There is bad news for users of the ring city placement scheme: Firaxis bods have confirmed that it has been eliminated in Consquests.
[Chieftess> [kryszcztov> Will a lot of exploits/bugs/cheats be removed ? Thinking about all that is prohibited at RBCiv for a reference. Ever been there ?
[Merepatra_BA> I haven't been there but a lot of exploits have been fixed
[Firaxis-Ed> kryszcztov- Ring build is fixed in Conquest
[bobT-BA> many exploits have been addressed
[Merepatra_BA> I think our beta testers called our attention to most exploits during testing
[bobT-BA> but as we find them others I am sure will hunt for some way of gaining an edge
[anarres> How is Ring City Placement bug fixed?
[anarres> we heard RCP was fixed
[DrA> how is RCP fixed specifically?
[Merepatra_BA> I can't tell you exactly how the RCP bug is fixed, as I didn't deal with that one. Chieftess might know more than me on that, she was fiddling with it I believe
[Chieftess> I don't know a lot about that either.
[anarres> RCP will be fixed by magic. No-one knows but somehow it will be gone...
[Merepatra_BA> It is gone
[Chieftess> [kryszcztov> Will a lot of exploits/bugs/cheats be removed ? Thinking about all that is prohibited at RBCiv for a reference. Ever been there ?
[Merepatra_BA> I haven't been there but a lot of exploits have been fixed
[Firaxis-Ed> kryszcztov- Ring build is fixed in Conquest
[bobT-BA> many exploits have been addressed
[Merepatra_BA> I think our beta testers called our attention to most exploits during testing
[bobT-BA> but as we find them others I am sure will hunt for some way of gaining an edge

[anarres> How is Ring City Placement bug fixed?
[anarres> we heard RCP was fixed
[DrA> how is RCP fixed specifically?
[Merepatra_BA> I can't tell you exactly how the RCP bug is fixed, as I didn't deal with that one. Chieftess might know more than me on that, she was fiddling with it I believe
[Chieftess> I don't know a lot about that either.

[anarres> RCP will be fixed by magic. No-one knows but somehow it will be gone...
[Merepatra_BA> It is gone