Okay I've been playing a game as the Egyptians and I thought as I played that this game would make a great story. So I figured I'd post it here. Please let me know your thoughts on this. If it turns out to be a festering ball of puss I'll end the madness. Thank you.
Chapter One: A Puppet Government
They say that Egypt has and always will be run by Cleopatra. I'd like to find those people and just beat them over the head. Cleopatra's just their to please the masses while I kick the a**es. Ever since The Great Revolt, to our present glory, I have and always will, control the Egyptian Empire.
My name is General Akhenaten.
Chapter One: A Puppet Government
They say that Egypt has and always will be run by Cleopatra. I'd like to find those people and just beat them over the head. Cleopatra's just their to please the masses while I kick the a**es. Ever since The Great Revolt, to our present glory, I have and always will, control the Egyptian Empire.
My name is General Akhenaten.