ToE automatically gives you whatever tech you are currently researching. Therefore, the above states that it is best to time is so that you are not wasting anything. For example you can research sanitation in 5 turns and atomic theory in 10 (I am making these numbers up for demonstration purposes). You are building the ToE, and will have it built in 7 turns. Therefore, if you want to do some research, research sanitation because you will just waste the 7 turns you spent on atomic theory when the ToE is built.
You can also just switch all science to 0 and get lots of gold.
As in the above example you get Sanitation in 5 turns, those 2 turns between building the ToE and completing your research, you should set your tax at the max otherwise you are just wasting resources.
Then, after getting the first tech (the one you were researching), you pick another tech, and presto whamo, you get that one also. Now you pick another tech to research, and all proceeds as before you built the wonder.
To use quotes, type [ and quote followed by ]. To end the quote type [ and / and quote and ]. (Leave out all the ands and the spaces).
You can also just switch all science to 0 and get lots of gold.
As in the above example you get Sanitation in 5 turns, those 2 turns between building the ToE and completing your research, you should set your tax at the max otherwise you are just wasting resources.
Then, after getting the first tech (the one you were researching), you pick another tech, and presto whamo, you get that one also. Now you pick another tech to research, and all proceeds as before you built the wonder.
To use quotes, type [ and quote followed by ]. To end the quote type [ and / and quote and ]. (Leave out all the ands and the spaces).