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Dtrategy Threads
Volume One - Camping Placement by GhengisFarb
Volume Two - PreFabricated Settlement by GhengisFarb
Dtrategic Exercises
Exercise One - City Placement Scenario by Panzer32
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Volume One - Dtrategic Guide to Camping and Zenning
(Part of the ongoing Dtrategy Series from the Glory of War)
This will probably be of little use to many people but since a few have commented on my city placement "camp" system I decided I'd put it all down in a step by step illustration.
Basically this came about from me wanting to absolutely minimize corruption and maximize city production for Diety level and Multiplayer. The added kicker is that in Multiplayer the minimization of land use gives you an artificially low score compared to others and your opponents tend to discount you as a minor threat.
After I build my first city I establish the camps. The system supports up to four but sometimes there's a mountain or water tile in the way so it doesn't always work out perfect. They go right in the "Achilles Corners", you know those nasty little corners where the enemy can move his two movement units into your territory and still have a movement left to attack.
Dtrategy Threads
Volume One - Camping Placement by GhengisFarb
Volume Two - PreFabricated Settlement by GhengisFarb
Dtrategic Exercises
Exercise One - City Placement Scenario by Panzer32
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Volume One - Dtrategic Guide to Camping and Zenning
(Part of the ongoing Dtrategy Series from the Glory of War)
This will probably be of little use to many people but since a few have commented on my city placement "camp" system I decided I'd put it all down in a step by step illustration.
Basically this came about from me wanting to absolutely minimize corruption and maximize city production for Diety level and Multiplayer. The added kicker is that in Multiplayer the minimization of land use gives you an artificially low score compared to others and your opponents tend to discount you as a minor threat.

After I build my first city I establish the camps. The system supports up to four but sometimes there's a mountain or water tile in the way so it doesn't always work out perfect. They go right in the "Achilles Corners", you know those nasty little corners where the enemy can move his two movement units into your territory and still have a movement left to attack.
