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Dulce Et Decorum Est

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  • #46
    Spartacus led awake, thoughts running through his head about as to what Alexander could be up to.

    And if it was Alexander, how?

    He heard a scratching sound at the door, but remained silent.

    Josh was standing by Spartacus's door, gun in hand. He was considering ending this now, six months after Nicholas's death, and a week before Spartacus's second coronation.

    Then Spartacus's head turned towards him as he poked his head in the door, and he smiled warmly at the old man lying in bed.

    "Just checking you were okay," Josh lied. He shut the door behind him and headed back to bed.


    Spartacus grinned in the dark. Josh had been concerned for his safety ever since that terrible night.

    His thoughts were interrupted by the squeaking of the patio door.

    How the hell does Alexander get past that lock?! Spartacus thought angrily, then realised who it must be.

    His dear brother, Alexander.

    He reached underneath his pillow for his pistol, then jumped out of bed, ready to fight.

    But it wasn't Alexander silhouetted against the moonlit balcony.

    The moonlight revealed a very different figure.

    A muddy Nicholas, hair matted with blood and eyes cold, stared back at Spartacus.

    Spartacus screamed at the horrific sight, then saw the pistol pointed at him.

    He brought his own pistol up to meet the unnerving stare of his supposedly dead son.

    "You would kill you own son, dad?" It was Nicholas's voice, but it was cold and unfeeling, mocking and chilling.

    A zombie?! Spartacus's mind raced.

    But this figure was much quicker than a zombie. Spartacus saw Nicholas's finger twitch on the trigger, and he threw himself backwards and sideways onto the bed. A bullet smacked into the wall behind, directly where his head would have been had he remained still.

    I may be three-quarters of a century old, Spartacus thought grimly, but I can still fight like a young 'un.

    Nicholas jumped over the bed, and Spartacus retreated from it, then dived forwards over it, and underneath the dead man's legs.

    He rolled, and quickly stopped then turned.

    The supposedly-dead Nicholas turned quickly to aim, but he was too slow for Spartacus, who fired twice into his head.

    Then collapsed backwards against the wall, feeling weak and despairing.

    For in his eyes he had just killed his own son.


    Josh shook his head.

    "It's definitely only pig's blood, and the mud has been wiped on. As for the DNA though, it's an exact match..."

    "So it is Nicholas!" Spartacus recoiled. What if it was Nicholas, trying to show that he was still alive? What if I mis-interpreted it? No, he shook his head. He tried to kill me, it isn't Nicholas in mind anyway!

    "No, I think it might be a genetic clone."

    "Either way, it's a signal." Spartacus spoke calmly.

    "A signal of what?" Josh asked.

    "Alexander is back, and he's coming for me."


    More to come soon!

    Thanks for reading, comments appreciated!

    Chris AKA Nemesis
    Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


    • #47
      Hey now, you feed us shorties once in three days, you starve us, and then you give us a ton of stuff? Chrisius' brain's fried already, you want to get rid of us, too?

      The moral: give us more stuff every day! Definitely great read. Keep 'em coming, Nemesis!
      XBox Live: VovanSim (login required)
      Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
      Spore page


      • #48
        Gurgle gurgle grunt grunt splurgh hummm,
        A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


        • #49
          Spartacus nodded, and Josh pulled open the drawer.

          This wasn't any ordinary drawer though. This was one in the Hoplite morgue, a small cabinet of death where bodies of enemies of the state, and some good people too, were preserved to be examined by scientists to try and figure out what made them evil, or what made them good, and for tests to be done on them concerning crimes.

          The drawer opened to reveal the body of Alexander, Spartacus's dead brother - and looking exactly like the man that Spartacus had seen when Josh had been captured.

          But he's still as dead as ever... Spartacus mused. It seems that the new Alexander must be a genetic clone, which means he's just got Alexander's capabilities, not Alexander's genius, experience or memories. Also, it means that he may not be completely evil... Unless a brain transplant surgeon got to him, but that's a new process, just developed in America...

          Spartacus read the chart that Josh handed him.

          "Last looked at seven years ago. That means the last time he was moved was many years before the American doctors even began to look into brain transplants."

          "So while Alexander's supporters may have been able to get DNA slides from elsewhere, there is no way they could have got his brain." Josh said in a that's-that-then tone, and began to slide the drawer back in.

          "Wait." Spartacus ordered. He saw stitches in Alexander's head, which wasn't unusual since the coroner would have had to examine the part of the brain hit by the bullet, but this was on the opposite side of the head.

          They hadn't taken the brain out, merely looked at the damaged section to write the post mortem, and that meant there shouldn't be stitches on the other side.

          "Scissors." Spartacus demanded of the medical Hoplite beside him. "Cut those stitches now!"

          Spartacus noticed Josh turn pale.

          "Don't worry, brains don't look as bad in here as they do on the battlefield," he grinned.

          Except when the stitches were cut and the scalp pulled open, there wasn't one.

          Great, just great. Spartacus thought. What must I do to kill that man?!


          The last chapter to come tomorrow or the next day!

          Comments appreciated, and thanks for reading!

          Chris AKA Nemesis
          Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


          • #50
            Hello everyone Im the new Chrisius Maximus freshly cloned from the babbling idiot that you all knew and loved. As you may or may not be aware my predecessors brain had been fried by this excellent story, but dont worry the inside of my new skull has been coated with teflon and I should be able to withstand the rigours of reading the rest of this story.

            Great work as ever cbraund
            A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


            • #51
              He stared at the screen, watching footage from fifty years ago.

              "You should have let me have my own way. Then I wouldn't have had to do this. Such dangerous games you play, father."


              Spartacus began to leave the Parthenon, once again the King of the Greek Empire.

              He had been alive 75 years, and for one third of that he had been King. And now if he lived to a hundred, it would be half his life.

              Too long, Spartacus thought, as the burden of the job he had been doing since the death of his son once again crashed down on him. He had the power to send men to their deaths, and had done so too many times, and had the ability to guide the destiny of an Empire.

              He was glad he had good advisors, who would tell him if he was doing something wrong, whereas Alexander had overruled anyone who had questioned his authority, allowing him to make big mistakes.

              Alexander. Spartacus thought sadly. Everything comes back to him. He certainly proves the saying "What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger"...

              He walked out of the Parthenon, to millions of adoring citizens, crowded around the Acropolis Hill, all the way into both Victory and City Squares, and all of the summit that they were allowed in. The way down was lined with people too.

              He nodded at Josh, commanding the small Hoplite guard. The security was low, admittedly, but there were four Hoplites including Josh at Spartacus's side, and police armed with batons were holding the crowds back. The two regiments of Hoplites, and the one regiment of Avengers were the only forces inside Athens, and they were in Athens Palace waiting to parade for their King.

              He walked through the guard, and felt a chill go down his spine.

              Something isn't right here...

              He glanced around. The four Hoplites were the closest people for about ten metres, where the crowd waited for him to walk to the podium and make his speech.

              The policemen held them back, and he couldn't see anything wrong, but he could feel it.

              Oh well, here goes nothing...

              Spartacus stepped up to the podium.

              And saw the two police nearest to him turn, and Josh draw his pistol, in response he thought.

              The two police drew pistols from inside their uniforms, and Spartacus saw their faces.

              A man who looked a lot like Alexander.

              And Alexander himself.


              Spartacus went for his pistol, only to realise he wasn't carrying one.

              He only had the Athens Sword, the sword all Greek Kings wore for their coronations, which had rarely been used in combat since Phillip had ordered it made for his coronation as the first King of the Greek Empire.

              It was a good sword, probably better than most of the ones he used since it was made of titanium reinforced with diamond, and with a comfortable hand grip, but it had rarely been used and was no match for a pistol.

              In the midst of that thought, he heard shots from behind him, which he assumed was Josh and the Hoplites firing at Alexander, but he turned to see Josh aiming his pistol at the other Hoplites. They had their pistols out, and had fired, but their rounds had been replaced with blanks.

              Josh was a traitor.

              It hit Spartacus like an entire Hoplite regiment, and his mind furiously raced through the past, looking for the signs that must have been there.

              One made Spartacus feel sick to his stomach. Justin's last word hadn't been a doting father asking his friend to look after his son, but a warning that his son was a traitor.

              And a murderer.

              Spartacus nodded his submission to Alexander, then watched as Josh slowly guided the three Hoplites to the side of the spectacle.

              "The great Spartacus, finally brought to surrender by people he thought he could trust. How typical." Alexander mocked him.

              "You won't get away with this, the Hoplites and the Avengers are only down in the Palace, and they will never accept you as King. You may get other regiments to join you, but they won't while the Hoplites and Avengers are against you. And I know this time, you have none of the Greek Army with you."

              "Who needs them? In the time since dear little Nick's death, I've been building an army of a different kind.

              "A clone army, based on a certain friend of yours. Justin Daniels, the perfect soldier - obedient, trustworthy and a deadly fighter."

              Spartacus's blood ran cold.

              "That's right. I have ten regiments of these elite Hoplites surrounding the Palace now, and they will destroy your little fanatics if they don't surrender. As for the loyalty of the people, I think they will be swayed by the ten thousand clones I have within their midst.

              "Now, order your citizens and your soldiers to lay down their arms and support me, their true King, dear brother." Alexander ordered.

              Spartacus simply nodded, and walked towards the microphone that would carry his voices to the millions of citizens, and on TV would carry his voice to the entire Greek Army.

              "My people, it seems this will be my last order as your King. I order you to recognise the true King," he shot a venomous glance at Alexander, who merely grinned.

              Spartacus drew the Athens Sword, and knelt, leaning on the sword's handle.

              "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori." Spartacus said, earning a bemused look from Alexander, who didn't speak a word of Latin. But Josh and the Hoplites with him did, and he was already moving to stop them.

              "This will probably be my last act as your King," Spartacus continued, kneeling still. Then he stood quickly, thrusting the sword skywards and catching Alexander off guard. "I order you to fight, fight this evil, never surrender! For it is good and glorious to die for your country!"

              The bullet screamed past Spartacus's head, as he was already moving now.

              So were the crowd and police, already surging for those who had produced guns.

              The fires of hell had come to Athens, but the people were ready to fight for their freedom.

              And Alexander cursed his mistake as crowds and one of the Hoplites charged at him.


              Lt. Colonel Sean Roberts, in command of the regiments based at the Palace for this celebration had been watching the drama unfold on the huge TV in the Palace courtyard with those regiments.

              They had heard Alexander's words, and noticed the forces moving the crowd away and assembling at the gates.

              But they had waited to see Spartacus's orders.

              And now they had them.

              The Hoplites and Avengers charged under the main arch out towards the parade ground, and the main gates where Alexander's troops waited.

              The gate fell as Alexander's forces smashed their way in, but they met the furious "fanatics" as Alexander had called them.

              Sean was leading the charge, and was shaken by the expected - that the clones would look like Justin, just with dyed hair or facial hair to help them blend into the crowd.

              The charging forces had bayonets ready, and many had pulled out their swords.

              No one really had a battle plan, but one was forming in Sean's mind.

              Looking at the huge forces infront of him, he just hoped it would work.


              Spartacus turned, to see Josh finishing off one of the Hoplites, the other two having rushed to fight the other two invaders while the third wrestled with Josh.

              The bullet ended the Hoplite's life, but his death grip closed on Josh's pistol, dragging it down with him.

              Josh fought to pull it away from him, but his hands were slick with blood.

              He saw Spartacus charging at him, and fumbled to draw his sword.

              For seventy five years old, he sure is fast was the thought going through his mind as his hand finally grasped the handle.

              He drew the sword, and he moved to parry Spartacus's first swing.

              Spartacus put everything he had into that swing, all the anger at his son and Justin's death, at Josh's betrayal, and at Alexander.

              And it worked. The titanium blade cut through Josh's sword, and Josh looked stunned as he was left with a stump of a sword.

              Just shows I really should have asked for better equipment for the Hoplites, was the last thought to go through his mind as Spartacus swung again, this time aiming for his neck.


              The two forces had met in a huge clash, and the initial killing had taken place. Sean had expected the clones to get the upper hand, since Justin had been renowned as a great swordsman, but whether it was through the clone's lack of experience or the absolute fury of the loyalists, the exchange had been fairly equal, or possibly even in the loyalist's favour.

              He had then ordered the Hoplites to begin withdrawing, as the Avengers, who had been further back due to their position in the courtyard opened fire to cover them.

              They had withdrawn not to the courtyard, but into the Palace. This fight was one in which Spartacus wouldn't give a damn what damage was caused to the Palace or anything in it, and it's structure would help the defenders.

              The Hoplites had taken up positions at the top of the grand staircase that greeted people who entered the Grand Hall of the Palace, and now began to fire upon the clones as they followed the Avengers in and up the staircase.

              Not even Justin's abilities in the clones could stop the slaughter. Alexander had overlooked the fact that the clones had no experience, just abilities, instincts and training, and that in this big a mass they were easy targets.

              But they were still pushing forwards, and the retreat up the two staircases leading up either wall from this main staircase began.

              The Hoplites split into their two regiments, with each going to one staircase. The front ranks had bayonets and swords ready, fighting the front ranks of Alexander's forces, while the rows behind fired either at those forces still entering the Grand Hall through the front doors or over the shoulders of the men infront into the front ranks of the enemy.

              The Avengers had rushed up to the next landing, and now aimed down at the clones below them, who were pushing in a huge mass up the staircase, then splitting into two groups to shove themselves against the slowly retreating Hoplites.

              Swords were soon dropped in the front ranks of both sides, as the crush left little room for swinging or stabbing with a sword. Instead both front ranks kept to bayonets, shoving them hard into each other's ranks, and unable to pull them back out. Swords and bayonets reached over their shoulders to kill yet more of the enemy's front ranks.

              The slaughter was on both sides, but the invaders were the ones losing the most men as they had the worse position.

              But they had men to spare. The loyalists didn't.


              Spartacus barely noticed the slaughter amongst the crowds, who were butchering the clones amongst them, even if they surrendered, which very few did.

              He was concentrating on Alexander, who had broken free of the crowds around him to rush at Spartacus.

              Alexander had his sword drawn, knowing that was the way this fight would be settled - not with some cowardly pistol. He didn't worry about his sword breaking, it was made of titanium too, since he had known what the Athens Sword was made of, and had prepared just incase it came to this.

              The two met with a clash of swords, as they had so many times before.

              Spartacus parried Alexander's original swing, then thrust towards his stomach.

              Alexander knocked it aside, and kicked Spartacus's knee, forcing him down onto it.

              Alexander tried to play this advantage by stabbing downwards, only for Spartacus to dodge to one side, and stab into Alexander's left armpit.

              Alexander jumped backwards instinctively, allowing Spartacus to leap to his feet.

              He's old! I should be able to defeat him easily now! Alexander raged. And why did I jump backwards when I can't feel any pain! Although it seems the anger neurons have reconnected...

              The rage built inside him, and he charged once more at Spartacus.

              Spartacus was surprised at the renewed fury of Alexander's attacks, and parried one after another. He backed away, and Alexander followed.

              Then Spartacus tripped on a step of the Parthenon, and fell backwards into a pillar.

              Alexander screamed in triumph as he stabbed the sword into Spartacus, listening carefully for the clang of metal on stone to make sure the sword went all the way through.

              It did, and Spartacus collapsed on the steps of the Parthenon.


              The clones finally poured into the Throne Room, the loyalists's last refuge, to meet a hail of gunfire.

              They were beginning to run out of ammo, and Sean just prayed for the battle to end soon.

              The rush of clones continued, and more were cut down.

              Then no more came.

              They had won.


              Spartacus put his hands over the wound, a rasping sound coming from his lungs as he spoke.

              "You may have killed me, but the people will never surrender."

              "You may be mistaken dear brother. See how they have stopped to watch this fight? Everyone knows that the Kings of Greece are it's heart, and whoever wins here will win the heart of this great nation."

              The words were boomed over the crowds, where many jeered them.

              "Now, Spartacus," Alexander picked up Josh's pistol, which had been carefully marked to prevent any mishaps this time. "It is time to die."

              He pointed the pistol, and his finger reached for the trigger.

              The people looked away in horror, and heard the gunshot, but looked back at the TVs or the drama infront of them to see Alexander collapse, a bullet having gone straight through his brain, shattering it once and for all.

              "I found out that he murdered Phillip, my grandfather." Alex Jnr explained simply to the dying King.

              "Like father, like son." Spartacus rasped with a smile. "You will make a fine King," he said to someone he had never met before.

              And with that he surrendered to Death, who had finally claimed the life of this great King.

              The remaining clones laid down their arms, and Greece wept.

              Then went up a cheer that began from the Palace.

              "The King is dead, long live the King!"


              King Alexander II rode behind Spartacus's coffin, marvelling at the millions that had turned out for this, the funeral of the King.

              The day before had been the funeral of all those who had died in this tragedy, those who had died a good and glorious death fighting for their country.

              Alex had ordered his father's remains turned into ashes, where they would be placed between Spartacus and Phillip, where Alexander could be watched by their ghosts.

              The future was bright for Greece, and the Civil Wars had finally ended.

              But it had claimed the lives of three great Kings - Phillip, Nicholas and greatest of all, Spartacus.

              Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori, Alex thought as the procession reached the Palace.


              That's it! Thanks for reading!

              Comments appreciated!

              Chris AKA Nemesis
              Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


              • #52
                Great stuff, Nemesis! Like all the previous stories, very engaging, and interesting. Read the last two installments on one breath.
                XBox Live: VovanSim
       (login required)
                Halo 3 Service Record (I fail at FPS...)
                Spore page


                • #53
                  A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


                  • #54
                    A truly wonderful ending to a fantastic series...

                    to Nemesis!!!
                    I don't conquer -
                    I obliterate


                    • #55
                      Definitely a masterful ending to an incredible series. The suspense is kept taut throughout the whole thing, and the end is truly magnificent.

                      Long live cbraund!


                      • #56
                        How long did it take to write that last chapter chris?

                        Nice job, you've inspired me to write the next part of Crusader now....
                        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                        • #57
                          About half an hour to an hour.

                          And thanks everyone for their compliments

                          Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."

