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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • Forrest Majundar, thankyou for your letter. I will advise the Moderator and the Chief of Staff about your grevence, and if you want, I could offer the position of governer of your provence to you, although that realy isn't my job, if you could do a better job

    Drako Chuko, Trade Advisor

    To Chief of Staff Mellian

    I have decided to take a neutral stance in this war, but recently a letter from a humble dockworker caught my eye.

    It seems that the pesants standard of living has dropped significantly, due to the war. Those who have not been drafted are fleeing the nation for a better life in our neboughs. There is a thriiving black market, which is destroying the taxation in the area. Goods go missing, and the Standard of Living has dropped. I also wish to reccomend to you as a new Governer, Forrest Majundar. I beleve he could do a wonderful job at fixing this problem. I beleve that if this constant warring is not completed soon, many citys will fall into anarchy. Please head my advice.

    Drako Chuko, Trade Advisor
    I am the second place man!


    • OOC: This war has only lasted a few months. Most wars, especially in this time period, last for years! Our troops being exhausted is doubtful. And our nation is probably one of the most powerful in the world. So if our citizens are truly starving and suffering like this then our government is doing a horrible job.


      • To Field Marshall Easthaven I and Thunderfire(secret):
        We need to etheir find a a way to complete go around the English forts in the Mountains or we will have to enage in a seige of the forts that could last months or even years. Thus I think that the best thing would be finding a way to completly bybass them.

        Just so everyone knows the war with the English just started a few months ago in game time. So like Easthaven said, it would be a while before there were serious problems because of the war.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • Field Marshall Easthaven made an appearance at the Edkoro Convention strongly urging that any such government transformation of any kind should wait until after the war with England. Any such transactions are a danger to the nation and could risk national stability. It would compromise our war with England costing the lives of tens of thousands Apolyton men and women. Therefore, when we are all settled and secure then such actions for a government change can be discussed and possibly acted upon. Until then, our efforts should be concentrated upon the war effort and then other such important issues such as poverty-stricken citizens and the hungry and homeless. Let us not waste valuable time on talk about government change until we are ready for such a drastic move, let us get the more necessary issues dealt with first.


          • EDIT: MODERATOR delete this.
            Last edited by mmtt; November 14, 2002, 02:58.


            • January 1st 1401

              To Field Marshalls(secret):
              The southeastern half of the border will hinder the Eastern Coast Campaign, however the northwestern half of the border is clear of mountains and the Northern Coast Campaign will be unhindered by this conflict. I have a unit under my command under the command of Colonal Cognac who know the area well, there recent mission is to scout out those mountains and provide detailed maps on routes and tunnels to take for the ECC to get past that mountain range. When he gets back I'll send them to you. That should be enough for our troops' offensive through that area, if not I will draft up more plans.

              Also, I've come up with an idea on an extension to my plan that could aid us, I will send it over when I'm done.(OOC: I will do it tomorrow and post up the map)

              -Field Marshall Easthaven I
              Attached Files


              • To Field Marshall Easthaven:
                Giovanni Vodka has been sent to Apolyton City Military Academy to graduate as a Colonel of the 17th Musket Regiment.

                He is already aware of his brother survival but they aren't so close anymore, at least it seems to me.

                But if Cognac is already working of us, I would like if you could ask him to train more soldiers to do hit&run raids on convoys coming to their fortress and to scout forward enemy positions and main military units.

                To Giovanni Vodka:
                Good news from your brother, it was him. Your orders have been cancelled, just complete your military training.

                Mostly Military OOC here:
                (ooc: we would be in 1401 now. Thats nearly a year now. War are mostly wage in good season. Also, supply isn't like it is now. Soldiers often pillaged to survive (like French soldiers during Russian campaign). Supply would have been quite slow to reach an advancing army while they are being attacked by peasants or light knights/cavalry units.

                Also in winter, don't forget troops are slowed down by bad weather, mud or snow. Maybe in tropical areas by heavy rains.

                Our armies have been waiting along the border and didn't attack very much, their moral wouldn't be too high (nobody likes waiting) and their supply (food/ammo) through the moutains chain would be really long.... etc

                I'm not sure our men are in good physical condition.


                • the Babyloniyans and the Ottomans are now allied with us against your evil regime. They have joined the righteous crusade led by the London Pact.

                  Liam Sheep
                  ASIO and Apolyton Dictator in exile.

                  PS: The London Pact consists of, Rome, France, Spain, England, ottomans, babaloyn and any tother nation that is against the Apolyton Empire.
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • Due to the decleration of war once more by Rome, the Ivory deal is cut. I beleve that the lack of luxury goods is to blame for the disruption, not the war (however, the war has ment that many resorces have been disrupted due to war. We currently need

                    Dyes, Silk, Spices, Ivory

                    and we currently have

                    1 Gem 1 Saltpeter

                    to trade this is why I have been wanting further diplomatic overtures with nations.
                    I am the second place man!


                    • OOC: To Sheep, i suggest you avoid getting setting up the diplomatic arena and redoing something treaties and alliances. As gamemaster, i'll control the diplomatic relations between other civs and their governments, as well as their reactios. It is possible to sabotage relations and so on, but cannot change out of wim.

                      Officially, the EUROPEAN UNION is comprise of England, Russia, Germany, Spain and France. Ottomans are still at peace, but since the cat is out of the bag, they will declare war on Apolyton in their own little way sometime in the game's near future, because they have been buddying up with the England and rest of the European Union, which is why they cancelled some trade treaties with us.

                      Rome and Babylon are NOT go to war against Apolyton...they have their own problems to deal with in their Alligator Continent.

                      hate to do this, but for now on, like i said above, diplomatic relations between other civs, their governments and general stats are under gamemaster control....which i don't abuse, i just do it to throw the occasional twist and to react some to asking the relations list from the foreign advisor, porvide maps, military strength in comparison to APolyton and so on. Trading is the Trade Advisor's responsibility. Science Advisor have some responsibility concerning Tech Exchange.

                      I updated added the rule at in the Great Library.
                      Last edited by Mellian; November 14, 2002, 13:28.


                      • OOC:
                        I finally figured out how to post pictures, so I will draw up a plan I have about going around the English forts.
                        What I want to do is the same thing the Germans did in WWII. They completely bybassed the French fortifications and cut them off from the rest of France, then they attack the forts after they had taken most of France.

                        To Field Marshall Thunderfire and Easthaven I(secret):
                        I have a plan were we can completely bybass the English forts all togather. We can completly surrond them and cut off their supplies. Then we can take the forts after they have run out of food and other supplies. This plan will also give us controll of the three English cities near the border of America. I am right now drawing up my plan. The key to the plan will be speed, and the heavy use of cannons on the cities as well. Thus I would like to use your Fox Riders Field Marshall Easthaven in this plan.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • To Field Marshall Jack_www:
                          I was thinking about the same plan.
                          Fox Cavalry units will cut off main English army and destroy bridges along river while our main troops will divide in two groups. North Group will attack northern ports and Center Group London. Group South mainly Fox units and Iroquois will take care of southern harbours.

                          OOC: Funny, my plan was really exactly the same.

                          Maybe there should be a few forts. In one year, English army could have at least build small ones.

                          Sheep, please write a story and don't start things which doesn't have any links with the story.
                          I dunno maybe you could try to assassinate some generals or send reports to the Queen about Apolyton Deployment, Republican activities. I like having a deadly enemy against us but make him fair. The goal isn't to win but to make a story, IMO a little heroic one with realistic elements not super stealthy ninja coming out of the darkness with a dark katana cutting the throat of another player. Nobody likes it...
                          Last edited by mmtt; November 14, 2002, 13:44.


                          • January 1401

                            TO Trade Advisor
                            FROM Chief of Staff Mellian

                            Forrest Majundar will become the new Governor, but i'll also be advised that once we change formed of government, each city will have their own seperate elections so they can chose their own Governors. He may run it for it then.

                            As for problems in Arhei, it doesn't reflect the rest of the Apolyton, just the Governor there been doing a terrible job. That is why, on your suggestion, that I will give Governship to Majundar. Hope he can do a lot better job.


                            johncmcleod, 7 days from Apolyton City to Greece in a period of age of sail? Caravels and Galleons aren't that fast ...unless your genius mind figures out a better mode of travel?
                            Last edited by Mellian; November 14, 2002, 13:56.


                            • Honorable Drako,

                              I am overwhelmed and flattered that you would consider me for such a position in government.

                              However, I must decline, as I am but an uneducated peasant, and believe it would take too much effort to convince the people of Arhei that I am the right man for the job. I also suffer from a most embarrassing sickness- one that has earned me the name Forrest "Wind." I won't trouble you with the details. I believe you will understand.

                              I appreciate your help in the matter of improving our lifestyle. What little infrastructure existed before the war is falling apart at an alarming rate.

                              Your humble citizen,
                              F. Majundar


                              • Field Marshall Easthaven made an appearance at the Edkoro Convention strongly urging that any such government transformation of any kind should wait until after the war with England. Any such transactions are a danger to the nation and could risk national stability. It would compromise our war with England costing the lives of tens of thousands Apolyton men and women. Therefore, when we are all settled and secure then such actions for a government change can be discussed and possibly acted upon. Until then, our efforts should be concentrated upon the war effort and then other such important issues such as poverty-stricken citizens and the hungry and homeless. Let us not waste valuable time on talk about government change until we are ready for such a drastic move, let us get the more necessary issues dealt with first.
                                Mellian was surprise to see Easthaven at the Convention, isn't he suppose to be at the frontlines in America-England? Anyway she responds to what Easthaven said:

                                I agree that we may have to wait until the end of the war before we should change government, but we shouldn't stop talking about it and organize the change in the meantime. As for the other problems, that is delt with in a daily basis by the Governors. If they cannot do their jobs, then they sha'll be replaced. Once we change form of government, the people will be able to replace the Governor with whoever they want.

                                Here is ideas for the constition... instead of 30 reps per province, which to many is quite a lot, they should have five Senators per city instead, chosen by the municipal governments. Each Senator stays in the Senate for 5 years.

                                The Administrator term should last for five years, but there can be a new election anytime as long as either 2/3 of the populace agrees to or 3/4 of the Senate.


