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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • August 25th 1400

    To General Jack(secret):
    I also created a list of all possible enemies against the Moderators who would wish dethronement or death upon them.
    There are 3 lists. the First are the most dangerous and warrant an arrest, the next two are only suspicions and speculation.

    Alpha list

    -Liam Sheep, and his top lieutenants
    -General Chuko, and his troops
    -English spies

    Bravo list

    -All of Giovanni's Wine's relatives, esp. his sons Giovanni Vodka and Giovanni Cognac believed to be located in Greece(a team of ten wolves sent to keep an eye on them).
    -General Chuko's relative's, whereabouts unkown to me except for his son, Lev Chuko who is currently studying at the Great Library (4 of my men have a tag on him).
    -civman2000's old best friend, Gim Pole, a known supporter of the Republic. Resides in Germany. (2 wolves sent)

    Charlie list

    -Mark Thunderfire (1 wolf transfered to his unit)
    -Sheep's wife and father. location unkown
    -Mellian's Domestic Advisor, I went to the same school with him as a child, we had a conversation about governments once, I remember his strong opinion towards the Republic. (1 wolf assigned to him)

    THis list is for your eyes only and the eyes of the wolf units involved. If you feel anybody should be added to the list or moved up to Alpha let me know.


    • August 26th, 1400

      TO Easthaven I

      Darnit Easthaven! Can you tell your new so called Royal Security Service to leave me alone so I can do my job? Quite nuissance to have them question and occasionaly preventing me from wherever I need to go in the Palace and occasionally to leave it and return from the Embassies.



      • August 26th 1400

        To Mellian:

        I apologize for the hightened security but at the moment it is quite necessary. If you are really bothered by the R.S.S. then I implore you to try out the luxurious tent on the front lawn of the Palace. Its quite comfy and guess what! It has your name on it!

        -Lt. General Easthaven I


        • August 26th, 1400

          TO Easthaven I

          Excuse me, but your talking to the Chief of Staff, which means I am your superior! Tell R.S.S. to leave me alone or you'll be responsible for further dissarray of the Government (which you can be charged for treason for in this country of ours) and preventing me from being able to establish the Apolyton Alliance.


          She got up from the desk in the Chief of Staff office and gave the letter to the courier person, who quickly left. She needs to leave the office so she can continue her work, but could be the last time she'll be allowed in here. Damn Easthaven! Shouldn't force her to make threats.

          While storming out from the office, the door quickly opens, smashing into the wolf soldier who as been assigned to tag the Domestic Advisor, breaking his nose. Mellian continues storming down the hall, shouting at some R.S.S. guards, not knowing what happened...


          • 27th of August, 1400

            General Chuko looked out over the smoldering city of Vikemore. He looked at his troops, and saw that the English Reinforcements General West promsied him, had arrived. His men now numbered 100,000, and thier moralle was high, recently hearing news of Moderator civman's dissaperance. General west approched him, and said, "Our men are ready. The English fleet is off the coast ready for your order to attack. The European Union has issued declerations of war against the Apolyton Empire"
            "Order your fleet to begin bombarding the coast. All of my allies have turned on me. My plan failed, but the Moderator is dead. We march on Apolyton tonight!"
            "Yes Emperor. Does your cousin know of this change of events?"
            "No, he does not. He is proberly returning from China. He does not even know the plan! I asked him to bring me a sample of poison for scientific study. Go tell Elizabith that her forces are safe in my hands"
            I am the second place man!


            • August 27, 1400

              To Cheif of Staff Mellian:
              We must keep security tight around the Palace. You should be gald they are there to protect you and the Moderators. Liam Sheep and his men are still uncounted for, and you could be there next target. We will see what we can do.
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • A scout on a horse ran into the city gates of Apolyton. He was out of breath and was near death but was determined to get his message to General Jack_www.

                "I have spoted English troops landing near the city of Vikemore sir. I could spot at least 30,000 troops and General Chuko. I barely escaped with my life."

                "So he has sided with the English, good work. I will see to it that you are taken care of. The information you have gaven me might very well save Apolyton."

                With that the scout died.

                General Jack_www hurried to the barracks to gather the troops to stop the advancing English army. He also thought of a plan to stop the English now. He would order the troops in America to begin the planed invasion of England. This way the English too would be in the same spot Apolyton was, and would never suspect that his army would invade now in a time like this.
                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                • Letter dated 16th August 1400

                  This letter was intercepted by the Millitary, and placed of Jack WWW's desk

                  Cousin Chuko, I write to you in desperation. I have recently landed in America, only to find that you are a wanted fugitive for treason! Now I know what you ment by that remark. You are a fool to think you can get away with this, and a fool to think you will live. I will make it my duty NOT to come to your funeral. I do not know if I should return, for I fear arrest just for being related to you. From what you tell my, General Easthaven is bloodthirsty, so I will make my way to greece to further await developments

                  Your Cousin, Drako
                  I am the second place man!


                  • August 26th 1400

                    To Mellian:

                    Very well Mellian. I will order the R.S.S to ease up around your offices. I am only doing my job, which is to protect the Moderators' lives, I think that is more important than your convenience. And do not threaten me, I do not take kindly with being threatened with the charge of treason. Every Apolyton knows that is ludicrous. And I will ask you to stop interfering with my affairs as well as the affairs of the R.S.S.. I have told them to be a little more considerate about your presence in the Palace but I will not do anything to hinder their effectiveness in protecting the Moderators. I am sorry for causing you any trouble but we seem to be even since you've been causing me trouble. So, if you could, end the threats. We are on the same side. Lets get back to work.

                    -Lt. General Easthaven I


                    • General West looked angraly at Chuko. "THE FOOLS ARE ATTACKING ENGLAND WE MUST WITHDRAW IMMDEIATLY!"

                      We will be at Apolyton soon, dont worry. Once Generals Easthaven and Jack www are dead, the moderators will be under my command, and I will order the troops to withdraw. Our forces outnumber the garrison 3 to 1 we will not loose"
                      "Whatever. Have you heard from your cousin yet?"
                      "No, thats strange. I would of thought I would of got a letter by now"
                      I am the second place man!


                      • BTW, my armies will not start battling for 8 or so hours, as I have to go to work. Don't start the war without me!
                        I am the second place man!


                        • OOC:
                          ok I will wait, the story is really getting good now.
                          Donate to the American Red Cross.
                          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                          • August

                            To General Jack:
                            The Fifth Army Corps are ready. They're crack troops, thirsty for traitor blood. If you wish I will lead them to halt their advance. The Corps numbers 11,000 men. I will contact General Golifin of the 7th Army in the region of Woakomore City. His forces number 26,000 men. He will attack enemy's southern flank while I'll drive my forces towards their eastern flank. The garrisons of the city of Womore, Lahopi, and Keikomore can unit under Colonel Feismore of Lahopi, altogether they should number at least 9,000 men and they will attack the enemy's northeastern flank. The garrison in Trikomore needs to fortify to halt Chuko's advance. The troops in the city of Komoedird which number about 4,500 men will be sent to reinforce Trikomore which already has 4,000 men. Seventh Army Corps will fortify Apolyton and the Palace while Thunderfire's men, when he arrives, will fortify Apolyton city also. the 9th Army in the Edird hills should start moving to Vegeimen City.

                            Approve of this plan General Jack, so that it can get into motion.

                            -Lt. General Easthaven I

                            (OOC: battle will begin when Zalz gets back.)


                            • OOC: who will decide the victor of the battles to come? These battles are going to be the turning points and very important.


                              • To Lt. Gen. Easthaven:

                                FOR YOUR EYES ONLY!

                                Your plan sounds like a good one. I sugust we take out there supply lines as well. I will be sending a scouting party to the city of Vikemore to see how many troop General Chuko has under his command.

                                One thing I think we should do is set a trap for the English. We can leave Apolyton wide open and leave nothing left for the traitors to take. Once they are out in the open and not expecting attack we get them while they are caught off guard. We can also cut off their supply lines.
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

