Ok this is the new strategy that I just tested out today, and it worked pretty well but it seems like it would take a lot of practice
First of all, here are the bonuses that work the best, look for a civ that is Industrious, Militaristic , or Scientific (Germans, Chinese, or Persians/Ottomans). Start out building settlers non-stop. Build a new city, build settlers there too ( if it can't get to population 3 without some irrigation, have that city produce workers non-stop). Build like crazy. If you ONLY build settlers in the beginning of the game, you can actually build cities and expand faster than the computer up to the MONARCH difficulty. Now you may notice that you are lagging slightly behind in technology, so raise the science funding as far as you can without losing money. Also, the advantage here is that you can demand money from the computer players and actually get it, since you are stronger than them. Use this money to buy technologies from them. Also try to get resources and trade routes to sell resources for additional funds. NECESSITY: get iron and horses hooked up and make sure a lot of cities have access to them. Around the time you make it to the medieval age (the computer might get there first, but when YOU get to the medieval age), get to chivalry first. Since you might be the Chinese, so much the better you get riders (woo!). Start using your good production from all of your cities to stock up a whole lot of knights/riders. Don't switch to republic government if you care about war weariness (you should, its lost me several games in the past)
. Switch to monarchy right before you declare war on your unfortunate neighbor. If you wanna, sell some resources to other civilizations to keep your economy going. But here's the real secret to your military success: don't bother capturing enemy cities and dealing with all of that resistance crap. Have a bunch of settlers ready from your earlier days of expansion and fill in all of those cities with your own once they are razed. I have found that your war machine moves much faster this way. Destroy your enemy before they have a chance to call for help on another civilization. Once that enemy is defeated, you may find it hard to stop conquering (your cities always want to automatically build a darned lot of knights/riders as soon as you're able to) either A. contact your governor and change it there so they don't build offensive anymore, or stomp somebody else. Now for the economy part... keep threatening! Continue this trend through the game and you either win a territory or a conquest victory before you know it (I won a conquest before I got to modern armor.)
First of all, here are the bonuses that work the best, look for a civ that is Industrious, Militaristic , or Scientific (Germans, Chinese, or Persians/Ottomans). Start out building settlers non-stop. Build a new city, build settlers there too ( if it can't get to population 3 without some irrigation, have that city produce workers non-stop). Build like crazy. If you ONLY build settlers in the beginning of the game, you can actually build cities and expand faster than the computer up to the MONARCH difficulty. Now you may notice that you are lagging slightly behind in technology, so raise the science funding as far as you can without losing money. Also, the advantage here is that you can demand money from the computer players and actually get it, since you are stronger than them. Use this money to buy technologies from them. Also try to get resources and trade routes to sell resources for additional funds. NECESSITY: get iron and horses hooked up and make sure a lot of cities have access to them. Around the time you make it to the medieval age (the computer might get there first, but when YOU get to the medieval age), get to chivalry first. Since you might be the Chinese, so much the better you get riders (woo!). Start using your good production from all of your cities to stock up a whole lot of knights/riders. Don't switch to republic government if you care about war weariness (you should, its lost me several games in the past)
