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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • March 8, 1400

    To Field Marshall Easthaven and Thunderfire(secret):
    Once the weather is good I want to launch the invasion of Britain. So I would like to start in a week, but if weather is bad then we will post pone the attack untill weather improves.

    On anther matter, what happened with Colonel Harrington? As I understand it she attacked a hide out of Liam Sheep, when she was suppost to be protecting one of our cities. I cannot stand for this. I promiced the Cheif of Staff she would stay in the Millitary, but I dont want her commanding any unit untill she learns that one obeys their orders, and does going launching offensives on their own.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
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    • March 13, 1401 (at least it seems for me)
      To Field Marshall Jack_www
      Colonel Harrington has been degraded to Major rank. She is in America under Easthaven command.

      Well, Vodka will comand max 2 regiments but I'm not sure they are really big.
      I forgot about major rank sorry.


      • OOC:
        mmtt, I put March 8 to go along with your march 15 post were we start attack the English.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • March 17th 1401


          Field Marshall Easthaven was discussing plans inside the Command Tent, they had a map spread out on a table. 5 other officers were with him.

          Lieutenant Benkirk came in with a woman officer at his side.

          "Sir, Major Harrington reporting for duty, transfered from the 21st Regiment in Apolyton." The Lt. handed Easthaven a piece of paper.

          "That is all men, we'll continue this tomorrow before dawn." The group of officers left saluting and saying their 'yes sir's.

          Easthaven read the paper and looked up at the two officers.

          "You may go now, Lieutenant."

          "Yes sir." The Lieutenant left.

          "Well, Major, I was told about what happened to you but I'd like to here it from you."

          Major Harrington told him the whole story.

          "hmm...I see.... Well Major, although I applaud your initiative I do not applaud your individuality. If you want individuality join politics, not the military. The Army does not have room for individuality or soldiers acting on their own behalf. The chain of command is there for a reason, to keep the military in order and stable, what if everybody did their own little missions because they all thought each little mission was important?"

          "It would be chaotic, sir." She said starting to understand his point and her wrongdoing.

          "Exactly. It is all about teamwork and doing what needs to be done for the man...ahem...and woman next to you. Together we are a magnificent beast, individually we are only but ants on a hill vulnerable to anyone wanting to crush us. Understand Major?" He said as he began rolling up the map on the table and placing it inside a small bag hanging on his belt.

          "Yes sir."The Major thought this conversation was leading to her doom or even worse, another demotion.

          "Well, I have no doubt you are a good officer, but I do not want somebody undermining the chain of command, you will not do that ever again. Understand?"

          "Yes sir." She held her head up high, ready to take the next beating.

          "Well, Major I'm sure you've learned your lesson. I'm giving you command of the 15th Musket regiment, their CO was killed by an English infiltrator." He began writing it on a slip of paper. He walked over and held it out to the Major. " DO NOT undermine the chain of command again Major, you've been given a second chance here. Your commanding officer is Colonel Hasty. Good man. You won't get your rank back until you've earned it. Its a whole different story out here on the frontlines, no heated barracks or hot chow like you got back in APolyton. Take the advise of your sergeants. Good luck" He let go of the piece of paper and walked out, leaving Major Harrington in the CP looking at the slip.

          She became determined to prove herself and earn this second chance the Field Marshall gave to her. She was given a chance to fight for her country and she shall...


          • March 17, 1401

            To Field Marshall Easthaven(secret):
            I was thinking of going to America and visting the troops at the front lines and to help bost the morale. I hope to recieve a report soon on the progress of our troops. We should also be scouting for the English army and find out were their main force is.

            If mmtt and easthaven want we can go to the chatroom and talk about the story, I will be there.
            Last edited by Jack_www; November 16, 2002, 15:21.
            Donate to the American Red Cross.
            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


            • OOC: I believe that 600,000 was possible but if you wish to lower it to 400,000 to 500,000 I understand, sorry. And I don't think all of the English populace would resist, not all civilians in any war gave any significant type of resistance except for maybe the French Resistance of WW2. The blitz assualt from the Fox riders will be too fast for the soldiers of London to catch up with them, by the time they got to York and Warwick the Fox Riders(tip of the blitz) would be far past them and able to surround them if necessary, the English would run into the Infantry and knights. And once the English leave London the French can easily sieze the capital surrounding the english forces in an even tighter pocket. The heaviest fighting i believe would be in the forests and jungles between Canterbury and Coventry, Canterbury and Bristol, and Bristol and Oxford, there I believe the advance could be halted, but between York and Warwick the forces would be surrounded on three sides.


              • To Field Marshall Jack(secret):
                I think it would be a fantastic idea for you to visit the frontlines before our major offensive, it would surely boost morale. A few minor skirmishes have occurred but nothin to serious. There will be a small attack by Cognac's Raiders into the English territory causing lots of trouble before we go in, Col. Cognac should get an estimate of what he ran across.

                (OOC: i'll try to get into the chatroom but haven't been able to for quite some time.)


                • March 17th 1401

                  TO Colonel Cognac:
                  Take what you need, we got another 5,000 Fox riders coming in from the training we've been doing in America. Good luck.

                  -Field Marshall Easthaven I


                  • March 21st, 1401
                    To Mellian: Do you have any idea which people in the govenrmnet might cause trouble when we change to a Republic?


                    • March 20 (Apparently)

                      To whoever is in charge and appoints new ministers,

                      It has come to the attention of, well myself really that the people and civilization of Apolytonia are entirly anti-religous and have no culture.
                      I am willing to help turn that around, if you will make me the official religious and Cultural advisor, I will teach them to worship not their parents and grandparents but the civman dynasty itself, I will teach them not to fear death and allow your armies to be stronger.
                      AND I will do all this only for official recognition, and my own personal palace (And it dosen't have to be that big either)

                      P.S. I WILL NOT do any work untill my mpalace is constructed!
                      I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


                      • THE NEXT DAY
                        Also this system will minimise some of the aspectsd of the Republic.
                        P.S. Where is my palace

                        Apep I
                        I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


                        • 25 th March 1401

                          The funds in the treasury are running low. I need that information. I need

                          Science Rate
                          Luxury Rate
                          Millitary Expendature

                          That is all!

                          Minister for Trade and the Economy, Drako Chuko
                          I am the second place man!


                          • OOC:
                            Lord Zalzabad the infomation you want, Mellian should be able to give to you. She is the one in charge of that stuff, or you can make it up if you want.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • March 28th, 1401
                              To Apep: Sorry to disillusion you, but we do have some culture and religion. And you are NOT can go off and start some wacky religion with that other weird guy, named godinex, who said he was a prophet.

                              OOC: Nothing personal, it's jsut that we do already have a culture (though the position of Culture Advisor is open). It's just that the Moderator doesn't like your attitude and doesn't want ot be worshipped or have her people enslaved to a religion.


                              • To: Apolyton Government
                                From: the renegad former Science Advisor

                                Though I resist our government I still want Apolyton to be the best place it could be. From the commanders' reports of the huge number of forces against the English and how we will completely anihilate them, why don't we push harder for getting the English to surrender to us and stop the bloodshed? Many will die if we keep on fighting. The commanders seem to be positive we will completely destroy them, so why don't they tell that to the English? Elizabeth isn't stupid enough to realize resistance will just make things worse.
                                "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

