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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • To Colonel Harris:
    We accept your surrender of your troops. I will allow all English troops to go back to England, but we will take their weapons. We though ask all those who are citizens of Apolyton to be handed over to us, so that we can try them for treason.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • October 28th, 1400
      As the Rebellion has now officially surrendered, October 27th, the day of the surrender, shall be a national holiday.
      EDIT: Full-scale invasion order rescinded.
      To the Chief of Staff: I think your idea of two capitals is a good one, though I would prefer it to be the otehr way around. Apolyton shall be the ceremonial/royal capital, while Edkoro or maybe some other city (Koahop or Chotrikan maybe?) would be the administrative capital. Oh, and one more thing: Your calendar seems to be off...
      Last edited by civman2000; November 11, 2002, 23:22.


      • OOC:
        A lot has happen since I was gone for the day, wow!
        A side note, if the moderator backs the revolution to Republic General Jack_www will also support the move.

        To the Great Moderator of Apolyton:
        The English now are week since most of the world is at war with them. The army grows tried of the constant fighting that it has been under the past few months and the men wish to return home. I sugest that we make peace with the English and call our forces back to Apolyton.

        To General Thunderfire and Easthaven:
        I too agree to your pact and to be loyal to the Great Moderator.

        TO General Thunderfire(secret):
        I know that the Moderator and her family seem to be insane and make very unwise dessions, but I would not want to move against her, especially after all we went through to prevent the traitors from killing her and taking over the government. But we can always try to talk sense in her if she makes an unwise move in the future.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • October 28th, 1400
          To General Jack: Last time we offered peace they made absurd demands. Let's keep fighting and bring over some more troops for a few months before offering peace again, just to teach them a lesson. I agree though that we need to restore peace soon.
          To the Foreign Advisor (Fwd'ed to all other departmetns so that they are aware of this): No negotiation with the English until December. In December talk to them and unless they are willing to make significant concessions and admit that we have one laugh at them and have no more communication until April.


          • October 1400

            I suggest Vegeimen City, near the mountains. It is a bit more central then Apolyton and would be close to the Royal capital. Lot easier to defend inland then on the coast. Also, not all allies and nations will be able to move their embassies right away. If you agree, then I suggest we rename Vegeimen City to Empyrean or Coruscant or something to that effect.

            OOC: Civman, my calandar is always mess up...just terrible at math and still haven't figured out your date formula. even using my fancy calculator proves fruitless.
            if result goes over 31 for October with 47, is it November 16 then??

            Jack, most of the world ISN'T at war with England. all of the european ones are allied with them while the Iroquois, Monguls, Aztecs and Zulus (the technologically and socially behind who recently got updated tech from us) are allied with us. Iroquois already sent forces to help ours and the Americans with the Invasion of England while their smallish navy along with the monguls smallish navy is harassing english ships in the Hudson bay (the large bay at the northern part of Monkey continent). MOnguls begun attacking Russia, preventing, atleast delaying, their attempt to help the English against our American-Apolyton-Iroquois forces. Germany and Spain can still help england. Aztec and Zulus ar slowly sneaking upgraded units with our techs into France to later declare war on the European Union sometime next game year. France is trying to stay neutral, favouring Apolyton and Apolyton Alliance but still in the European Union...with Frigates and Galleons, we can easilly by pass the english coast via the Atlantic Ocean to go to france and the aztec empire.

            As for attracting more players, i editted the rules and nearly remove the post count point now, as the game is moving a long we most of ya keep changing positions and power base, lol


            • To Colonel Harris: We accept your surrender of your troops. I will allow all English troops to go back to England, but we will take their weapons. We though ask all those who are citizens of Apolyton to be handed over to us, so that we can try them for treason.
              OOC: I'm assuming this doesn't include the prisoners in Goein Prisoner of War Camp since they're English soldiers and not Apolyton rebels, and we're still at war with the English. Or did you free them too?


              • 27th of October, 1400

                A bloody bag arrived at General Jack_www's desk. There was a note attacked. The General took the note, and read it

                "Now do you trust me?

                Drako Chuko"

                General Jack opened the bag, only to see the decapitated head of General Chuko staring back at him. He called for a guard, and told him "remove that... that object from here!"

                "yes sir"
                I am the second place man!


                • October 29th 1400

                  To General Jack:
                  I request permission to take my armies overseas to the English front and take command of Allied Forces or Apolyton Forces. They need better leadership, I don't even know who is leading our men out there. I also request numerous Frigates for escort put under my command and as well as over 2000 cannons to take with me to The Monkey. I will be drafting up plans for our next offensive for when my armies arrive at the continent.

                  -Field Marshall Easthaven I

                  (OOC: Mellian, i need maps on current Apolyton army positions as well as other nations' positions on the English war front. Unless you just want me to make things up.)


                  • Originally posted by Easthaven I

                    OOC: I'm assuming this doesn't include the prisoners in Goein Prisoner of War Camp since they're English soldiers and not Apolyton rebels, and we're still at war with the English. Or did you free them too?
                    Well then we will send them back once the war is over, that is before I read all the post.
                    Donate to the American Red Cross.
                    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                    • TO General Jack (secret):
                      Also, I have General West in my custody. If you wish to interrogate him I'll tell you the location. Send word and one of my Wolf soldiers will be sent to you to show you the secret location.

                      -Field Marshall Easthaven I


                      • Re: October 29th 1400

                        Originally posted by Easthaven I
                        To General Jack:
                        I request permission to take my armies overseas to the English front and take command of Allied Forces or Apolyton Forces. They need better leadership, I don't even know who is leading our men out there. I also request numerous Frigates for escort put under my command and as well as over 2000 cannons to take with me to The Monkey. I will be drafting up plans for our next offensive for when my armies arrive at the continent.

                        -Field Marshall Easthaven I

                        (OOC: Mellian, i need maps on current Apolyton army positions as well as other nations' positions on the English war front. Unless you just want me to make things up.)
                        Well we already have a large force in England already. Before the civil war we sent 60 musketmen infantry units and 15 knights to the area. We also are sending now 10 more Knight units and 5 medieval infantry units to England to fight them. We are currently 5 miles into English territory. I suggest we make a move towards the Capital of England, but of course making sure our flank is secure. I would welcome any plans you may have.

                        Before we can make a detailed plan we need a map. I am not really sure how to post pictures, so if you could do it that would be great.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • Originally posted by Easthaven I
                          TO General Jack (secret):
                          Also, I have General West in my custody. If you wish to interrogate him I'll tell you the location. Send word and one of my Wolf soldiers will be sent to you to show you the secret location.

                          -Field Marshall Easthaven I
                          As I am really busy running the millitary I would appericate it if one of your men could do that for me and provide me with a detailed report. I was also thinking we need a new Intelligence organization to replace Liam Sheep's one. We must also make sure to root out all of his spies.
                          Donate to the American Red Cross.
                          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                          • 28th October 1400

                            To Chief of Staff Mellian

                            I write to you to ask if you will grant me a Monopoly on trade between the rich regions of the "aligator" contenent, and the Apolyton Empire. The opening up of these new trade routes will greatly improve the commerce of your empire, and increace standards of living for the people. As I played an intriate part in the Civil War, I beleve that the government owes me.

                            Sincerely, Drako Chuko
                            I am the second place man!


                            • Field Marshall Easthaven I has ordered a Wolf interrogation team to begin the interrogation of General West. They are to use all means necessary to acquire information that could save Apolyton lives.

                              Well we already have a large force in England already. Before the civil war we sent 60 musketmen infantry units and 15 knights to the area. We also are sending now 10 more Knight units and 5 medieval infantry units to England to fight them. We are currently 5 miles into English territory. I suggest we make a move towards the Capital of England, but of course making sure our flank is secure. I would welcome any plans you may have.
                              Is that a go ahead? or a limited go? or a no, you can not go, must stay here? If you wish I will stay here and draft offensive plans.

                              As for the intelligence agency, my Wolf Battalion have already been conducting such covert actions such as their tags, if you wish I could assign them to become the intelligence agency, there is over 600 men in that battalion. They're capable of regular spy games as well as their training as a special operations unit. I'll leave it up to you to decide. I will retain two companies however to act as my elite gaurd and will fight with me in battles.


                              • OOC: Easthaven, make it up. the English-American coast front map is available in the Great Library... can use that to make up things up. Only thing is that the Allied forces started the invasion, but haven't taken any cities. English is about to have some German and SPanish reinforcements soon.

                                Keep in mind that one square in the Civ3 map is 100x100 miles.

