You are the Germans in an emperor level game with 2 big continents and 2 smaller one civ continents. You have just created a great leader and you can chose either Leonardos Workshop or Sistine Chapel. Whichever one you don't chose is going to wind up on the other big continent and won't be "conquerable" for centuries. Which wonder would you chose?
My gut tells me Sistine Chapel, which will help my republic during the coming wars to dominate my continent (which has 3 other empires having of 10+ cities). My head says Leo will put me one step toward a golden age and make a cheaper transition to cavalry.
After all was said and done, I got Sistine, and the romans got Leo the next turn.
My gut tells me Sistine Chapel, which will help my republic during the coming wars to dominate my continent (which has 3 other empires having of 10+ cities). My head says Leo will put me one step toward a golden age and make a cheaper transition to cavalry.
After all was said and done, I got Sistine, and the romans got Leo the next turn.