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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • A Note to the Government of Apolyton:

    It is I, John McLeod, the Science Advisor. This constitutional-monarchy is completely hogwash. I am for a full republic. Mellian and the Moderator want a combination, but this can't be done. Though civman2000 was a great leader, his bloodline shouldn't get the slightest power. What if along the bloodline a terrible person comes, and when they get power they do away with the government completely? This is what I believe, but if I were to say this in public, I wouldn't last long. That is why I am gone. I fluently speak several languages, I know enough to be considered an expert on every major culture in the world, I will blend in, disappear. I will not be found, but I will do everything I can to make Apolyton the best it can be. Goodbye.

    Giovanni Vodka spent the evening talking with several people at a pub near the military's encampment. It was mostly military personne, but there were quite a few civilians that came there. He hardly noticed a dark figure in a long black coat carefully watching him as he debated with other visitors about wether or not the government should be a republic. Some thought he was too extreme, they believed a full republic would never work.

    As he finished an argument he headed outside for a breath of fresh air. As he turned a corner in the dimly lit halls, someone grabbed him and threw him against the wall. He drew out his sword and began to fight him. But within half a minute the cloacked figure's superior skills prevailed. He knocked the sword out of Gio Vodka's hand. But instead of killing him, he put his sword back in his sheath and revealed himself.

    "You should not talk about a republic like that in the open. You'll get killed."

    "You're the science advisor, aren't you?" he asked, recognizing the familiar face.

    "You are correct. But you must tell no one. I have fled my position and I am in hiding. We must go for a full republic. This constitutional monarchy is a terrible idea. Though civman2000 was a great leader, his bloodline shouldn't get the slightest power. What if along the bloodline a terrible person comes, and when they get power they do away with the government completely? Also, though Mellian said we would eventually go to a full republic, it won't happen. The moderator will not surrender his/her power. That is why I have left. I will not rest until Apolyton is a republic. I have set up a meeting with men who have similar ideas to me. I'd like you to attend it. It will happen 14 days from now in Sparta."

    "How will I find you?"

    "I will find you." With that John left, leaving as quickly as he had come, leaving Giovanni Vodka pondering John's words.

    Sorry if this post is outdated, for new posts might have happened since I started this.
    "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


    • 1st December 1400

      Oh, well, whatever, Generals. However, I am glad the invasion date was pushed back

      Chief of Staff

      I propose we send ships out to discover new trading partners. We can gain power through trade, just as we can through the millitary.

      Drako Chuko
      I am the second place man!


      • (ooc: How do you know Vodka? You never saw him, at least I think? Also, soldiers guard him.)
        To Field Marshalls (secret):
        Maybe a ceasefire would be better. I have more and more reports of Republican actions. I suspect a revolution fore coming.
        I dunno if I have to arrest these people.
        Also, I would like to know what we have to do.
        Would it better to support the Republicans, the actual monarchy or ourselves?
        Thunderfire's villa: Mark Thunderfire, Giovanni Vodka and a couple of guards
        -What were you doing in this pub? Who was this man in the dark cloak?
        -...uh...well I was drinking..
        -IT WOULD BE WISER TO TELL ME THE TRUTH! roared Mark.-The guards came forward and Vodka was now between them-
        -It was the Science Advisor..
        -Why didn't you tell my men? You failed to your duty Vodka.-look toward the guards- Both of you, you guard him. You look after him and if he met anybody like this guy again, you shoot without warning.
        -he looked back at Giovanni- YOU GET IT?
        -SIR YES SIR!-The soldiers and Vodka walked away. As they were leaving the room, Mark said-
        - Giovanni, I want to protect you, I swore it. If you are a republican, that's your choice but don't cross the line too much...


        • To Field Marshell Thunderfire(secret):
          I agree. I too have heard of this republican movement. I have tried to see what the Moderator's possition is on the matter but she supposdly lost the message. I thus think that the Moderator supports this movement. Really I do not want to see anther civil war. It would destroy Apolyton. If the republic movement decides to use force to get what they want, we must stop them or it will mean the end of Apolyton and the English flag wil fly over Apolyton city, with all of us dead. The I hope the fools realize what danager they put Apolyton in when doing thi, especially at a time like this.

          I grow tried of the war with England. They have already lost it, it is just a matter of time before the end comes. I hope that we can do a cease fire.
          Donate to the American Red Cross.
          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


          • From Queen Elizabeth, via ASIO spies in exile:

            We will never ive in and our new allies the French and the Romans will help defend our motherland and take what is righfully ours, the island-continent of Rock

            Queen Elizabeth IX
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


            • 8th December 1400

              Forigen Minister, could I pleas have a list of all the nations we have contact with?

              I am the second place man!


              • I have been looking over the books in the Department of External Finances, and see some minor discrepencys.

                The Koreans have only one spice to give, which is therefore used for domestic purposes. Therefore our trade agreement with Korea for Spices is terminated. I have also taken the liberty of canceling the Saltpeter treaty, much to thier disgised

                As the Romans are now at war with us, that trade deal too is broken

                We Need- 1 silk
                1 Spice
                1 Dye
                1 Ivory
                and we have to trade
                1 Saltpeter
                1 Iron
                1 Fur

                I have noted that we do not have trade information for Carthage, China, Japan and Zululand. Could the forigen advisor please get us this information?

                Also, any nation that is not listed in the first nation list (listing Leader, relationship etc) in the great library i have assumed that we have not made diplomatic overtures to. Therefore all trade is canceled with these states, including the Iron trade to Arabia
                Attached Files
                I am the second place man!


                • 14 December, 1400 ( i think)

                  Giovanni Vidka was thinking, he couldn't understand what the science advisor wanted to him, and mostly, how did he recognize him.

                  "Was that misterious man sping on me since he left for Athens? I don't understand.

                  General Thunderfire was a smart man, but he is a military man, and therefore he must be authoritarian, but I know he truly isn't like he wants to appear, I know that Thunderfire was only tring to protect me... but from what?

                  I can't stay here, I can't answer to my questions if I stay in the camp, I need to know, I need to know who really my father was, and why he was killed, what that dark and misteriuos man wanted from me, and who is the misterious Mellian my father often talked about.

                  BUt those two guards are paying a close attention to me, they even follow me in the bathroom, and there was no way I could get out of the camp... in only Cognac could be here to help me"


                  American-English Border, a few hours later.

                  "Hey, Gio, wake up... WAKE UP"

                  "What's up Kevin?" said Cognac still a bit sleepy

                  "Cant' you hear this?

                  TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP

                  "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?"

                  "they are soldiers... American and Apolytonian soldiers"

                  "Really?... we must reach them, we must reach them as soon as possible, otherwise they all are going to be killed"

                  Giovanni Cognac together with his 200 men took their horses (stolen horses BTW) and started galoping as fast as they could through the Americam Mountains

                  "Here.. let's take this shortcut!!"

                  Galop galop galop galop

                  He and his men have nearly reached the American and Apolytonian Regiments, but one of the scout guards saw them

                  "Look there!!! English!!!"

                  A huge rain of arrows started being fired on Giovanni Cognac and his men, as they started falling under the heavy arrow raining.

                  "come here men" shouted G. Cognac with his loud voice, they are not gonna catch us in this tunnel

                  The men started galoping at full speed into the tunnel, only to discover that the tunnel ended up right in the middle of American-Apolytonian divisions.

                  "CHARGE" shouted the American general

                  "NO.. STOP IT, WE ARE FRIENDS" screamed Giovanni Cognac.

                  "The Apolyton.american divisions stoped, and the lieutenant of the Apolyton Army there came to speak to them

                  "what do you want?"

                  "me, I'm Giovanni Cognac, and I'm the leader of this group, we are here to fight the english, and it is already 3 months we are staying on these mountains, we know of an highly defended English fort just a couple of miles from here, and we needed to stop you before it was too late" said Cognac in perfect Apolytonian.

                  " stay here, don't move while I'm talking with the Regiment General"

                  a few minutes later the general himself came to speak with him.

                  "So your name is Giovanni Cognac right?"

                  "Yes milord"

                  "Are you sure of what you are saing?"

                  "yes sire, it's a long time I've been targeting that fortress, but never could because I don't have enough men"

                  "are there anymore fortress along those mountains"

                  "yes sire, the mountains are heavily defended"

                  "uhmm, those are some good informations, come back to our camp and rest a little bit with us, while I will send a message to Field Marshall Eastheaven"


                  Message from: General Leone
                  To: Field Marshall Eastiheaven

                  Our opening regiment in the American mountains had been blocked by a group of men, they stated that the mountains here are heavily defended by English fortress.
                  I've decided to head back to the camp.
                  The leader of this group is an Apolytonian, and his name is Giovanni Cognac.

                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • To all of You... a prophet has arrived.
                    Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                    religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                    • The Holy EMU is at hand... be prepared.
                      Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                      religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                      • OOC: Edit Romans to Ottomans sheep if you want to do something like that....Romans are not getting involved....[Edit] of course, it is to late

                        Chief of Staff

                        I propose we send ships out to discover new trading partners. We can gain power through trade, just as we can through the millitary.
                        December 1400

                        I agree, you have permission to send some Caravels for that purpose.


                        • From Queen Elizabeth, via ASIO spies in exile:
                          We will never ive in and our new allies the French and the Romans will help defend our motherland and take what is righfully ours, the island-continent of Rock

                          Queen Elizabeth IX
                          December 1400

                          Chief of Staff Mellian reads the message given by some ASIO spy, who shouldn't be trusted.

                          The Romans? Hard to believe they would side with the English, who broken a ivory trade deal at the beginning of the year. Afterwards, a good percentage of their trading was with Apolyton. Probably a setup, so she orders Commander of the Navy not to attack any Roman ships or blockade their merchant ships from our ports. She also informs everyone not worry about it for the moment...besides, the Romans don't have much of a navy anyway.

                          She ask the Foreign Advisor to contact the Romans about it, as well as the Greeks to confirm.

                          As for the French, obviously they would declare war officially, but Mellian knows they won't do anything against us. She must get updates from the Aztec and Zulus on their progress to transfer forces to France, as they will probably having trouble dealing with the Pressure they are getting from the rest of the European Union.


                          • Re: 8th December 1400

                            Originally posted by Lord Zalzabad
                            Forigen Minister, could I pleas have a list of all the nations we have contact with?

                            December 1400

                            TO Trade Advisor
                            FROM Foreign Advisor

                            List of Contacts:

                            -Americans (Embassy, Apolyton Alliance)
                            -Iroquois (Embassy, Apolyton Alliance)
                            -Monguls (Embassy, Apolyton Alliance)
                            -Zulus (Embassy, Apolyton Alliance)
                            -Aztecs (Embassy, Apolyton Alliance)
                            -Greeks (Embassy, Peace, Friends)
                            -Romans (Embassy, Peace?, Friends?)
                            -Egypt (Embassy, Peace, Polite)
                            -Vikings (Peace, Polite)
                            -Koreans (Peace, minimal contact via Romans)
                            -Babylon (Embassy, Peace, Polite)
                            -Ottomans (Embassy, Peace, Polite)
                            -Arabs (Embassy, Peace, Gracious!)
                            -English (War)
                            -French (officially at war, but still friends)
                            -Spanish (War. minimal contact)
                            -Russians (War, minimal contact)
                            -Germans (War, minimal contact)


                            • December 1400

                              SHe remembers reading the Science Advisor's message, and abandonment, running off to who knows where. If he is against the constitutional monarchy idea, which she thinks he doesn't understand how much power the people can get via a constitution, then there probably be others. Hmm, she'll have to contact a few people from the movement to get their opinion.

                              Anyway, the Republic Convention at Edkoro is happening, and there already many people from across Apolyton coming here... just to show that the people as a lot of support for a Republic gonvernment...or a lot of people who wants to know what it is

                              Meanwhile, she assigned the Science Advisor position to someone she trusts, like usual. Hey, no point working with people you don't trust or like, makes the job less efficient that way.



                              • December 15th 1400

                                Our opening regiment in the American mountains had been blocked by a group of men, they stated that the mountains here are heavily defended by English fortress.
                                When he got this letter he did not know what to think. He remembered placing Giovanni's sons on the Bravo list but now he's helping us fight the English. What was this man up to?

                                To: General Leone
                                From: Field Marshall Easthaven

                                Halt your advance. Fortify the mountains that are safe and send scouts with this Apolytonian's men to confirm the presence of English forts. In the mean time, I'm on my way to the frontlines, I wish to speak with Giovanni's boy. Also, be sure to thank him for me for watching over our troops.

                                Oh and by the way, you misspelt my name.

                                -Field Marshall Easthaven I

