so summary of this thread (and other stuff) so far of what will change imho:
++ = a lot stronger ; + = strengthend ; 0 = neutral ; - = weakend ; -- = a lot weaker
(this is relatively speaking 10-2 is still better than 4+2
°scientific ++ : higher chance SGL
°commercial + : alphabet is more valuable (curragh, nearer to philosophy), but devalued because seafaring start with this too
°religious + : more governments mean more fast switching
°expansionist + : communication and map trade later, goody huts can give you philosophy ==> another tech too
°industrial - : work speed decreased; devalued because pottery is starting trait of agricultural too
°militaristic - : no cheaper harbors, MGLs can't build wonders
°communism + : secret police and other stuff, now better for towns and cities (old:T2,C4,M8 ; new:T6,C6,M6)
°republic 0 : higher unit costs, but new some free ones (T1,C3,M4)
°monarchy&democracy 0 : stay the same
°leo's ++ : upgrades are more expensive now, leo's saves 50% more than before
other stay more or less the same
° celts +++ : now agricultural and GS nearly half the price
° aztecs - : JW 50% more expensive
° spanish, english, america + : their UU may even make sence now
° expansionistic civs + : scout&expansionist makes them good tech brokers because communication & map trading pushed to 2nd half of medieval
° industrious civs -
other depending on map. eg. losing exp. can be bad on larger but better on smaller maps.
uhm, there's a lot more, but i'm too lazy now. feel free to add/correct stuff...
++ = a lot stronger ; + = strengthend ; 0 = neutral ; - = weakend ; -- = a lot weaker
(this is relatively speaking 10-2 is still better than 4+2

°scientific ++ : higher chance SGL
°commercial + : alphabet is more valuable (curragh, nearer to philosophy), but devalued because seafaring start with this too
°religious + : more governments mean more fast switching

°expansionist + : communication and map trade later, goody huts can give you philosophy ==> another tech too
°industrial - : work speed decreased; devalued because pottery is starting trait of agricultural too
°militaristic - : no cheaper harbors, MGLs can't build wonders
°communism + : secret police and other stuff, now better for towns and cities (old:T2,C4,M8 ; new:T6,C6,M6)
°republic 0 : higher unit costs, but new some free ones (T1,C3,M4)
°monarchy&democracy 0 : stay the same
°leo's ++ : upgrades are more expensive now, leo's saves 50% more than before
other stay more or less the same
° celts +++ : now agricultural and GS nearly half the price

° aztecs - : JW 50% more expensive
° spanish, english, america + : their UU may even make sence now

° expansionistic civs + : scout&expansionist makes them good tech brokers because communication & map trading pushed to 2nd half of medieval
° industrious civs -
other depending on map. eg. losing exp. can be bad on larger but better on smaller maps.
uhm, there's a lot more, but i'm too lazy now. feel free to add/correct stuff...