I have recently played a game as the ottomans on regent and was shooting for a cultural victory. I was shooting for the 20,000 points in one city as 100,000 didnt seem too appealing. As time went my civ was well ahead of all others. only japan, france and america had survived my onslaught (due to the fact they were on the opposite continent.) as 1850 approached i was nearly completed with the modern age with the last three civs slogging around the mid industrial age (atomic theory, steel etc.) My capitol istanbul had produced nearly every wonder possible. I missed out on a few large wonders how ever and it was costly: sistine, oracle, and pyramids. and just due to the need to generally win all other wonders were built in other cities. (im moderate builder war monger, tilting toward builder). Working it out i had 100 turns to go before i got a culture win (i was churning out 80 culture per turn and was at 12000) So my question is, if you produce nearly every wonder in one city and that city has all other cultural improvements in it, is there any way to get a quicker cultural win?
