Excellent stuff . I have often thought that Mark and Dan could make a fortune just by selling strategy guides and short story collections they take from the forums . C'mon , write . We're all leaning over in anticipation .
No announcement yet.
Lands of Darkness
Lands of Darkness
Second Battle of Ergili River
September 14th 1468AD
Battlefield- outside the gates of the Persian camp
The din of battle deafened ears. The Russians routed almost immediately under the combined pressure of the two Persian armies. It was a melee, but a melee of slaughter. Eleazer’s cavalry combined with Belisarius and Datis’ cavalry arms circled the fighting, striking at any Russian soldiers trying to run and escape the call of death.
“Over there!” Belisarius cried out when he saw a small band of Russians frantically running away. He charged at them. Six others joined him in the pursuit. There were nearly twenty Russians. But they were so frightened they did not have an ounce of fighting spirit left. All purposeful thought escaped and all that they were now concerned with was surviving. Like a herd of sheep, fighting was no longer their frame of mind.
Belisarius reached the group first. He galloped in front of them and they all halted obediently and diverted their direction around the horseman. Finally the other cavalrymen arrived and proceeded to surround the flock of prey. Belisarius then charged in and began beheading the Russians with his scimitar that he had gotten many years ago in some past war or expedition. Soon, all twenty Russians littered the ground as corpses.
“ Resume your work!” Belisarius ordered. They dispersed as they hastily galloped back to their job of patrolling the onslaught.
Cornelius’ Persians, as wounded and exhausted as they were, fought with a new found energy. They could smell the victory in the air. The stench of sweat, piss, and blood on the battlefield was sweet to them as they were fully aware it was not their own. The pain from their wounds escaped them as they fought along side their brothers in arms and newly arrived brothers as they felt the fresh feeling of victory nearing.
“AHHHHHAHAHA!” a battle axe swept the air chopping a Russian’s midsection like a lumberjack cutting down a tree. It was Lord Eleazer, he had finally come to the call of his sworn brothers.
He swung his axe above his head like a lasso and brought it down upon another Russian. Blood splattered and added to his already blood soaked beard. Lord Eleazer was definitely the loudest of the three. He shouted and hollered curses like a madman. A very intimidating man even in such an environment as a battlefield. He lacked the finesse Cornelius and Fornalin had at warfare, but he still got the job done yielding his axe like a lumberjack and charging at groups of men like an insane bull.
Philip’s eyes were wide despite the blood and sweat seeping into them. He gripped his shortsword, his gift from Fornalin, like his life depended on it…which it did. A Russian charged at him, after searching for the easiest target he could find…and a wide-eyed 19 year old seemed perfect.
Philip grunted as he blocked the Russian’s sword in the air and pushed him away. The Russian charged again and Philip again blocked the strike this time kicking the man in the groin. The Russian heaved over giving Philip the open shot of slashing the Russian across the face, sending him to the earth.
His muscles ached, he breathed heavily and his heart drummed rapidly. But he fought on. Pavil no more than 10 feet away.
It began to rain again. But the din of battle decreased as the Russian numbers dwindled. Soon Persians were facing Persians and it became a task to find a Russian face to cut and maim. Then a sole blood-stained longsword pointed towards the sky. This usually meant a commander ordering a rally but in this circumstance it meant VICTORY!…which the cheers and cries of the victorious armies confirmed.
OOC: A little somethin somethin. Sorry for the wait, I was MIA for a bit. I had such a good audience, too. I'll try to get some more up, just that this story is big, i got fornalin's theatre, cornelius' theatre, soon another new theatre, and ahem another... big plans but no fuel.
I can handle a little taste in anticipation of a greater feast later.
Great work as always.
Can understand what you mean, I've written part of my next part to my own story, but haven't had time to finish it and post it.“The American people have now spoken, but it’s going to take a little while to determine exactly what
they said.” — President Clinton
Lands of Darkness
Fornalin Unmasked
September 15th 1468AD
Russian Fort Kiersk
He tried to hold it in, show no emotion…but at times he could not help it. The pain was unbearable and at times his screams would fill the night. But he remained as he always was. His head became clearer each day. Each hour he slowly began to be reborn as the King of War. Throughout the torture he remained Et Overvinna Nago…his name spoke true. He would get out, he must see his wife again for he began to truly convince himself that her life was spared.
“He is not like anyone I have ever tortured. His spirit is beyond divine. He has not even told us his name.” The Russian interrogator said to the Russian commander, out of earshot of Fornalin as he hung by his wrists.
“Keep trying. If he remains in defiance we will kill him.”
“Yes my lord.”
The officer turned and began to walk…
“You wish to know my name?” Fornalin spoke.
The Russian commander turned in a renewed interest.
“Yes, I do.” He said as he approached Fornalin and stood but a foot in front.
Fornalin spat in his face and laughed.
“Ha. You are not worthy. But I shall tell.”
The Russian wiped the saliva from his face, refraining from beating the Persian.
“MY name!” Fornalin said in a sigh. “ Is Et Overvinna Nago. Et Magnata Krigo. Fornalin Varha. I am a soldier. Captain of the infamous Immortals. Friend of the Norsemen. Son of a line of great Kings. And I myself, the next in line…but not the last. Once a reluctant Prince but now a reluctant King. But a King I am. A King on my rightful throne, I shall be.” He then stared into the Russian’s eyes with a renewed fury as he realized he could be the last king, for his son…his heir…was murdered.
The Russian commander, Suvorov, showed no emotion. He did not believe him but a part of him did just by the unwavering glare of the nude man hanging by his wrists. After many days of constant torture and exhaustion he still showed an undying strength and will in his eyes.
“Hmph. And why were you in some insignificant village? Instead of out on the battlefield leading your army?” the Russian asked.
Fornalin’s eyes went out of focus as he remembered it all. Guilt began to seep through his spirit as he felt he abandoned his men, but that guilt vanished as he remembered the face of his beloved wife. He wasn’t defeated by the torture, but willingly chose to speak for he decided the best way for escape was in transportation. If they knew of his importance the Czar of Russia himself would wish to see him.
“It is quite the tale. Let me down and I shall tell you everything.” They did as he asked. And he began to tell them everything, leaving out many details that were irrelevant to his goal or danger to the freedom warriors.
The Russo commander was convinced. And pleased indeed to have the most valuable man of Russian interest in his possession, especially once news of the battles of Ergili River and the destruction of Bera’s army reached the Russian ranks across the countryside and the Kremlin.
OOC: still smallish and no epicness yet...
Lands of Darkness
Cornelius and Eleazer
September 15th, 1468AD
Persian Camp, Ergili River
It stopped raining. Gray clouds kept the world in shade. The sun remained absent. The ground was mud and water and blood and flesh. The Russians were dead. The prisoners that were taken were slaughtered. The two Persian armies combined and became disorganized. It was a time for resting and burying the Persian dead, there was no order. But for now, it was tolerable. The impossible was made possible and the Persian odds shifted ever so slightly.
Cornelius made his way towards where he was told Eleazer was.
Lord Eleazer was standing, talking to one of his subordinates. Then he turned and saw Cornelius just as he halted. They stared in silence for an eternity. As if telling each other their stories through their eyes. The presence of these two great men was magnificent. Energy and motivation flowed from their pores and would boil the blood of any man near them. Even in their bloodstained, dirt-ridden, ragged state they looked like gallant knights, or at least men of enormous power. Yet when they spoke with one another they were as if teenagers.
Cornelius walked towards Eleazer. Niether sharing anything more than a blank expression. Cornelius halted within inches of Eleazer’s face. He then sniffed Eleazer’s beard.
“You smell like a pig.” Cornelius stated.
“Yes…well you look like one.” Eleazer growled in his gruffy voice.
A smile crept upon Cornelius’ face. Eleazer exploded in laughter, sending spittle upon Cornelius.
Both bellowed in laughter, ignoring the extra pain the laughter ignited from their wounds.
They embraced one another like brothers.
“Eleazer! My brother, it has been an eternity!”
“Haha! I’ve lived a thousand lifetimes since the last I saw your ugly face! A welcoming, though frightening, sight indeed.” Eleazer joked, “Where is Fornalin?”
Cornelius’ smile faded.
“We have to talk, my friend.” He said as he patted Eleazer on the shoulder.
“Yes, I know.”
“Come, to the command tent.”
They began walking through the camp towards the Command Post.
“What has befallen our good friend?” asked Eleazer.
“I wish I knew, Eleazer. He left for his family on the 10th day of April,” They arrived at the tent. Cornelius opened the curtain of the entrance way, “and has not returned since.”
Eleazer shook his head before he entered the tent, followed by Cornelius.
“His son is dead, Eleazer.” Cornelius said as he sat down behind his desk, Eleazer sat also. “A small grave was found at his home…or…where his home was, for it was burned to the ground. Him and his wife were not found.”
Eleazer shook his head again.
“Do you think he was captured, Cornelius?” he asked.
“I do not know what to think. It would take an immense amount of luck to capture Fornalin. A part of me hopes he was captured because if he wasn’t…then that would mean he is out on his own free will and by his own free will he chooses not to return. And that disheartens me greatly.” Cornelius said in disappointment.
“Do not say such a ridiculous thing my brother. If he could return I am sure he would, and I am sure he will. Have faith, my friend, you worry like a young lad’s pampering mother. And you know I am just noticing, you look like one, too!” he laughed, trying to cheer up his friend. His mood calmed as he stared at his friend in concern of what the pressures have been dealing upon his sworn brother. “You have been doing an outstanding job as sole commander, Cornelius. I understand the pressure you must feel of bearing this burden alone. But I assure you, alone you are not any longer. I am her, and I shall share this burden with you.” He encouraged as he leaned forward.
“Thank you, Eleazer. That would be most helpful, indeed.” Cornelius took a swig from his leather canteen.
“I mean, surely together we make at least a, what, prince of war, eh brother. Until the big bad King of War returns, it should do. Eh? Haha.” Eleazer walked over to Cornelius and began hitting him on the shoulder like a teenage sibling.
“Yes, very well. Prince of war, indeed. Together we’ll make war like no other, until Fornalin returns.” Cornelius said, tolerating the constant hits to his shoulder.
“Haha, yes. And then the three of us will bring the likes of a war the world has never seen! Those ugly easterners will be crying to their mothers in piss-soaked underpants! Eh brother, eh?” he said giving Cornelius one last bruiser before storming out full of energy.
“Heh. Yes, Eleazer. I look forward to such a day.” Cornelius shook his head with a smile as he sat down to bandage his legs.
OOC: A little somthin somthin to get myself back in the groove. I'm going to reread the story a couple of times to get into again. Hopefully others are able to get into it again as well...
Hey, East, great to see you back in the writer's saddle.Admittedly, I don't remember this story very well - the only thing I recall is being quite amazed by its quality. So, I've read this latest chapter, and I like.
But I do, like you, need to go back and reread the whole thing - not the fastest task, given the length of this piece - but I assure you, you will hear more constructive comments from me when I'm through.
Sweet stuff East Baby, I hope Our Fornalin can escape and find out whats happened to his missus.
I know its pot calling kettle but I wish you would get back in the groove and stay there, man I love this story and if it were to be published as a novel Id buy the first one of the pressA proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Originally posted by Easthaven I
I know its a long piece and it takes me hours to read through the whole thing, I printed it out on 10 sized font and its 90 pages long and ain't even close to being done. But done it shall be.
Yeah, I just finished reading through the whole thing, and I am amazed how this whole thing is coming together. A truly great job.