes it more likely you will gain cities from culture.
Another time when relocating your palace is good is when your empire ends up being split over two continents. As you know, on the new continent corruption will be so high that it would take forever to build the Forbidden City - so what I do is build the Forbidden City in a central location on my home continent, and then build a new palace on the new continent - it doesn't take nearly as long as building the Forbidden City. This has the added benefit of having your capital closer to your borders with other civilizations, which makes it more likely you will gain cities from culture.