I do however have some considerable experience in Creative Writing so I would like to think I know where of I speak.
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A few tips for would be 'authors'.
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" ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
"The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.
Originally posted by Lucarse
Well I think agreeing with good grammar and spelling should be a moot point, finding extra 'f''s in a word is a pedantic pursuit when confronted by a raft of bad grammar and really clumsy use of the syntax of language.
I put these in as anchor points for the rest of the argument that i really wanted to concentrate on, and in which a reasonable question could be made about its objectivity.
I do however have some considerable experience in Creative Writing so I would like to think I know where of I speak.
Quoting some of your posts and replying directly would be again pedantic so I’m going to cover it all with out pointing out the holes in various statements.
I apologise if my post read like I was ranting, I was merely pointing out that writers should take more time with their work. i.e. Find a style and stick to it, don't switch too much from 1st person to 3rd person etc.
Develop a story, know where you are going, and use real emotions in appropriate settings.
E.G. 'the bridge officer chuckled to himself at seaman X's nervousness' all this happening when shells are raining on the bridge?, would this be an appropriate and realistic reaction, maybe forced laughter as he was kaking himself?.
You can even lend a bit (not plagiarise) from other writers in the arena, Tom Clancy being a good example, Technical warboys stuff with a touch of empathy, (only a touch mind).
As for comments on writers in this forum, well I think I’ll keep them to myself, as they would not be very well received. This is not a malicious statement simply an opinion (which are like *******s as everybody has one).
If I was however pressed to point out what I consider was the best example of writing it would be;
'Post Mortem : Two Thousand Years Later' By Dmitry Pleshkov
It of course lacks the romping shoot-em-up pace of other stories here (which in itself is not a bad thing and would not suite this piece anyway) however the language used and the development (building) of the story is excellent, other writers here should take note.
Anyway that’s enough writer bashing for me. Do remember constructive criticism can be a tool to help someone not a punishment.The kiss of death on Pleshkov's little piece
Look I have a tip for would be authors: Don't write like LucarseAny views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..
Look, I just don't anymore, okay?
Speaking of a raft of bad grammar and really clumsy use of the syntax of language, as we were ...
Well I think agreeing with good grammar and spelling should be a moot point, finding extra 'f''s in a word is a pedantic pursuit when confronted by a raft of bad grammar and really clumsy use of the syntax of language." ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
"The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.
Ok this is going to turn into a ***** fest isn't it, I might have known it is impossible to have reasoned argument on these boards.
Finbar :
I fail to see what the problem is with the quote?.
dannubis :
If you read my post properly you would have seen I praised people who attempt to write a piece, which is not in their native language. To summarise I was impressed! sheeesh.
Alexander’s Horse:
That would be praise! Obviously something you are not entirely familiar with.
I thought the piece was rather good. I fail to see why my endorsement would be a kiss of death.
Finbar (again):
My experience : I have a BA Hons in English Literature and an MA in Political Science and Public policy, I have suffered the endless hours of reading 1st year students attempt at literature.
I have had three papers published by Victoria University Press(NZ) and another by The University Of Canberra (Aust), is this enough?.
And all of you, if you’re going to have a go at me pedantic reputation of a single spelling mistake is hardly the basis for an argument.
Take Vovansims lead, he read, he took on board, he disagreed and he presented his case eloquently.If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected - SunTzu
GOD! its like walking on a hampster wheel with you lot, we go round and round and round.
dannubis please point out the irrational and emotional response i made ...i can't wait..
Its like arguing with play-dohIf he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected - SunTzu
I was not going to post here again but felt I had to. Lucarse I dont think the abuse you have suffered here is entirely fair but you may have asked for it. There is an old saying about people who live in glass houses!
I take offense at your insistance on how qualified you are etc, we are looking here at the experiences of various people who have something in common. An interest in a PC game and their imagination combined into a story, so why would you need to be qualified.
If you have been teaching then why do you find it a nuisance to read the work of your students, should not a teacher have a vocation and be prepared to teach!
I say to you that it is underhand and cowardly to hide in this thread, if you have something to say about any of the stories here then you should post accordingly. I am sure that any of the writers here will accept fair and constructive criticism.
In my real life I build houses for a living, far from being unintelligent I consider myself to be a professional tradesperson. Why am I telling you this, well to make my next point, you see when I was at school some twenty years ago I did not try very hard. I always knew I would follow in my fathers footsteps and become a builder. Now yourself being the academic type may have never desired to do a pratical job and would no doubt have considered your education a priority to assist your desire to teach. My point is Lucarse that it takes a great many different types of people to maketh the world turn.
I was actually in the top class at school and more than capable at all subjects but really preferred the practical subjects, Art, Pottery, Woodwork etc and found English to be top of my bored stupid list.
Its a shame this thread sank into chaos but you would do well to heed my advice and tell the writers directly on their own threads why you think what you think.
One last point I would like to make is that their are people who struggle with academic things like spelling etc, but more than make up for it in their creativity. I think a little more tolerance is required and we need to remember that this is a place where people spend their free time and share the thoughts of others.
Lucarse I hope you do not find my points offensive, I am merely joining the debate, and I would be interested to hear your thoughts on my post.A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
I just want to add that I feel this thread is worthwhile and if offered in the spirit of friendly advice and sensible debate then deserves to be treated with respect by others.
I also hope that you properly understood my previous post yesterday, it was in no way intended to provoke what has followed hence my desire to further contribute.A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Originally posted by Lucarse
Ok this is going to turn into a ***** fest isn't it, I might have known it is impossible to have reasoned argument on these boards.
Finbar :
I fail to see what the problem is with the quote?.
dannubis :
If you read my post properly you would have seen I praised people who attempt to write a piece, which is not in their native language. To summarise I was impressed! sheeesh.
Alexander’s Horse:
That would be praise! Obviously something you are not entirely familiar with.
I thought the piece was rather good. I fail to see why my endorsement would be a kiss of death.
Finbar (again):
My experience : I have a BA Hons in English Literature and an MA in Political Science and Public policy, I have suffered the endless hours of reading 1st year students attempt at literature.
I have had three papers published by Victoria University Press(NZ) and another by The University Of Canberra (Aust), is this enough?.
And all of you, if you’re going to have a go at me pedantic reputation of a single spelling mistake is hardly the basis for an argument.
Take Vovansims lead, he read, he took on board, he disagreed and he presented his case eloquently.Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..
Look, I just don't anymore, okay?
Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
Its a shame [vovansim]'s not here and we have you instead
Yes, yes, I hear one of you out there saying "Intelligent conversation? With whom, with him? Impossible!" and putting a :P smiley next to it. But again I say that is really not the way to go!
What is the point of this thread? To point out some of the most common mistakes in a lot of people's stories, so that they could avoid making them. I agree that the sarcasm in this criticism is not appropriate, but neither is yours, my equine friend. To point out the mistakes one makes (meaning the arguments you don't like) it is really not necessary to try to hurt that person personally.
Of course, Lucarse here also went a little over the board with ****** words, and I was really hurt by his comment that one can not have a normal conversation on these boards. But then I looked over the posts, and you know, I only found one person, who tried to present intelligent arguments (no, I am not talking about myself -- I'll refrain from criticising/praising my own arguments, since you must agree I would be a little biased).
The bottom line is this: I am sure nobody in this forum wants to participate in a flame crusade. So, if you want some bashing to receive and to deal out, please head over to some other boards like Blizzard's and you'll find that aplenty there. Like Chrisius said, we come here to have fun.
My two cents: It's a good idea to write if that's the sort of thing you like to do. If you want to share it with people, good for you - do what you like. But you must be prepared for whatever you get in return, be it furious ranting, honest and insightful criticism, or nothing at all.
As to the rather angry turn this particular thread has taken, I would like to say this much: Get over it and stop bashing on each other. Or, failing that, keep it coming since it's so incredibly hilarious.
Ex.:I agree that the sarcasm in this criticism is not appropriate, but neither is yours, my equine friend.!!!