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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • OOC: First of all, I don't think you can just take over countries and say they support you, I believe Mellian controls other countries. Second, you can't automatically assume that because you think something is a good deal that the second party will also believe the deal is good.

    Iriqouis support me as I promise to give the Moderator Civman II a figure head postion of power.
    Why would the Iroquios support you? Because one of their citizens is promised to become leader of Apolyton? Would they risk their strongest allies for this? Would they risk going to war against the most powerful military in the world because an exiled man failed to take over a country with outnumbered mercenaries?

    Same with Rome and France, close friends for quite a long time suddenly turning against us for rebel fanatics? People who helped the English?

    England would be closest in supporting you but considering england lost a war and is now being run by americans and Apolyonians....

    Russia, England, Germany and Turkey wouls support the Republican movement as I promise peace to them
    As for the rest of the EU you really think they want to go back to war? Russia was lucky they did not lose much in the war, they willing to risk that? You promise peace to Russia, Germany and Turkey, well we already have peace with them. What you're really offering them is the chance to risk that peace and go back to war.

    China and Japan well I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one.


    • Mid to Late march

      Latentus’ discovery of John Mcloud, the science advisor that had retired before the coup, had happened entirely by accident. Despite this, it was an entirely welcome meeting as soon as they warily established each other’s identities and motives and assured each other they weren’t working for the triumvirate. After a short time, John showed Latentus the small shop he had set up, and after a little persuasion, the part that performed the activities that were the real reason for the existence of the shop. John explained that he and a few others sympathetic to the anti-triumvirate cause had set this up and the few scientific minds among them had been working on several ideas, though none were finished yet and all but a few were unworkable theories. Under the direction of Latentus, though, they had concentrated their efforts on a single device that Latentus thought quite promising and a prototype had been assembled…
      “Where did you say you thought up the idea for this printing squish?” Latentus asked while examining the huge bulky machine. It was not exactly the thing he wanted, but it was a start. “Press. Not squish. It’s a printing press. And I’m afraid I didn’t come up with this. To be honest, I stole the basic design from something a German put together. Though I don consider this to be much more elegant and sophisticated.” John explained. Those weren’t exactly the words Latentus would have used for the monstrosity of blocks and gears, but he didn’t want to offend the scientist/inventor. It was impressive, anyway, especially if you considered the limited time frame and even more constricted budget. That was irrelevant, however. Now that the prototype was built, a second refined version was slowly being pieced together, and Latentus could finally start doing what he had been considering from even before the coup. The saying went that people would believe what they saw. Latentus hoped that would hold true in that case. Of course, it was a double-edged sword, as the triumvirate was giving out its own propaganda, which this would be very hard pressed to compete with. Maybe the novelty of the medium would help to make up for the lack in armed support long enough for the educated (literate) people to start to understand what was really going on and maybe even spread it to the peasants and lower classes. That was the goal, anyway. Hopefully some kind of effective resistance could be organized against the usurpers if more people were educated enough to not blindly follow them. In any case, it was the best he could do for now. He realized it wasn’t nearly as persuasive as blade and musket, but that was beyond his means and pointless when weighed against the generals’ huge army. Besides, the whole point of the leaflets that would soon begin to be distributed was to urge people to think with their heads, instead of being awed or cowed into submission. Latentus sighed remorsefully. He hoped that wasn’t too much to ask for.
      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


      • March 1403

        "To all former Advisors to the old government. I know that many of you are upset about what we the Field Marshalls did in taking power. But we did what we saw what was best for Apolyton. civmanII could care less about Apolyton, and never even heard of our nation untill someone knocked at his door and told him he was the new Moderator of Apolyton. We saw that this man would surely lead Apolyton to ruin and that we needed to do something. We had to act fast to make sure that Apolyton remain at peace and a civil war would not break out again. We also want to help the people of Apolyton to get the rights they deserver and the peace they need. We have fought long enough, it is now time for peace and freedom.

        I want to let you all know that you can have your old postion in the Apolyton government again. All we ask in return is that you stay loyal to Apolyton and not try revolting and starting a new civil war which would destroy Apolyton. If you are unhappy with the current system, we can disscuss it in peace, I give you my word that no harm will befall you or your familly, as long as you do not take up arms against us and suport the Consuls as we try to make Apolyton government the best it can be. And those of you who supported a repulbic before this I give you the same offer.
        Even the traitor Liam Sheep, I would give anther chance if he can prove that he can be trusted. "

        Signed ,
        Consul Jack_www
        The message is now being spread to all cities and towns in Apolyton now.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • OOC: Korea discovered Printing Press before the Germans historicly.....and will be the same in this story. anyway, would be a recent public discovery in Germany i guess....

          March 1402

          when will they make up their minds? she is freakin bored in this cell............


          • Late March 1402

            To Mellian:
            Tell us where the rest of your movement hideouts are. I want to know everything you know about everything. No more secrets, no more holding your cards under the table. If we are to trust you we must know you can be trusted, we must know your motives are for the best interest of Apolyton. If you tell me what I want to know I will let you go, even give you back your job. You can help us, but I want to know for sure you are with us. Therefore, tell me everything, don't try to lie because I will know. And if you do lie I will know your true motives are not in the best interests for Apolyton. Rest assured, we won't go to these hideouts to mass kill everybody. This is for me to know we can trust you. Every secret you have hidden in that head of yours I want to know.


            • To Consul Jack (secret):
              Good offer to all the advisors, except to Sheep. I would actually rather capture him and torture him for a few years before finally letting him slowly bleed to death in a world of pain. Just my view on the issue....


              • To Easthaven: may 1000 of my best assains take you apart one at a time.

                To Jack (secret): I will assist you and will give you two rewards. If a Republican Government is installed, with your army and the SRA forces at the head of the push, you and your descendants will forever be known as Moderator. Unfortuantely the postion will be very much a figurehead, and will not hold much power, but your family line will live a life of luxury for the millenia to come.

                This I feel will please most, as many wish to see a Republic, and many wish to see the Monarchy re-installed. The people that support the Consuls will support you, the Republicans will support this move as a move to democracy, and the monarchists will still have their Moderator to love and adore.

                However the first step must be to get the former-Chief of Staff Melian out of jail, so that she can get her movments moving, towards the idea of the new Constitutional Kingdom of Apolyton.

                Your faithful servant in exile
                Liam Sheep
                President of the Social Republican Movement of Apolyton. (SRA)
                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                • To Sheep:
                  Bah! I laugh at your petty threats, they mean nothing. They are empty, just like your soul. You really think the people will follow you? You are a traitor in their eyes, you organized the rebel armies of the civil war, you were the instigator and everybody knows that. You caused the death of many Apolytonian families and the destruction of their villages and farms as the rebel armies marched across Apolyton. It were the loyalists who stood up to this treason and sent the devil back to hell. We will find you, and when we do you shall pay for the thousands of lives lost because of your treason. You shall experience a thousand deaths when my wolf soldiers get a hold of you.


                  • Easthaven, unfortuantley my friend my spies and assains already know where you are, you no nothing of my whereabouts. And these Wolf soldiers you speak about, half of them are more loyal to me and the Republican movment than to you and your dictatorship.
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • OOC: Sheep stop....
                      We have taken power without your help and your recrimination means nothing. They don't come into the play that's all. The best for you would be to change characters because I'm not sure mercenaries will support much longer as your money run out and no countries support you.

                      To Consul Easthaven:
                      Well, I can't reduce the taxes now. Money is running low as we are building new hospitals, schools for the people.
                      If we increase taxes to riche then those people will be against us. So, IMHO, we will have to decrease by 5% peasant taxes.
                      (Profit 200 before, now around 100)

                      I understand your position about Mellian but we can't trust her if she doesn't help us first. We have already discuss this matter with her. She didn't answer our questions. She must do the first step if not well I can't do anything for her.

                      Remember we are in power with the help of each other, if one of us backstab the other we will destroy Apolyton.

                      Also, if she did accept to take back her former position, his supporters would revolt as they would fell betrayed. Your feelings must take in consideration the effects of your actions, my friend.

                      But in a couple of months, we would firmly
                      -Exchange with Korea has begun: Magnetism (ooc: if they don't have it already) for Printing Press.
                      Some spies have detected secret dealing about the printing press and are coming closer and closer.
                      -Coastal fortifications are being built
                      -First Apolyton ManoWar has been completed called the Triumvirat.
                      -Harvest have been good and after the long war people are finally enjoying food.
                      (ooc: well it's not august already but...)


                      • As for me not knowing your whereabouts, granted I'll give you that, as for you knowing mine well I don't give a damn. As for my wolf soldiers being more loyal to you? Well that is just plainly hilarious, I'm laughing right now and Easthaven does not laugh much let me tell you. My wolf soldiers are more loyal to me than your mercenaries are loyal to you or even your pathetic SRA members. You are a coward who keeps running, a crazy power-hungry man who doesn't give a damn about innocent lives, and most horrible commander I have ever come to witness.

                        And the reason I don't know where you are is because you keep running like a damn coward. You know where I am because I face my problems and handle my responsibilities. I am here serving the people, among the people. You are in some other god forsaken place dishing out wild fantasies about a utopia yet all you've been doing is killing people by placing knives into their backs, very noble indeed.


                        • 'The assaisn stalks those who are proud, the devil is within their midst. Those who work for what is right will triumph in the end. The Republic will come and the Consul Triumitive can do nothing to stop the will of the people'. The Agent says to General Easthaven. As soon as the message was given to the despot from the Republican leader Liam Sheep, he stabbed himself in the heart, shouting "FOR THE REPUBLIC"
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • TO Consul Thunderfire:
                            By lowering the taxes for the poor and highering them for the rich we would actually gain more money then lose, the poor has next to nothing compared to the nobles. By highering the taxes slightly the nobles shouldn't be offended for it would be hardly nothing, maybe we can give them some benefits or other. Besides that we gain the support of the poor which greatly outnumber the nobles, besides that making the poor happy should make nobles happy for there will be less rioting from the poor against their wealthy bosses, besides that if the nobles do anything drastically bad then the poor people of their manors and such would probably revolt. Remember, the power belongs to the men who have people on their side.

                            As for Mellian, well there must be more republican hideouts elsewhere and the longer we wait the more harder it would be to find them, soon they will implement their own leader and revolt themselves, that is why we need Mellian to tell us where they are now and to get them under control. Slowly we can dismantle the movement taking away any dangers to civil war. That is why I proposed reinstating Mellian if she tells us all these things.


                            • To Thunderfire: We have recieved information from agents that the other consuls are plotting against you. If you are ousted, the SRA will coninue to assist you. The Republic is inevitable.
                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                              • Consul Easthaven took a bite from his apple as he stared at the dead fanatic.

                                "Gaurds! Take this man away, feed him to the dogs for all I care. This man didn't even have the guts to fight me and die an honorable death, instead he runs by killing himself. He is as much a coward as his fearful leader, Sheep."

                                He takes the last bite from his apple and as the gaurds lift the dead man Easthaven removes the knife, sticks the apple and slides it down the blade and restabs it into the corpse. He walks back into the building, closing the door behind him.

