Far to the north, where few dared tread in the ancient days they had emerged, frightening in their patience and intimidating in size. They formed government slowly, perfecting the matters of Republican Democracy as they let the tentacles of their nation seep across the tundras to the forests and grasslands of the south. The entire nation was conceived for supremacy, along that mighty bay. The Founder, Sir Hudson had named the bay after himself before a fateful heart attack left the Nation's future in the hands of Governor Charles Bayley. He had seen the spread to the Great lakes, He had met with diplomats from faraway lands, such as Quebec and even the distant Deseret, who's emmesarries had tried futilely to convert him to Mormonism, Bayley had shrugged them off noncommitally. Years dragged on, the world kicking and screaming into the future. Governor Bayley, later Chancellor Bayley, had played Politics as well as he governed, and he saw the Hudson Bay Republic rise parralell to Quebec and also becom Quebec's staunchest ally. Those two nations decided the fate of the world more and more as time progressed, their alliance was formalised when the Mutual Protection pact was signed in Trois Rivieres. Other Nation's flocked behind them. The Americans, with their mere sliver of the continent but massive army, Deseret, who stood astride the Rockies, Oregon, whose Mountaineers dominated the Pacific Coast.
War came, as it always will to such nations, The Confederate States first, then the Wild West joined them and Russia in the crusade. Texas hid, building it's carribean colonies that it held precious. Mexico felt that it had no business in the affairs to the north. Cuba joined the Bay Republic and Quebec.
This is the Story of that war, of the flame that engulfed north America, of Brother standing beside foreigners against his brethren.
This is the Story of North America.......
War came, as it always will to such nations, The Confederate States first, then the Wild West joined them and Russia in the crusade. Texas hid, building it's carribean colonies that it held precious. Mexico felt that it had no business in the affairs to the north. Cuba joined the Bay Republic and Quebec.
This is the Story of that war, of the flame that engulfed north America, of Brother standing beside foreigners against his brethren.
This is the Story of North America.......
