Hi all. I'm new to this forum, but I thought I'd share a story I wrote on the other forum. It's a bit long, so I'm breaking it up into several parts for easier digestion. Hope you enjoy it.
The tavern was small. Dust and dirt was building up in the corners an under tables as though it meant to invade; not the sort of place to find any respectable noble. Yet that was exactly where Lord Rikenstein found himself, no, not Lord Rik anymore - just Jon , he silently mused. Grouped around Jon were several of the fine locals inhabiting this poor excuse for a town. No matter, soon my work here will be done and I can move to the next filth bucket. , the thought almost brought a chuckle to Jon, but he swallowed it and continued with his spiel, "as I was saying, the King is growing weak. Sure, old Bismark was quite a general back in his heyday, but...well, have any of you seen that French Queen? Now there's a ruler; looks that could twist a man's manhood into knots! Smart to go with it too. Yup, the God's above surely expanded a good deal of effort on that one." Apprecietive chuckles arose from around the table.
The mood around the table was light, which was exactly the way Jon wanted it. Just enough to suck these fools in, to make them see that he was "one of them". It was now time to deliver the sword. "Speaking of France, have any of you fine men been there?" Without waiting for an answer he pressed on, "I have. At Burlogne. The battle of Two Hills."
Jon's face grew darker with each word as his voice lowered and the peasants around him now leaned in closer. The somber mood was part of his strategy, people tended to remember things much better if they could associate memory with emotion, but the somber mood he was creating was also quite natural. He really had been at the Two Hills and try as he might, he never could get those images out of his head. One image stood out among all the rest,
A knight charging down a single spearman. Sunlight reflecting on the upraised sword. The noise of battle muting as if distant thunder filled his head. The peasant drops the spear as nerveless hands raise as if to ward off the inevitable, the look of stark terror written across the man's face. The dark stain of urine on the man's breeches.
Strangely, Jon couldn't remember that sword ever falling. He continued,
"The battle, as I'm sure you all know, was won by our glorious army. But you probably don't know how bravely the French fought. Or how bravely they died." The lie tasted like ash in his mouth as he recalled that French spearman, "They fought hard because they had something to fight for! Their cities are wonderous. Great temples with massive stone columns the like of which I've never seen before or since. Huge open marketplaces with entertainment at all times of the day. Street theaters all around, I could go on but I think you see the picture." Lord Rik took a deep breath before going on, "And it's all because of Queen Joan. She loves her people and her land flourishes while the only thing Bismark does is destroy things!"
The conversation continued for a while longer before changing to other topics, but by the time Lord Rik left the tavern, he heard the dark mutters of uprising behind him. A slow smile crawled across his lip, "Another small town. One by one until I can work on the "great" city of Heidelburg itself." He felt like laughing. It would be a good day.

The tavern was small. Dust and dirt was building up in the corners an under tables as though it meant to invade; not the sort of place to find any respectable noble. Yet that was exactly where Lord Rikenstein found himself, no, not Lord Rik anymore - just Jon , he silently mused. Grouped around Jon were several of the fine locals inhabiting this poor excuse for a town. No matter, soon my work here will be done and I can move to the next filth bucket. , the thought almost brought a chuckle to Jon, but he swallowed it and continued with his spiel, "as I was saying, the King is growing weak. Sure, old Bismark was quite a general back in his heyday, but...well, have any of you seen that French Queen? Now there's a ruler; looks that could twist a man's manhood into knots! Smart to go with it too. Yup, the God's above surely expanded a good deal of effort on that one." Apprecietive chuckles arose from around the table.
The mood around the table was light, which was exactly the way Jon wanted it. Just enough to suck these fools in, to make them see that he was "one of them". It was now time to deliver the sword. "Speaking of France, have any of you fine men been there?" Without waiting for an answer he pressed on, "I have. At Burlogne. The battle of Two Hills."
Jon's face grew darker with each word as his voice lowered and the peasants around him now leaned in closer. The somber mood was part of his strategy, people tended to remember things much better if they could associate memory with emotion, but the somber mood he was creating was also quite natural. He really had been at the Two Hills and try as he might, he never could get those images out of his head. One image stood out among all the rest,
A knight charging down a single spearman. Sunlight reflecting on the upraised sword. The noise of battle muting as if distant thunder filled his head. The peasant drops the spear as nerveless hands raise as if to ward off the inevitable, the look of stark terror written across the man's face. The dark stain of urine on the man's breeches.
Strangely, Jon couldn't remember that sword ever falling. He continued,
"The battle, as I'm sure you all know, was won by our glorious army. But you probably don't know how bravely the French fought. Or how bravely they died." The lie tasted like ash in his mouth as he recalled that French spearman, "They fought hard because they had something to fight for! Their cities are wonderous. Great temples with massive stone columns the like of which I've never seen before or since. Huge open marketplaces with entertainment at all times of the day. Street theaters all around, I could go on but I think you see the picture." Lord Rik took a deep breath before going on, "And it's all because of Queen Joan. She loves her people and her land flourishes while the only thing Bismark does is destroy things!"
The conversation continued for a while longer before changing to other topics, but by the time Lord Rik left the tavern, he heard the dark mutters of uprising behind him. A slow smile crawled across his lip, "Another small town. One by one until I can work on the "great" city of Heidelburg itself." He felt like laughing. It would be a good day.