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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
“It’s been four days since Fornalin, Cornelius and the riders departed.” Pavil stated. Philip and Pavil were gathering firewood from the pile near the large barn. Winter was here and it barely began its occupation. Light snow fell but never settled. Still not one Immortal, not one Persian, not one soul had arrived at the Valen home. Everyday the two did their choirs and waited for an arrival. Everynight Cornelius’ wife, Eliza, sat with Philip and Pavil by the fire and conversed, but most of the time they waited…and yet no sign.
“Four days, indeed, Pavil. But be patient, my friend. The Immortals are loyal, I am sure they will arrive.” Philip optimistically replied as he slowly bent downwards in an effort to grab one more small log.
“And of Fornalin and Cornelius? Do you suppose they’ve reached that old fellow in the mountains?” Pavil asked, content with the amount of wood he already held.
“I highly doubt so. I would guess one more day would bring them there. Although, the North Mountains are treacherous and full of winter storms throughout the seasons, very unusual place. It will be a difficult task, indeed, just to navigate through that.” Philip said nodding towards the north.
“Well, they are in my prayers every night, just like the message riders. Let us hope all goes as planned.” Pavil declared.
“Yes, I pray as well. Let us go inside now. I am sure this is enough.” They walked back into the home of Valen.
December 17th 1467AD
It was as if a banished demented god was raging in the north mountains, a place where he would be banished forever. The blizzards were horrendous, the cold was as sharp and painful as a thousand knives. One could not look but four feet in front, for the snow seemed nearly as thick in the air as it was on the ground. Whiteness was the sole color besides the occasional grey when the god wished for the trespassers to behold his domain. The two generals were lucky enough to experience a few openings in the storm every now and then that would allow their eyes to behold their course. Finally after but two days of roaming the mountains of the north they came across their destination. Only by the skill of Cornelius’ navigation, the luck of the royal Fornalin, the mercy of the winter god, and the guidance of their mentor did they find the cave. Zhuge Liang found them twenty or so yards from the entrance and he guided them in his home. Once they entered through the vines it seemed the storm stopped, as if there was no storm, ever.
They followed their old mentor through the lit tunnel, and finally into a grand hall.
He guided them to a cozy fire. Unusually it seemed a dull fire in appearance, but the heat it gave off was as if the Great God himself was breathing upon you. They obeyed their mentor’s every command, they were too cold to speak, too cold to think.
The old mentor walked to a desk at the other end of the hall, where he sat and began writing.
The two Immortals looked around and were stricken with awe. Their eyes beheld a grand library with thousands of books and scrolls. And upon wooden tables were many unusual gadgets that one could not fairly explain their purpose nor their appearance. On another long desk were cups of various elixirs and maybe potions, or possibly they were but ale or strong liquors. Either way steam rose from the liquids.
Their pondering was interrupted.
A low aged chuckle echoed the hall.
“My two best students are here in my home. I knew you two would arrive. I have waited, for I noticed the despair flooding the Persian lands, and I knew that the great men of old would arise from their humble homes and throw back the darkness.” Again the old man laughed, more heartily this time. His laugh soon faded into an expression of annoyance, “But I must say…what in heaven’s name took you so long.”
Fornalin and Cornelius chuckled at their master’s sense of humor. He still had it.
Fornalin stepped forward.
“I am sorry, Master Zhuge Liang, for I did not wish to concern myself or my family with the affairs outside our home. And I know now, that it was selfish.” He bowed.
Zhuge Liang smiled at him. Then his smile faded as he turned to Cornelius.
“And you! What is your excuse, Cornelius.” He scorned.
“…quite similar to Lord Fornalin, Master.” He chuckled.
“Nonsense! Both of your excuses are for the stupid!” He scolded, raising his voice to a low boom. They bowed in shame, like children being scolded by their father. He began walking towards them, “But what is important…is that you are here now and are ready to fulfill your duties to Persia.” He placed his hands on both their shoulders. He was amazingly the same height as both, and he still held great stature, rigid and straight he stood. His hair was as white as the snow and his pointy goatee fell to his chest.
He gave them a quick smile. Then turned away and began walking back to his humble desk. His students followed.
“You knew we were coming? But how?” Fornalin asked as he followed his mentor. Cornelius close behind.
“You should know better than to ask such a foolish question, my young pupil.” Master Zhuge Liang said as he sat. Cornelius snickered like back in the days when they were children, under the supervision of their mentor.
“I am sorry, Master. It seems you know everything always.” Fornalin humbly replied. He and Cornelius sat in the chairs across the desk, opposite of their mentor.
“Haha,” Master Zhuge Liang laughed, “There is something I do not know the answer to. Why is Lord Eleazer not in your company? I expected him to have arrived as well. For the three of you come as one, you are sworn brothers. There were times when one of you would have failed utterly and the Persian Kingdom would have been doomed, but the three of you together filled the empty holes of weakness, and held the Kingdom together.”
“We know, Master. I sent for Eleazer when we left, we do not know his exact location. And we departed the morning after Fornalin’s arrival at my home. Believe me, Master, if we could have him here we would have him as such. But such circumstances showed us it would not be so.” Cornelius replied to his mentor.
Master Zhuge Liang nodded.
“Very well. We shall get started.” He said, “You’ve come to me for counsel. A most difficult war is on the horizon. The most difficult war that has yet to come to the glorious Persian lands. Tell me your plans, Immortals, thus far.” Zhuge Liang said.
Cornelius and Fornalin looked at each other.
“Well, Master, such definite plans are not yet created. Before we left we dispatched thirty riders to spread the message to the people and to inform the Immortals of the rally. They will gather at Cornelius’ home.” Fornalin said.
“I see. And how many Immortals do you expect to arrive.” Zhuge Liang shot back.
“Of the Immortals since their last meeting, including the twenty of the most elite of them…I would say about three hundred.” Fornalin said after having thought about it.
“I see. Three hundred of the most fearsome warriors in the world.” Zhuge Liang said, remembering them…they truly were the elite of the elite. Even from his homeland he’d never seen such warriors, and it was because of the three sworn brothers that they were so. But now their numbers dwindled, and the great soldiers would never be like they once were…or so he thought.
“But it is still three hundred against tens of thousands.” Zhuge Liang stated after his flashback.
Fornalin looked down in acknowledgment.
“I know.”
“How big of an army do you suppose you could raise?” Zhuge Liang pressed on with another question.
“Me and Cornelius discussed this. We would strike Russian posts in the west, throughout all of western Persia. Then we would capture the western port city of Tarsus and make it the temporary base of operations. There, we would build up our forces, up to eight thousand at the very least. Then we would train, train, and train. I am sure we could accomplish this while the Russians organize a force then begin marching across Persia to quell the revolt. Then we would have to defeat that force, I am not that worried, for the Russians will believe we are but peasant resistors. After the battle with their army, we will then go on the offensive to take more land, and recruit more soldiers. Cornelius said there are still nobles throughout Persia that still field an army, paying huge amounts of tribute to the Russians to leave them be. We could recruit them. But of course, the next wave of offensives from the Russians is where my worries lie.” Fornalin felt exhausted, and in much need of rest and food. But he would wait until they were finished.
“You still have the talents of a commander, Fornalin. I am proud. But you ignore threats that could come from elsewhere.” Zhuge Liang informed. He sat, with both arms on a map, laid out on the desk.
“What do you mean, Master?” Cornelius asked.
“The Romans are a rising power, and an imminent threat once they see Persia striving and fighting for their Kingdom’s existence. They want revenge for their loss of the war many years ago. They will quickly join the fight to aid the Russians, for vengeance…and loot of the famous Persian riches.” Zhuge Liang said as he pointed at the Roman Empire on the map. Southeast of Persia.
“And…the Greeks are not to kind of Persia either. They will strike and wreak havoc upon the spoils of war.” Zhuge Liang continued…pointing to the Greek city-states. Southwest of Persia.
“Both of these nations are strong. You face a war with three of the most powerful nations of the known world…and you will fight them when Persia is at its weakest.” The Master had spoken.
Fornalin and Cornelius had completely overlooked this. They were shocked, their jaws gaped open as they stared at the two mighty Kingdoms. They shivered in fear as they imagined what would have happened had they not come to Zhuge Liang before they began a war.
“What do you advise, Master? The odds, so great they were, now are even more against us than ever. It would take a god to overcome them!” Fornalin exclaimed. Cornelius nodding in agreement beside him.
“Yet all it MUST take is a king, and his two sworn brothers. For that is what Persia has. Wits and valor will count more now than ever before.” Zhuge Liang told him simply.
Fornalin sighed and ran his hand through his hair. Stress began to seep in to his already exhausted body. Never did he stress, but now it would have been most impossible for him not to.
“Here is my advice, my young friends. And you will get more than just counsel, believe me.” Master Zhuge Liang said as he pointed at them, “You must gather your friends, gain allies. The enemy of your enemy…is your friend.”
He then pointed at another country on the map. West of Rome and East of Greece, wedged between the two nations.
“The young wealthy nation of Carthage! Their soldiers are not up to par with the grand Immortals…but their leader is among the best I have studied. His name…Hannibal Barca. They despise the Romans. The senate of Rome has been trying to take away the Carthaginian superiority of trade in the region. After the war they call, the Punic War, they gained victory…and Carthaginian trade is limited because of the restrictions the overpowering Romans have set in place. They will go to war with Rome, if you can convince Hannibal to do so.” Zhuge Liang then slid his finger to another nation…to the East of the Roman Empire.
“The infant nation of Gaul, my ignorant pupils.” He chuckled, “They have harassed the Romans for centuries but have never quite injured them. But the Romans have never quite injured the Gallic people either. They signed a truce about eight years ago, my friends. If you convince them, they will attack once Hannibal attacks and Rome is concentrated on you and he. While Rome is weak they will exploit their advantage and strike the Roman weak flank whilst they do not expect it. I am sure they will not refuse, for they thirst for Roman blood, and now that a most sweet opportunity has presented itself, they will not turn a blind eye.”
Both Fornalin and Cornelius were impressed by their old mentor and friend. Usually one’s mind would erode while time passes, but it seems time has no effect on this man’s mind, it only grows stronger…wiser.
“But what of the Greeks?” Cornelius asked.
“Hannibal will not attack Greece, for it does not concern him. And Gaul is too distant to do much, but even then they will not involve themselves with the Greeks.” Zhuge Liang replied.
“Then what shall we do about them?” Fornalin asked with urgency.
“They are split among city-states and they quarrel among themselves often. But for recent years they’ve grown in harmony and cooperation…thus their growing power. You must feed on their past weaknesses for it still lies under their surface.” Zhuge Liang replied. He pointed towards two cities in Greece…
“Athens and Sparta…they are two of the greatest among the city-states. And they are the leaders…and they are the ones who do the commanding.” He then guided his finger to another city-state, “but there is another great one, this one lurks in the shadows, though. Thebes. Not able to lead because Athens and Sparta do not allow them to they are forced to do as the Athenians and Spartans will it to, because of the Athenian-Spartan alliance. They still hold contempt for the other two, for in the last war among the city-states…the war for dominance…the Athenians and Spartans entered into an alliance to fight the Thebans…and they were victorious. Soon after, both Athens and Sparta became the dominant city-states of Greece. But the Thebans grew and regained their strength…waiting for their moment of vengeance and fulfillment.” He paused, “Now is their moment! Send a messenger to them…letting them know. They will send one back…and they will speak to you. You both shall plan when and where they shall turn against their rivals and strike…for the dominance of Greece.” He then paused and tapped his finger on a golden Persian coin on his desk, “You must pay for all of these alliances. The Persian gold, hidden all these years from the Russian hordes, you shall bring it out and pay for reparations. Do not worry, for there is plenty.” Zhuge Liang said with pride and confidence.
There was a pause. Then…
“Master…you are brilliant!” Fornalin said. He and Cornelius couldn’t help but laugh at their good fortune…although all still might not go as planned and even so the odds are still quite against them. But they must celebrate for the little victories and hopes…for that is the fuel that will feed them until true victory is in sight.
“Wait my young sons.” Zhuge Liang said with a smile. “You have another ally…”
“Who, Master? I can think of no other. But I must admit…before I came here I did not think we had any allies then either.” He exhaled a laugh, then waited for the answer.
Zhuge Liang then pointed off the map…way to the north.
“Do you not remember your adventures to the north, Fornalin?” Zhuge Liang asked. “A great man that you befriended gave you a promise.” He smiled, “I am sure he would gladly come to your aid and not only fulfill his promise…but his duty as friend.”
Fornalin remembered.
“The Northmen!” He exclaimed, “But they are too far away. And I have no ship nor do I have time.” Fornalin said in despair, “How could I have forgotten. But even if I had remembered it still would not have been in the graces of time.”
“But they are already on the move, young Persian! The great Viking Lord, Ragnar is on the move! I got the message a week ago.” Zhuge Liang said.
“By the heavens! How is such a thing possible, Master! How could you have had such foresight? And how could one of their messengers arrive so quickly?” Fornalin exclaimed. Cornelius cried out in exasperation as he raised his arms to the sky.
“Haha. Lord Ragnar’s messenger was an eagle, Fornalin. And the Northmen are coming to Persia’s aid. You fought their enemies for the safety of their kingdom…they are coming to return the favor.” Zhuge Liang said calmly.
Fornalin just sat there in awe of his master and in joy of such an explosion of hope. Cornelius was crying out in joy and dancing.
“Master, sometimes I wonder if there are others like you to the west in the unknown lands where you come from. But I doubt time could have created another man of such wisdom such as yourself.” Fornalin said in admiration.
“Even I had a mentor, Lord Fornalin.” Zhuge Liang said as he stood and began rolling up the map.
“And your mentor…what did you call him?” Fornalin asked standing as well. Hunger and sleep was overcoming his will, soon he must surrender to the masters.
“So long ago, it was. It seems mountains have fallen and rivers gone dry and new rivers born since such a memory took place.” He placed the rolled map on a shelf. And then he continued, “his name was Sun Tzu.”
OOC: Still no violence, yet. But there will be a fair share later.
Please share you views, what you like, what you dislike, what bores you, what you look forward to. Everything is welcomed.
Sorry for the wait, I'll try to not do that. But thanks for reading. I also need to continue my other war story.
Yeah to right Scratch if it aint then Ill hold him while you beat him with a huge trout
Just kidding East baby, this is fantastic and I for one am loving the build up.
I like your other story very much also but I have to say that in this piece your skills as a writer show vast improvements. Youve got me hooked at any rate keep it coming.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
Yeah to right Scratch if it aint then Ill hold him while you beat him with a huge trout
Just kidding East my baby, this is terrible and I for one am hating the build up.
I'm bored of your other story very much also but I have to say that in this piece of crap your skills as a writer show vast deteriation. Youve got me nauseous at any rate so keep a lid on it.
Chris, strange of you to mention the fish. There's going to be one in my next story if I ever start it (only 2 people liked my Santa story so I don't know if I'll bother again).
BTW East "baby", this story is a real wing-dinger.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.
A battle coming up?....There's a war coming up! you better install some seat belts in your chairs! No, just kidding about the seat belt thing. But still, there will be a few battles but I'm still blind as to when or where, I post each section right after I write it, so your author doesn't even know the ending...which makes it unpredictable!
Thanks for the encouragements, I'm not sure what a wing-dinger is, but hey I'll take your word for it.
As for the fish...there better be a story up soon, dude. They're hilarious.
Philip, Pavil, and Eliza sat by the cozy fire. Eliza was sharing the story of her first meeting with Cornelius. Then the conversation faded away.
"They're never going to come." Pavil said in despair.
Their conversation came to an abrupt halt by a knocking at the door. Eliza tried looking out the window but it was too dark to see. Finally, Philip walked over and opened it.
There stood, crowned by a layer of snow, a dark man …An Immortal.
December 26th 1467AD
Through Zhuge Liang’s guidance, Fornalin and Cornelius had descended from the North Mountains and were now joyously welcoming tame weather. Then Fornalin looked over towards Zhuge Liang.
“Are you sure you do not wish to come with us? Your counsel would be invaluable in the months to come.” He said to his mentor.
“Do not worry, my warriors. You will see me again. But now you shall ride back, and begin the most difficult of journeys, and endure the most perilous of fights…all for Persia…for the Kingdom of old.” He turned his old horse, and galloped back into the mists of the North Mountains.
Fornalin and Cornelius began their trip back to the Valen home. The future…deep in shadow.
December 31st 1467AD
They were upon a crest on the hill. The ground, trees, even the sky was white, evidense to heavy snow. Light snow fell like a whisper upon the shoulders of Fornalin and Cornelius. Below they witnessed a newly built corral, containing over three hundred horses. Every room in the home was lit, there was even a glow from inside the barn. Tents scattered the snow-covered ground and they beheld a few men walking about. F
Fornalin and Cornelius looked at each other, then smiled before they galloped down the hill and to the home.
On the second floor, in the largest room, a long table was situated with fifteen chairs surrounding it. And to the side was a small table with only two chairs. Cornelius shut the door and went to the seat on one end. On the other far end sat Fornalin Varha. And along the table sat thirteen of the most elite and experienced. Both Fornalin and Cornelius remembered each and every one of them. The fifteen soldiers sat in a sound proof room, oblivious to the busy activities outside. The fifteen Immortals were old yet amazingly their appearance gave the impression of an age much younger then the truth. But their eyes…one could tell were the eyes of the experienced and wise…and strong.
The meeting began.
“My loyal friends. My heart is filled with joy that you all have arrived…so quickly, too.” He looked at them with pride and joy. He began with the first…
“Hasduman…Borio…Phyllicus…Marion…Otto…Emir…Aimeliu s…Mazaeus…Datis…Croesus..Cyarxes…Darian…and young Belisarius.” Each one nodded as he said their names. He sipped his cup.
Philip and Pavil sat to the side of the room, watching and listening to the great men speak.
“You have rallied to me…you have rallied for Persia. Now that I see the Immortals gathered together once again, my spirit lightens. I would choose the strength of the Immortals over the strength of a god any day.” He said. A small light sparkled in the dark eyes of the men, even Cornelius.
“I hope you will follow me. For we will enter battle numerous times against insurmountable odds, some of us will not live to see the Kingdom of Persia victorious.” He said to the men with a grim expression.
Then Hasduman, the oldest, spoke up.
“You are our Captain,” He said, “Our King. And we would have it no other way.”
“Yes, Overvinna Nago,” Belisarius, the youngest, chimed in, “If we perish, perhaps we shall meet again in Valhalla!”
Everyone laughed.
“The Northmen are kind to us. But I doubt they will let us enter into their heaven!” Marion said as he laughed.
“Yes! Haha. At the gates we would be greeted by Thor’s hammer, I am sure!” Borio laughed heartily at his own joke.
Finally the laughing died down into sighs, and the seriousness returned to the room.
“Well then. Let us begin.” Fornalin said, “What is the final count of Immortals.”
“Four hundred and ten, my Lord.” Cornelius said. “We do not expect anymore, for this number already exceeds our original expectations.”
“That is good, Brother. Now here is the situation.” Fornalin said as he unrolled a map. He explained to them what Zhuge Liang said. Of possible threats. Of possible targets.
After a few hours of discussing strategies, Fornalin made his decisions.
“Here is what I want. Cornelius, send out your riders again to spread the word, especially about the Immortals’ return. They shall tell the people to provide extra stock of grain.” He said. Cornelius told Pavil to run to the Captain of the riders and send them out. Pavil ran out to fulfill the order.
“We shall split the Immortals into three forces and one command force, which I shall command. The three forces shall be split into smaller units. The objective is to take complete control of West Persia where we can raise an army and begin preparations for the oncoming offensives from Russia. Your force is to wipe out every Russian man in your area. I want you to cleanse every village, town and city.” He then pointed at the map, “The three commanders of the three forces shall be Borio, Emir, and Belisarius. Belisarius you will start by striking Fort Medes, first strike the villages and towns and clear them of Russian. Then strike the Fort. Do not allow any messengers to escape if you can will it. Emir, your sector is around Aleppo. Once you take Aleppo clear out the villages in your sector. Borio, you shall strike at Pasargadae. Remember, throughout the countryside you will wipe the enemy out, then your final strike shall the city or fort. I will lead my force to hit the city of Tarsus immediately. Then our armies shall move their way towards Fort Trilo.” His forefinger fell on top of the fort on the map, “This fort is unlike the areas that you will strike, it is defended well…more so than either city. We will gather then strike at the final remnant of Russian invaders in the west.” They all nodded in agreement.
Fornalin continued…
“Marion, Otto, Croesus, and Datis shall ride through Persia in all directions and scout the strengths and weaknesses of Russian power. Darian, you shall take a handful of men and ride to the Russian border and wait and watch. When you see their army on the march, you send a messenger to me. Then you follow them along, and keep observing their every move.” They all nodded.
“The remaining shall accompany me.” He concluded. He stood and beheld his cadre, “Rest well, brave warriors, train your men and make ready…we move when winter ends…and spring begins.” The meeting ended. They stood and bowed to their Captain, and they left the room.
Cornelius remained.
“Still no sign from our brother?” Fornalin asked him.
“No. Not one sound has been uttered to the whereabouts or health of Lord Eleazer.” He responded.
“Very well. Get your rest Cornelius.”
“Yes, Brother.” He turned.
“Wait, before you do. Send a few men to pick up my wife and son, for dangerous perils loom. They will be safer here then so far south.” Fornalin said. His eyes went out of focus as he thought of his beloved wife and clever son. He missed them, his heart ached by remembering…he tried to keep them from front of his mind and tried to focus on the arriving battles to come.
“Of course I will, Fornalin. I shall do so now. Do not worry my brother. The Russians have not but the slightest notion of what they are about to endure.”
His sworn brother left him alone in the room.
“I hope so, Cornelius…but I fear the fight will be what it wishes itself to be…and no god or Immortal has the power to alter it.” He said to himself, “I only hope my father’s strength and wisdom run through my veins as they did in his.”
OOC: hope you enjoy! Again, any feedback welcomed.
Heres a quick map I made. I might make a better one. It isn't to scale or anything and I leave out towns, villages, roads, rollings hills and such like that. Hope it helps. Plus I had to shrink it some to fit.
Thanks for the map East but where about is Fornalins home ?
Love the story
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
This definitely is a real hooby-doober of a story.
I drew some monsters in the mountains of that download map. Unfortunately for everyone else, I didn't upload it over the one you posted. Oh well, you can all draw your own monsters on it.
Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.