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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • September 12th, 1400
    "WHat do you mean the guard murdered my sister????"
    "Yes, it seems that they stabbed her to death."
    "I want the entire Palace Guard replaced! Not one person who was ever in it before or you have the very slightest suspicion of ever being a spy or traitor should be kept at least 50 yards away from the palace at all times."
    "Yes, your Majesty."

    OOC: Someone got to Flakhei's body and made it look like the Palace Guards killed her...


    • September 12th 1400
      Thunderfire army has instaured martial law in Apolyton City. Conscription is taking place, any men more than 18 years up to 45 will be drafted. Women will make food reserves and help building barricades through the whole city.

      Every conscripted will be regrouped into Citizens Company. Those companies will be under the command of a town sargeant. They will teach them self-defense, ambush tactics and urban warfare.

      "The city must be in two weeks a fortress!"
      Thunderfire has established in Headquarters in the Palace. As the last moderator has ordered the replacement of Palace guards, Wolf battalion is sent to slow down enemy advance.

      Church bells are melt into cannons. Stone are taken from buildings and throw together to make new walls.
      Light cannons, couleurvrin(sp?), are hidden outside the town in forest or in small foxhole where only the gun can be seen. Musketmen are dispatched to guard them.
      Heay artillery is being placed at the Great Librairy tower with some difficulties and at the Palace. Another massive battery of 8 guns is setup on the other hill (ooc: where my execution would have taken place).

      To Moderator:
      You may consider me as a traitor. I don't mind. My troops are guarding you and removing me can't be done. You will just kill yourself, my men will surely kill you.
      The Palace is also of strategic importance as the center of power. The enemy will surely try to destroy it with his cannons. That's why you need to leave it and hide somewhere else in the town. Join those women trying to help our brave men. Hide in the crowd, your assassins will lost you. But wear a distinctive insign recognizing you as the moderator. If not, nobody will listen to you.

      To General Jack_www:
      I will do my best to keep Apolyton capital as an Apolyton city. Yet, I need reinforcements. My scouts are informing me of at least 40.000 men coming toward us. IIf I can have 20.000 more soldiers and 50 cannons, I can push back Chuko.
      Easthaven will fight the English in the north. Moutains there will help him. He already have a good army and with four more regiments, he can easily throw the English back to sea. A few cannons will help him to hold cities.

      If the last sister die, you shall be the new Moderator.

      OOC: Apolyton City is going to be Stalingrad.


      • 13 September, 1400

        The two brothers, Vodka and Cognac embarked in an American merchant ship, leaving thermpolyle in order to reach the city of Philadelphia.

        The two brothers hide their nationality, and claim to be Greek merchants, wanting to visit the famous "monkey continent"

        Once they reached America they discovered a new truth:
        The English were currently at war against the Apolyton Empire.

        I order to reach Apolyton, Giovanni Vodka wanted to enter the English navy, land in Apolyton and then escape from the british military, and reach the village where his father lived.

        Giovanni Cognac on the other side wanted to fight the english off, he would like to recruit a small army of volunteer in America, and make the English pay for their attack on Apolyton.


        "I will never join the English Navy, even if it is just for a few days, I hate them, and I'm at war with them" said G. Cognac.

        "But you don't understand, all i want is just to reach Apolyton, and the only way we can do it is by joining the English navy"


        "WHAT? I thought you wanted to be know the truth about our father, I thought you were my good brother"

        "I'm not your brother anymore"

        "I don't care how you feel! You are coming with me OK?"

        Giovanni Cognac got angry, he raised his sword and....

        "I can not do it... go away Vodka.... just .... go away"

        Giovanni Vodka was astonished, he couldn't believe this could happen... he took his things without saying a word, and went away without looking back

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • OOC: sorry for the delay but I was sleeping.

          To General Thunderfire:
          You are right, we need to abush the English on there way to Apolyton and get them while they are unprepared for battle. I will try my best and find what troops we have in the area and try to send them to help in defense of Apolyton. My scouting party has just returned to me and tell me the army under General Chuko has 100,000 men, thus our old plan will not work, but your will, at least I hope. I will get 10,000 troops that I have train in abush tatics and try to pick the English off while they are march toward our city. I will not directly ingage them, but just do hit and run raids on them as they get near the remain cities that stand in the way of Apolyton. Tell the people to do as you say, burn all the food and everything else usefull to the eneimy as the army aproaches.

          Too the English army will most likely have to keep troops in the city they capture, this will prevent them from using all their troops on the city of Apolyton, and we can use this to our advantage.

          Also remember the English have cannons too. They can knock the city walls down with them, so becarefull. These new cannons change many things.
          Last edited by Jack_www; November 10, 2002, 13:29.
          Donate to the American Red Cross.
          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


          • To The Moderator:
            We must never surrender to the eneimy now! The English will never let you stay in power, and attacking the Americans who our friends who not be a wise move. We have a plan to defeat the English, and they will make peace on our terms.

            If you want to make peace with England and they even let your envoys in to hear them, I know they will make General Chuko the new Moderator of Apolyton, and all of us would surely be put to death, is that what you want?
            Donate to the American Red Cross.
            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


            • Order of Battle:
              Fifth Army Corps (under Easthaven I's command)
              11,000 men plus 4 regiments raised
              =15,000 men, all are veterans except 1 knight regiment and 3 musketmen regiments.

              4 knight regiments
              4 elite Fox regiments (speed 'cavalry', for us against infantry)
              7 musketmen/swordsmen regiments
              50 cannons ( the 1st prototype cannons when we were researching cannons)

              Reinforcements: 4,000 musketmen en route from Edhop.

              VII Army
              26,000 plus 1 regiment raised
              =27,000 men

              18 knight regiments (5 elite) (6 veteran)
              7 musketmen (6 veteran)
              2 medieval infantry (1 conscript)
              40 cannons

              Colonel Fiesmore's Brigade
              10,000 men plus unification of Trikomore's men.
              =18,500 men

              18 1/2 musketmen regiments

              Ninth Army (General Golifin in command)
              31,500 men, no raised regiments. Been on the march from Edird hills.

              25 knight regiments (6 elite) (10 veteran)
              5 musketmen regiments (2 veteran)
              1 longbowmen regiments
              1/2 medieval infantry

              X Brigade (Colonel Sikemore in command)
              raised near city of Vikan.
              10,000 strong.

              2 knight regiments
              8 musketmen regiments (1 conscript)

              Reinforcements= enroute from Kowoahopi. 3,000men

              PROPOSED PLAN of Action


              • September 17th 1400

                1st Defense Force
                The V Corps and Col. Fiesmore's Brigade is the 1st Defense Force. They will attack the 2nd Corps which numbers 50,000 men. V Corps and Fiesmore's Brigade number 33,500. Reinforcements from Komoedgo are enroute towards V Corps with 4,000 men. 10,000 men from the 9th Corps will reinforce V Corps also, bringing the 1st D.F. to 47,500 men. Fiesmore's Brigade will attack West's northerwestern flank while V Corps (under Lt.Gen. Easthaven I) will attack their eastern flank splitting up west's forces. When the event presents itself, Easthaven's Fox Regiments will rush between the gap of the split 2nd Corps hopefully cutting the enemy in half. Fighting probably will take place in city.

                2nd Defense Force
                The VII Army and 9th Corps and X Brigade is the 2nd Defense Force. VII Army will take position in the hills north and northwest of Edgopwien to separate the two enemy Corps. 9th Corps and X Brigade will position themselves in between the enemy and Apolyton, 9th Corps in the woods east and X Brigade on the plains south and southeast. X Brigade reinforcements enroute from Kowoahopi with 3,000 men. Chuko's men number 47,060 men, 2nd Defense Force should have 49,500 men when reinforcements arrive from Kowoahopi, untill then they will have 46,500 men.

                9 Corps will give 12,000 men to Apolyton under the command of Thunderfire and 10,000 men to V Corps under Easthaven I while the rest (9,500) will be part of the 2nd D.F.

                Also Apolyton naval ships should rally and blockade our western coast to prevent any reinforcements or supplies from the English.


                • Letter dated 6th October 1400

                  To General Jack.

                  You may not know me, but I, Drako Chuko have a plan to eradicate my Cousin. His actions are very undecicive, and I beleve that he is no longer as Sane as you or I. I request your forces to allow me to land, and infultrate my cousins forces, eventuly assassinating him. Please send reply soon, I beleve it may be too late.

                  Drako Chuko
                  I am the second place man!


                  • BTW, the picture of the plan did not come out, so I have no idea how many troops, and where they are. General Wests forces were routed bu unknown forces, and is now in retreat to the coast. Chuko's forces will forterfy the city, and wait for the oncomming attack

                    BTW, I doubt Chuko will even get to Apolyton City if my story line comes through
                    I am the second place man!


                    • Uknown Date

                      To Emperor Chuko

                      I fully support your claim to the throne and will continue to support it againmst the traitors Jack and Easthaven.

                      The ASIO agents within the English military have started Operation: Moonlight Dagger. A number of high ranking officals in the English military and government have been assasinated. This has seemed to slow down the English giving them confusion.

                      Meanwhile in ASIS, the part of Apolyton that Chukop controls, agents have begun arresting all who oppose the great Emperor (and therefore me). In the part under the Generals, many ASIS agents are committing acts of terrorism, and assasinating the General's trusted servants and lueitennants.

                      To EASTHAVEN AND JACK: Accept Chuko's rule or you will be next.
                      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                      • September 22, 1400

                        To Drako Chuko:
                        I know who you are, my men intercepted your letter to your cousin. I would galdly accept your help, but how can I know you are to be trusted?

                        To Liam Sheep:
                        You and those who follow you will soon be executed as the traitor you are. First you try to kill the Great Moderator civman200, had one of his sisters killed, had his mother killed, then side with the English all to try to gain power over Apolyton. Give up now and we may spare your life.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • To General Thunderfire and Easthaven:
                          The English army is in retreat. We must take the offensive now, as they have foritified in the city. Victory is at hand. Soon Apolyton will be safe from those who dare to oppose her.
                          Donate to the American Red Cross.
                          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                          • Unkown Date in late September 1400

                            To Easthaven and Jack: I would watch my back if I was you.

                            The right hand man of general Easthaven has been assisnated by an American citizen working for the ASIS organisation. IF the Generals do not bow to the proper authority they too will be liquidated. We will like to assure you all that we did not have any part in our illustrious moderator's untimely death or that of any family member of his. We also mourn the loss of the wise Giovanni Wine. We would like to announce we have tracked these assailants down and executed them for their crimes against Apolyton. However if the rebellious General's continue their resistnace to Emepror Chuko, who is the best man to replace the departed civman=, they will find themselves on the ash heap of history.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • 24th October 1400

                              Letter sent from Edgopwen,

                              You will see you can trust me when I present Chuko's head on your table. I wold be careful about moving your troops. He seems not to want to capture Apolyton, but to burn the city to the ground, garrison and all within it. I will try to stop him before he does this, but it seems we are moving out, heading for the East, towards Apolyton City. They have taken all the Women and Children hostage, and murdered the men. I hope this letter gets to you,

                              Drako Chuko
                              I am the second place man!


                              • To General Jack_www:
                                Defenses in Apolyton City are ready. Our scouts report the advance of massive Chuko forces. We are ready, leaving empty our stronghold would be foolish.
                                I also suggest that Easthaven send a few troops through the hill chains toward Edgopwein to cut Chuko forces. He won't need a lot more of troops.

                                I have reports coming from the fleet. Admiral Vilowein is finally reporting. He has 15 caravels under his command and he is sailing toward Vikomore.

                                Victory is near. The English will be forced to sign a peace treaty as we will have destroyed their land forces, a good part of their Navy and a possible American invasion.
                                Hope is coming back to my men and they will fight with great courage.

                                OOC: Woud like to know where you are Jack_www in the game? In Apolyton City or any other cities or leading an army?

