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SNESA2 Reborn: Ad Infinitum once more.

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  • TO All Nations of Universe:

    We are shocked at the actions the NAF has taken. We will not help the NAF in any millitary actions it takes. We just hope NUSSR has a more rational leader then the NAF. If war occurs on earth, we will help the people affected by the war, but will not aid etheir side's milltary, and I think I can speak for the whole Neutral Alliance in saying this.

    Jack_www, President of Draconia
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • Diplomacy

      To NUSSR(secret): We happily sign your NAP.

      To Italy(secret): I know that the NAF seems to be acting in an agressive manner recently. We are trying our hardest to avoid any war. War would be the worst thing that could happen at the moment.

      To NAF/FS and NUSSR: I strongly urge you two nations to back down your troops. War is not needed, please do not try to start one.

      To The World: The GDFR is opposed to the annexation of South America by the Federated States and (possibly by) other various countries. These annexations could upset the balance of power, leading to war. If anything is to be done in South America, it should be formed as an independent and neutral country.
      The GDFR's Status:
      Armed Forces:

      Huge Army
      Large Navy
      Large Airforce (upgrading to huge)
      Large Nukes
      Large Space Navy
      Govt: Republic
      German Territories:

      -European Territories (consisting of Germany, France, Benelux, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, and several other Central European countries)
      -All of Antarctica
      -Saturn and all of it's moons
      -New Berlin on Mars (possibly selling to Mars)
      -Faulkland Islands
      -Tierra del Fuego
      -New Munich in Draconia
      -New Prussia on Pluto
      Current Projects:
      Upgrading Air Force to Huge - 1 year.
      "Great Wall of Poland" - complete!
      Installing Nuclear Shields in main towns and cities - 2 years.


      • FS Diplomacy


        Remember GDFR you have done the same in the case of Great Britain. Above that you didn't even have a vote, you just went right in and took it, so I wouldn't get all upset now.

        Its funny that people didn't get that upset when the NUSSR took over China. I take probably 30 million people and unite them into a DEMOCRATIC UNION, and get ridiculed it. THE NUSSR does it to some 1 billion people and gets praise. You really should loom at your differing polices and stop to thinkk before you call my government hypocritical.

        Not even that our government allowed them to have a choice through a referendum, and two provinces (the wealthier two I might add) chose not to join the union. That is more than China ever got, but then again China is better off now than ever, I just hope I will let Brazil and Amazonia prosper the same, and help my new friends The FREE REPUBLIC of INCALAND.

        I'll get off my soapbox now!!

        occ:Skilord can you right up some stats for the New Republic. I have started to train some Inca soldiers and gifted the Republic with some tanks, artillery, ships and jets, that were outdated for my military.
        Last edited by Sheep; October 8, 2002, 00:28.
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • OOC
          I understand that you don't like my annexation of China but minor points balance it:

          -5 years to take control over it:
          first communist party building up, taking control over a part of government and finally a coup d'etat and Red Army moving in.

          -Members of the NES were well aware of my actions and my full annexation of China was known one day before the real one giving time to react. They didn't in time. But after, complains arrived mainly from Pact of Freedom.

          -SKILORD tried to do the same things but I reacted and threatened him with nukes, he stepped back in India.

          -Now, as I am known as a warmonger , each nations on earth are ready to threat me if I move (exemple last India Red Army movement or Communists in South America)
          Now back to treachery, vicious world of the NES

          To All Nations of Earth except FS/NSA:
          NUSSR is well aware of this NAF trying to change her name to escape her evil past. Their annexation of free people of Incaland is another show of their imperialism in their world to reach world supremacy and to invade free Nations of Earth. The annexation of South America is a step before a full invasion of Asia or Europe. WE MUST STOP THEM!!

          Therefore NUSSR calls to arms each Nations of Earth and Space into a Coalition for Peace against the treacherous evils! Our full wrath shall crush these fascist imperialists back intro stone age! The might of our united army shall march upon the waste of Toronto.
          We can't step back and let them conquer the world.
          In this way, NUSSR has mobilized for WAR and an ultimatum has been given to Fascist States!

          To FS (read to every world nations):
          This is an ultimatum of three years if positive reply isn't given, war shall erupt.
          You will free communist people, you will let the South America be a free united Nation under International Control. You will allow a communist party with his former leaders and you will accept a DMZ on Pacific Islands and Alaska. These lands shall be under IPF full control.

          A negative reply will be understood as a declaration of war!
          The Red Bear and the Red Dragon have awaken.
          Troops are defilating on the Red Place and through all main cities of NUSSR before being sent on Pacific Theater.
          Carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, submarines leave their port and move conjointly toward the Pacific.; among them the Australian fleet stand proudly with her fierce willing to defend her Motherland.

          Fighters, fighter-bombers and bombers start to rebase, in Siberia, Shakalin island, and Pacific coast. Long-range spy planes are taking photos of NAF positions.

          Space Navy starts heavy training for terrestrian assault covered by barrage.
          Paradrops trainings are taking places.

          Red Army increases her size from Imperialist to nearly infinite. (a little much but to show my men power).



            TO THE NUSSR: Onw the Social DEmocratic PArty is far from fascist. Two The Federated States of Brazil and Amazonia willingly joined the Federated States. Howevr it makes you happy we will allow them to vote again, with international inspectors, most probably from Italy and Draconia. Unfortantley this can't go ahead until you stp threatning war on the free people of the Frederated States !

            The NAF is no longer please refrain from using this name from now on. Three: I will only accept a DMZ in my territoy if you do so yourself. Your manouvers show to me that you cannot be trusted and how do I know you wont use the DMz TO ATTAKC ME FROM. So a DMZ in Alaska for one in Siberia. That is my proposal.

            The Communist Party has been legalised six months ago (you may of missed it), however we are still waiting for an answer from you about the possibility of the former leader's exile to your country. They are currently on charges of high treason and the only other option is the chair.

            The Republic of Incaland is not to be under international control. It is to be under the control of the free peoples of Incaland, the people who have suffered occupation for 26 years (I counted how many years this game has been going for) deserve to have a voice in their own government. The Republic howevr is under FS protection.

            I have given all my effort to secure a just and equtiable peace however if you do not agree to stop intefering in the internal poltics of the Federated Sates of Democracy, and stop trying to take theior god given right to freedom from them, I will defend myself.

            If this means no to your proposal then you have brough this upon yourself by you continual interference in Federated States politics

            TO FREEDOM PACT: (secret)
            If attacked I hope you come to my aid otherwise we will all be living under Moscow before too long

            To the Neutral ALLIANCE: (secret)
            I have tried to stop the war that your alliance tries to prevent but it seem that the NuSSR will not stoop short of the full destruction of the Federated States. I ask you to either stay neutral or help me in my hour of need. I personally do not desire any Soviet territory but if you wish to take some you are most welcome to it

            Last edited by Sheep; October 8, 2002, 05:47.
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.



              The Federated States is in the danger of being invaded for no good reason but giving the Incas a chance to have a voice in their government.

              Therefore the Military has started to prepare defensive postions around the Federated States, Mobilisation has begun and conscription introduced, the Army has been upgraded to Very Huge and is still growing. I remind the NUSSR that attacking is always

              35% Heavily Fortified in Alaska
              20% West North America
              15% East North America
              15% In Cental America
              9% In the New Federated States of Brazil
              1% Peace-keeping in the NEw Republic of Inacland
              5% In Space Stations awaiting drop mission

              80% In the Pacific on the Western Coast of America
              20% In the Atlantic

              Surface Fleet
              60% In the Atlantic
              40% In the Pacific

              Air Force
              40% In the Northern Sector
              20% In the Western Sector
              30% In the Eastern Sector
              10% In the Southern Sector

              Space Navy
              95% Orbiting above the Federated States
              5% Inbound to Earth Orbit

              Nuclear Armaments
              ready to launch at moments notice, armamnet buil-up commenced.
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • NEWS FLASH

                Russian Spy Plane Captured
                President-elect Hosea Smith has announced the the Federtaed States Air Force has captured a Soviet Spy Plane patrolling the skies over Alaksa.

                The Smith has asked the NUSSR to stop violating Federated States sovereinty or suffer consquenses. WE can defend ourselves. The SDP is almost complete and will be in a month's time. When this occurs all the Federated States is covered by stalites anti-misile missiles and other anti-nuke weponary. We do not seek war with you and necer have but if you press us then that what you will get.

                Anymore plans seen flying against international laws ofver Federated Air Space will be destroyed, without explanation, you have been warned. The Dictatorship of the NUSSR will not prevail if it seeks to destroy our liberty

                Last edited by Sheep; October 8, 2002, 05:49.
                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                • Originally posted by mmtt

                  To All Nations of Earth except FS/NSA:
                  NUSSR is well aware of this NAF trying to change her name to escape her evil past.
                  That past includes as one of the few nations to alloew loyal genecoms to survive, in the Autonomous Federated States of Cuba and Jamacia.

                  It includes the destruction of the first attempt that the Soviet Union made to take the world.

                  It includes in the occupation of Incaland for 26 years in a peace-keeping role, allowing stability to grow in the shattered nation. And now because I allow them to vote on teir future and some agree to join me that you wish to declare war.

                  The Federated States of Democracy and its predecessor the North American Federation have been nothing but the champions of freedom, liberty and security. We will not allow either ourselves or any other nation fall into the clutches of an evil dictatorship
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • To FS(top secret):

                    If you want more territory why not colonize other planets. You should not have had those lands become part of the NAF. If I am correct, your nation long ago agreed that South America would be a dm zone. Also how could these people want to be apart of the NAF when they were at war with you?

                    If you want to take South America go ahead, it makes things more interesting. But I would have not done it though.
                    Donate to the American Red Cross.
                    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                    • FS DIPLOMACY

                      TO DRACONIA TOP SECRET
                      I though 26 years was long enough for the Inca people to not have a say in their government. I do not want any more of South America, However the peole of Brazil and Amazonia voted for union with the old NAF. (I randomly generated it)

                      The people of Peru and Paraguay did not and asked for independence. They have it with my blessing and my troops will pull out in a few months time.

                      I did not do it seeking war but did it for the good of the Incas (if the dice had rolled up that they all wanted independence I would be upset but thats what would of happened)

                      ooc: if you read this before you go oflin I'm in the chat room I was just having a smoke
                      Last edited by Sheep; October 8, 2002, 03:18.
                      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                      • To FS (Top Secret):
                        Yes but you must realize that the NUSSR leadership thinks that the Neutral Alliance and members of the Pact of Freedom are out to destroy it. They veiw your make part of South America as a treath and they will act accordingly. Your intentions may be to give the people of South America a voice, but it would have been better to make all of South America an Indepent nation. You must take into consideration the position of NUSSR and other countries. We hope you can avoid war with the NUSSR, and we will do everything we can to stop it. But know this, the Neutral Alliance was formed to be friends with all nations of Earth and to protect member nations, thus we cannot help if you get attacked by NUSSR. Before this action, their was a balance of power between the tripple pact and pact of freedom, and NUSSR and ULS were both stop in trying to gain more land. We plead with you to do everything you can to avoid a war were billions will die.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • FS DIPLOMACY

                          TO DRACONIA (secret but leaked to the Triple Alliance) I will agree to another vote on Brazil and Amazonia if the Triple Alliance withdraws. I hope you will be one of the countries that inspects this referendum to make sure it is fair. I also am considering Italy as the other inspector to make sure the Triple ALliance doesn't get all pissed off!!!
                          Last edited by Sheep; October 8, 2002, 05:54.
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • Originally posted by Jack_www
                            TO All Nations of Universe:

                            We just hope NUSSR has a more rational leader then the NAF.
                            Jack_www, President of Draconia
                            Worse it seems I had good intentions, that may of been constuded wrongly. But I can't undo them. It seems the NUSSR is bent on war
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • TO NUSSR(top secret):

                              We think we can work a deal out with the FS. If you can call your troops back we think we can get them out of South America with out you having to go to war with them. Please seek a peacefull way to solve this disspute.

                              Jack_www, President of Planet Draconia
                              Donate to the American Red Cross.
                              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                              • To Draconia (top secret):
                                Well, I can't give you any reply at this moment because my allies haven't express their positions in this crisis and FS has reply in a half-positive manner.
                                Plus, destruction of our planes is a sign of FS aggression.
                                In fact, NUSSR will stay on her position until ultimatum breaks out, or FS accepts our terms.
                                But I will consider it with my allies.

