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Fighting for a Father's Love

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  • Fighting for a Father's Love

    Shots rang out through the morning mist. The peaceful wisps of fog over the field were being stirred up by the frightened buck. small pools of crimson exposed the path of the swiftly moving, but swiftly tiring deer. Each bound of the animal left a bit more blood, and it ran down the once-clean hide without hindrance. Soon, the beast came to an old bed he had used two weeks ago and lay down upon the matted grass. The beast's eyes slowly glazed over as he drew his last breath.

    A cry of joy split the midmorning air, John had placed his son in the old blind that he had used as a child when the post-shot cry rang out. Words had yet to be spoken, but John unloaded his gun and began his descent from the tree.

    "DAD! DAAAD!!!! I got one, a big one!!!"

    "I sure hope so, you put five rounds in him"

    "Actually, my first shot was the only one that hit him."

    This made John smile, he took great pride in his family's "eagle eye," all the men were excellent marksmen, and now his 8 year-old son, William, had shown that he too, had the gift.

    "Well, if your first shot was the only one that hit, why did you let the rest of your clip out on him?"

    "He was soo big, and he was running fast."

    "Alright, well, where was he when you hit him? We'll follow his trail."

    They walked over to where William had claimed to have hit the deer, and began walking in slow deliberate circles around the spot.

    John spotted the blood almost immediately, but this was his son's deer, and John would only intervene if they got way off track. William spotted the blood a little bit later, and soon they had the spot marked and were following the trail.

    When they found the deer, it was about two miles from William's blind, and the deer was exactly as William had said, big.

    "Do you know what this is son?"

    "What Dad?"

    "Perfection son... perfection."

    William knew this was his father's highest compliment, as he had only seen his dad use the compliment on his brother's graduation from Harvard Law School. William had tasted this at an early age, and was highly motivated to recieve the compliment again, as they dragged the deer out, William was working harder than John ever would have wished him to.

    10 years later...

    "What do you mean you've enlisted!!"

    "I mean, I want to fight for the country, I want to die for the country if need be, but most of all, I want to taste battle"

    "You're a 4.0 Student! You've earned all the college credit you need to start out as a Sophomore in College next year, and YOU ENLISTED!?"

    John had served in the military, and had seen things while there that he would never wish upon his most hated of enemies, and would fight to keep from the eyes of his youngest son.

    "Dad, I'm 18 years old, which means it is my call, not yours."

    "Son, if you feel that the military is your true calling, then let it be so, but make damned sure you make me proud, the only perfect battle is the one where nobody dies."

    ok, it's 2 a m PM me ad nauseum if I don't add to this before Monday.
    First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
    Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...

  • #2
    pretty good, seems more serious than your other works, but it's really rather good.
    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


    • #3

      The newspaper headline displeased John immensely. All his children had complained about the idiot kid in their history class that always asked "Why don't the U.S. just invade Canada? They're practically the 51st state anyway." Well, one of those idiot kids had gone and gotten himself elected president, so now U.S. troops were heading Northward.

      "The kids were right Martha, there are idiots who support this."

      "Don't let it get to you John, William's an officer, officers don't die as much as regular soldiers."

      "That's because there's not as many of them!!"

      John loved his wife, but sometimes she said some really stupid things.

      "I wouldn't fret about it still, you said yourself that his shooting makes it look like you couldn't hit the broadside of Rosie O'Donnel."

      He laughed at this "Yeah, I guess you're right, something tells me that William will play a significant role in this war though. Just you wait and see."

      International Falls, Minnesota

      William and his small platoon of snipers boarded the helicopter. This mission was unprecedented in the history of United States warfare.

      As the whirlybird slowly lifted off the ground, William had only one thought in his mind, 'make Dad proud.'

      The helicopter picked up speed, and they were off.

      The pilot came over the speaker, "Gentlemen, welcome to Canada."

      "Oh great," William thought, "a smart-assed pilot."

      The helicopter came to a hover two feet above the ground, William and his platoon jumped out, and the helicopter sped away.

      William ran to some tree cover, and opened up the briefing they had given him.


      Your mission is to prevent the Canadians from making a preemptive strike by assassinating their commander before they get to U.S. soil.

      Your objectives are:[list=1][*]Establish Sniping Positions[*]Terminate all threats from enemy scouts[*]Terminate the enemy commander at all costs[*]Once the Commander is dead, you're on your own to make it back to the U.S.A.[/list=1]

      William got the men ready, the highway was now covered.

      More to come at a later time, I could use some feedback tho.
      First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
      Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


      • #4
        Looking interesting so please continue.
        A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


        • #5
          Well mark, you gonna cntinue this?

          Don't be shy, it's ok.... we'll read it.
          Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


          • #6
            He should've continued this. BTW, is it just a coincidence this was written after he got mad at me for making that Greatest Story of the Forum poll and he named the dad John?
            "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

