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  • The Toronto Tribunal

    March: President Smith assasinated, election of new President to follow

    A sad moment in the history of the Federated States occured when the President was assasinated by Robert Hague, a member of the ultra-right wing Fascist League.
    As the nation mourned the loss of the man who solved the recent crisis with the New Union of Soviet Socilist Republics, the Vice President James Sinclair took the oath of office.

    As per the FSD constituoion this year's election will now also include the election of a new President. At the moment it seems like either the Isolationist Party or the Social Democrats will win. The Democratic Alliance has lost much ground since President Yeager touched off the recent crisis amongst the Federated people.

    June: Alaskan withdrawl hinted
    President Sinclair announced that a possible withdrawl from the Alaskan frontier was possible. However he has set one condition. The NUSSR withdrwas resp[ectively, and the Triple PAct as a whole signs a NOn-Aggression Pact with the Federated States of Democracy and the Republic of Incaland.

    Election Results are in
    The Isolationist Party won a stunning election win when their leader won the Presidential Race. President-elect John Sharpton, will take his oath of office comming in Feburary.

    In the Federal House the Social Democrats won, which promises to make life hard for the new President. The LOwer House now will have a slight Isolationist majority.
    The Isolationist ticket won on the principles that they will withdraw from world politics. It promises greater trading ties to all nations , but has won on the merirt that it will concentrate only on matters concerning the Americas, and those of the growing program to colonise space within the FSD.
    Last edited by Sheep; October 10, 2002, 03:38.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • FSD diplomacy

      To the world We ask you to recognise the new nations of South America. We follow this with a recognition of the New Kingdom of Argentina. We do not think that the NUSSR policy of occupying Chilie was for the good of the world, as this terrirtory was under Australian occupation and it was a map error not a annexation that caused the difficulties. We do not see the need of a fully unified South America and will not partiucipate in one. Incaland or the FSD wioll not annex any more territory on EArth however.

      To Italy
      The efforts in ending the crisis made by your nation is congrtulated by our President. The Lima Pact however is not under the duress of your recognistion, and we willingly recognise the Kingdom of Argentina and its inclusion in the Italian sphere of influence. This of course will be retracted if you do not do likewise in the case of the FSD and Incaland

      To the Triple Pact I offer a NAP. Futhermore FSD warships won't leave the EAstern half of the PAcific, if you do not lkeave the Western. I suggest Midway ISland as the line that ships of either nations abide by. I wil;l stand down my army in Alaska if you do likewise in Siberia. I hope we can resume some form of co-operation in the future, and as such I resume normalised relations by re-instating my diplomats into your territory.

      To the Freedom Pact (top secret) I hope our alliance will endure, as it is athe moment the most powerful in the world. If it came to war, we wouldn't lose if all member-states co-operated, I ask you to consider allowinf the Republic of Incaland to join in the near future as they are on the road to full freedom. I suggest we do not provoke the Triple Pact, but merely stop it from expoanding anymore on Earth. Let them fire the first shot, and the opnion of the NEutrals will sway towards us.
      Last edited by Sheep; October 10, 2002, 03:41.
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • FSD Stats

        Name: The Federated States of Democracy
        Capital: Toronto
        Population: 1293 million people (10 million registred Genecoms)
        Territories: All of the American landmass from the border with Incalnad tho the Artic, Greenland, Hawaii, the Aleutan Islands, Midway Island and all pacific Islands in the Eastern Pacific. The Carrabean Islands are an autonomous region mainly inhabited by the Genecom population

        Incaland Clean Up: Completed
        Clean up of Japan: 3 yrs
        Weather Machine: 3 yrs
        Chronospher: 3yrs
        New Colonisation Scheme: 3 to 4yrs (running ahead of schedule)
        Operation Military Robotics: 4yrs (details classified)
        Ultimate Missile Defence: 9 yrs

        All other stats are the same as before
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • To NAF/FS:
          As it looks like the Federated States are now withdrawing from Alaska, Italy will consider this crisis closed.

          We will recognize FS influence over the Free Repubblic of Incaland.

          Our battleships are currently turning around and going back to the Italian coast and the Mediterraneum, we expect your ships in the Med to do the same.

          However, we won't allow your diplomats back in Roma until the crisis will not be solved for the other Triple Pact members as well.

          To Triple Pact (secret):
          We think the crisis is over.
          An attack against the Federated States would be very bad for our reputation, as the former North American Federation did probably all they could do to prevent this war.
          Anyway, we think that we obatined what we wanted from them, they re-formed and granted complete freedom to the Communist Party of NAF, they did not annex any territories in former Incaland.
          From our side we consider this crisis over, and we think that the last point of attrition (the Alaskan-Siberian DMZone issue) would not need our help, as we are sure that NUSSR will be able to brillantly solve it by herself.

          Our fleet that was sent in the Atlantic off the North American coast will now retreat, however we will not undertake any diplomatic relation or trade deal until we won't have the placet from the rest of the Triple Pact.


          New Colonialist Law:
          The Italian Parlament just ratified a new law.
          This law states that for every adult aged between 25-55 living in a space colony there should be at least 10 childrens.

          This means that for every couple there must be something close to 20 children.

          The government will economically help all those people that has at least 6 children and will reward anybody who reach the 10 children conditions.

          According to the ISTAT (The Italian Institute of Statistic) this should boost up the population of the Italian Colonies on both, the Sun Solar System and the Vega Solar System

          The Earth and Phobos Italian territories were not included in the law, and once a planet reach a total population of 150 milions (this is believed to happen in some 15-20 years)


          Italian Stats and Projects
          Archeological studies in Neptun: XX years
          Colonization Vega Solar System: 10 years
          Space Navy to Imperial: 10 years

          Name: New Italian Empire
          Goverment: Democratic Empire
          Capital: Roma (located in central Italy, Europe, Earth)
          Total Population: 428 milions
          Nuclear Winter Sick: none
          Suffering Famine: none

          Sun Solar System:
          Land: Italian Europe, Italian Phobos, Italian Venus, Galapagos Italian Military Base, Italian Uranum, Italian Neptun, Italian Middle-East.
          Capitals: Roma (Europe), Nova Firenze (Phobos), Nova Torino (Venus), Nova Belgrade (Uranum), Nova Bucarest (Neptun), Damascus (Middle East)
          Population: Population: 415 milion (130 Europe, 121 Middle East, 92 Venus, 10 Phobos, 32 Uranum, 30 Neptun)
          Vega Solar System:
          Land: Planet 1, Planet 5, Planet 8, Planet 10, Planet 16, Planet 20, Planet 21, Planet 22
          Capitals: Nova Bucarest (1), Nova Napoli (5), Nova Sofia (8), Nova Rhodes (10 -capital of the system-), Nova Livorno (16), Nova Athens (20), Nova Cagliari (21), Nova Cyprus (22)
          Population: 13 milion (2 on P1, 1 on P5, 1 on P8, 2 on P10, 2 on P16, 2on P20, 1 on P21, 2 on P22)

          Army: Large
          Navy: Medium
          Airforce: Large
          Space Navy: Huge (Imperial in 10 years)
          Nukes: 50 (all located in Europe)
          Interplanetary Nukes: none


          Name given to the various planets claimed by Italy on Vega solar system

          The Italian planets of the Vega Solar System had been renamed after some old famous Italian.

          Planet 1 as "Dante"
          Planet 5 as "Botticelli"
          Planet 8 as "Fermi"
          Planet 10 as "Macchiavelli"
          Planet 16 as "Galileo"
          Planet 20 as "Raffaello"
          Planet 21 as "Leonardo"
          Planet 22 as "Michelangelo"

          And from the next "Stats and Project" I will use those names instead of the Planet number.

          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
          The trick is the doing something else."
          — Leonardo da Vinci
          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


          • Colonisation of Coranatio System: 6 Years
            CapitailPlan: 2 Years
            Upgrade Army size: 1 Year
            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


            • Confederate States of Draconia


              anti-matter resreach(3 years or more)
              Army upgrade (1 years)
              Planetary Nuclear Shield( 3 years)
              Fighter resreach will take 2 years
              Bomber resreach will take 2 years
              Exploration to System 12967 (3 years)

              Name: Confederate States of Draconia
              Territory: Draconia, colonies on Draconia 1,2, and 3
              Capital: Dracon
              Population: 325 Million ( 50,000 on Draconia 1,2,3)
              Suffering Famine: None

              Large Army
              Medium Navy
              Large Airforce
              No Nukes
              Medium Space Navy
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • NEWS

                The FT-1P, the prototype next generation of tanks, has been successfully tested and FT-1 series are ready for production. Due to his new fusion engine, initially used on spaceships, the FT-1 is the fastest tank in the world. His top speed of 325mph on road gives the Red Army a possibility to strike deep in the enemy lines (blitzkrieg capacity increased). His two cannons, a plasma one and an ion one, give it a destructive firepower. Equipped with an onboard computer (ILE origin) able to save up to 100 targets and to immediately engage them, the FT-1 is agile, nervous and clever.
                His low height size, 1.80 meters, makes him a difficult target to hit and his armor makes shots bounce on him. Only laser or plasma can hurt it.

                EXTREMELY CONFIDENTIAL FOR CHAIRMAN EYES ONLY (just to tell you about the hovercraft tank)
                Test of the XH-001 has been validated. The tank is nearly invincible, only heavy shells like 300 mm rounds can destroy it. It can sail 10 km of the coast.
                The Special Device is being tested and shows a great potential. We are making good progress in silencing it. A T-2500 couldn’t see it on his radar. We will soon test it with a D-1 and some FS tanks.
                If the SD is fully functional, shall I start operation Invisible Darkness?

                Chairman reply: Affirmative, Operation Invisible Darkness will start as soon as possible. It will require 1000 invisible H-1S and 250,000 ESM. If operation is discovered, may god help us, I don’t give much about our lives.

                NUSSR starts a new Five-Year plan in the goal to reach a PNB of 150 trillion FS dollars.
                Secret research in the goal to increase colonies development has begun.
                NUSSR is laying mines and building defense along DMZ Siberian border.
                The three Illiouchine-class battlecarriers are being seen sailing away from their harbor. Some convoys of NUSSR navy leave for unknown destination.
                The Red Star space carrier, Lenin and Stalin spaceships, have regrouped in orbit above Earth.

                Foreign Diplomacy
                TO FS:
                Our fleet is already in our harbors and our troops will pull back when yours will.
                I may sign a NAP….

                To Triple Pact:
                As I need to restore NUSSR economy as our defense costs us a lot, I request some help from your firms. If they setup in NUSSR, they won’t have to pay workers and factory will be built by us. In exchange, NUSSR will get 25% in parts from any firms building.

                EXTREMELY SECRET: My advisors suggested me to do not warn you about a Special Operation we are planning. I will just tell you that you shouldn’t be surprise if some changes appear in America.

                NUSSR Stats:
                Fusion Tank research: done
                Nuclear Shield: done
                Diminution of Red Army back to their pre-crisis estate: 1 year but Red Army can be remobilized in two months and in 6 months ready for offensive.
                Top Secret Research: Hovercraft Tanks done
                Colonization: 4 years
                Five-Year Plan: 5 years

                On Earth: Baltic States, Byelorussia, China, Finland, Norway, Persia, Russia, Ukraine, Sweden. Soon Chile
                In Space: Free Socialist States of Mars

                Population: 1 515 million of inhabitants (Genecom population estimated to 700 million)
                Capitals: Moscow, Peking, Baghdad, New Leningrad (Red Luna), New Stalingrad (FSSM).

                PNB: 120 trillion dollars, 87 trillion in Army sector (Space, Earth and military research included).
                Last edited by mmtt; October 10, 2002, 17:12.


                • OOC:
                  mmtt you are not suppost to have colonies on my first moon, the most I ever let you set up there is a testing site. I also dont know how you can get 54 milion people on it on such a short time. I kicked your people out after you tried to invade India. Please correct your posts.
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • To NUSSR:
                    The first moon near Draconia is part of Draconia. We only allowed you to set up a testing site not to put a colony of 54 million people on it. What are you doing? We kicked your people out of there long ago, so how can you have a colony on our moon?

                    More info. on DI tank:
                    The tank also uses night vision and thermal imaging as well, so it can target tanks using heat that comes form it. It can strike targets up to 5 km away.
                    Donate to the American Red Cross.
                    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                    • Sorry, I read your sent my tanks back but not my people. Well I will edit them don't worry.

                      About the tank, well I think in the XXII century a lot of tanks have thermal vision, nvg whatever...
                      This secret tank is designed to be stealth and invisible. I will try to describe it in another post.


                      • Australia is ready to pull back and call the crisis over.

                        NUSSR: Our firms and industries are interested in setting up offices in Hong Kong and Moscow. However they seem rather distressed over the language barriers.

                        TP: Is there any thing we can do to unite ourselves linguistically? Italian, Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, and English are all spoken throughout our countries. A common language would be nice, any suggestions?


                        • The Toronto Tribunal

                          Feburary: Presdient Sharpton innagurated
                          The Isolationist President of the Federated States was innagurated in front of huge crowds in Toronto. After he took the oath of office he laid out the policies of the new administration.

                          1/To prevent any futher expansionism by any nations on Earth at the expense of any other Earth territories. He was considerably worried about the apparent plot of the NUSSR to annex Chilie.

                          2/To continue programs for the expansion of the FSD into space to secure the nation's future.

                          3/To strengthen ties with our allies and to fully integrate all research.

                          4/To sign a NAP with all Triple Pact memebers and work towards a reduction in arms.

                          May: Fascist Uprising squashed, ringleaders executed The Fascist Party a politcal organisation in the FSD, against the recent backdown of the Feaderated States over the INcaland Crisis, tried to overthrow the government in Salt Lake City and form a new rebel government. In the Federated State of Utah, the army is now in control, and martial law has been declared to prevent the Fascist Party from another attempt. The Ringleaders of the coup attempt have been executed for treason, and the President i looking into the continued existance of the party structure.
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • FSD Diplomacy

                            To the Triple PAct If you offer it I will sign NAP with you all, this will allow us to help solve the continual crisies that have been plaguing us this past decade.

                            To the NUSSR We warn you any attemp to formally annex the Chilean Occupation Zone will be met with the stiffist resistance. We will however recognise any state you create from this territory as long as it has some democratic basis (ie More than one party) and we will allow continued NUSSR influence over the area.

                            To the Freedom Pact (secret) We need to formulate a strategy in the case of war with others. I am also intrested in a sharing of technology with you, you give us a proposal and we can work something out.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • FSD STATS

                              Name: Federated States of Democracy
                              Capital: Toronto, Ontario, North America Zone
                              Total States: 8 in South America, 7 in Carrabean and Central America (1 autonomos) 27 in former Mexico, 50 in the former USA, 15 in the rest of North America, 5 in the Eastern Pacific.
                              Total Population: 1367 million (120 million in peperation for the New Colonisation Scheme)

                              All Military Stats are the same, howevr the Spacy Navy is being expanded once more

                              Current Projects
                              Space Navy expansion: 2yrs
                              Japan Clean Up: 4 yrs
                              Chronosphere: 2yrs
                              Weather Machine: 2yrs
                              New Colonisation Scheme: 4yrs (+1 for actual colonisation)
                              Military Robotics: 4yrs (details classifed until project completion)
                              Ultimate Missile Defence: 8yrs
                              Guass-flayer weaponry: 4yrs (details classified until project completion)

                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                              • To :Australia
                                From: Sweden-Io
                                You could always use swedish.

