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  • Update on NAF stats

    North American Federation
    Capital: Toronto
    Government: Democratic (currnetly ruled by Democratic Allince/ Mitlitary PArty coalition)

    Huge Army (can be upgraded to Very Huge during war due to reserve forces)
    Very LArge Navy (surface fleet Large, submarine fleet Huge)
    Huge Air Force (planes capable of Solar Sustem combat also)
    Very Huge Space Navy (no considered to be largest in the galxy and still growing. NAF policy of haveing Space Navy the size of it next two competitors combined)
    Meduim Nukes (Ability to be carried by Sub, Space NAvy or by underground silos, as well as satalites now orbiting above the NAF)

    Current Projects

    SDP: finnished in 2 yrs (80% compleste and operational)
    New Colonisation: 10yrs
    Operation Clean Up: 4 yrs (nuclear Polution will be cleaned up in Incaland)
    Referendum in Incaland to join the NAF in FS - 1yr
    Ultimate Nuke Defenses - 10 yrs (recently declassified more info to come)

    Force Distribution

    60% In Northern Canada and ALaska
    30% In NAF proper
    10% In Incaland part of occupation force. Preparing referendum for all of northern Incaland (the parts other than Chilie, Argentina and Uraguay that are under NAF occupation this includes Sothern Brazil, Peru and Paraguay mainly as well as the Amazon.) to join the NAF in a new Federated States . vote in 1yr

    Surface Fleet
    60% In Eastern Pacifc
    20% In Atlatic and Maediterranean
    20% In other Seas

    Sub fleet
    70% In Pacific Ocean
    20% In atlantic and Mediterranean
    10% Patroling other seas

    Space Navy
    60% In Earth/Moon Orbit
    30% In Matrian Orbit
    10% In Other parts of Galaxy

    Ready to launch given 15 seconds notice

    Air Force
    60% In NAF
    30% On Carrier fleet
    10% In Earth Orbital Stations

    Last edited by Sheep; October 7, 2002, 07:08.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • OOC: Can anyone tell me what territories the NAF actually hold sovereignty over. I know what the situation is on Earth, and I think I own two Moon territorieas one in the north one in the south, but what of the rest of the galxy. Also I have just gathered as Incaland is closest to my territory that I am the main occupier force. Australia has Chilie, ULS in Uraguay and Italy in North Argentina. Any others (I think that leaves only the GDFR would occupy Soth Argentina.

      This show that the NAF is the most pwerful in the Americas, and the other nations futher away have some difficulty in supplying their occupation forces.

      Last edited by Sheep; October 7, 2002, 04:59.
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • Pravda News

        The fascist occupation of South America a free territory under international control shouldn't be accepted by free Nations of Earth.
        Therefore NUSSR asks for an embargo on these fascists of Toronto, who didn't stop at arresting free people but want to size free land.

        NUSSR navy is 200 miles away from Hawaii and is in international water.

        NUSSR increases her army size a little and Elite Soviet Space Marines are in part removed from Mars to be sent elsewhere.
        NUSSR full space navy is in orbit above Earth and more precisely above Pacific Ocean.

        NUSSR should sign the Nuke treaty if North America frees communist people and retreats her nuclear submarine.

        NUSSR is building nuclear shield in her main cities while research on small nuclear shields for armed forces began. This project is due in 5 years.

        Foreign Diplomacy:

        To Triple Pact (top secret) Sheep please act as if you don’t read it, thanks:

        NUSSR will soon have to send military forces in NAF if Russian people and communist one aren’t free. The NAF position in South America warns us of the worst might happen.
        The Red Army is now being trained to do amphibious assaults and our upcoming fusion tanks should be able to help us in this way.
        We also ask you to stop any further relationship with NAF.
        I hope the Italian Empire will help us in this way and will send a part of her navy in Atlantic Ocean as an observing force.
        To Australia, my troops will strike in the North and in center Pacific Island, your help shall be welcomed in operation in Center America.
        These attacks shall meet in former USA. If war goes on Italian assault in Florida might be undertaken or as another possibility in Quebec sizing Toronto.

        As nuke weapons show obsolescence it can be see that former enemies show up once again. The fall of NAF would arise our alliance as the most powerful one of Earth.

        To ILE (extremely secret):
        NUSSR would be extremely pleased if ILE neutrality is assured between NUSSR and NAF. I understand that this may be hard to take but you would be given full awareness in Triple Pact research.
        A coalition between Triple Pact and Freedom Pact may a day be seen if no threats show again.

        To Germany:
        NUSSR asks for a NAP between us.

        To United Nations:
        NUSSR asks for sending of IPF in South America to maintain order in this territory.



          TO NUSSR I will remove myu subs if you will remove yours. The Communist Party is still banned in the NAF but if you wish to have the imprisoned leaders we will be willing to exile the traitors to you. I suggest you stop manouvering like a warmonger.

          The postion of the NAF in Incaland is that the state cannot be revived and I have asked all nations occypying that terriror to annex their respective occupartion zones. This does include you allies Italy and AUstralia. THis is to ensure the continued well being of the peoples in the country

          I am willing to sign a NAP, if you cease interferring in the internal politics of the NAF. I also ask of you a promise not to invad either India, Persia or Japan, as these nations full well deserve to remain independent.

          I also warn you not to fall into the trap your predessors did. I can fully defend myself against you, if warranted
          Last edited by Sheep; October 7, 2002, 07:42.
          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


          • ooc

            ooc: I'm a member of the Freedom Pact mmtt. Also although intresting I will play as if I didn't read you battle plans in the spirit of the game
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


            • To Triple Pact (secret of course):
              Italy fully support an action against NAF occupation of Incaland, and we will sent 60% of the Navy on the Atlantic oceans 250 miles off the shores of Florida, Labrador and in the Caraibic Sea.
              the other 40% is ti stay in the Mediterraneum in order to protect our shores.

              Italy also remind you that we have a military base in the Galapagos, in where you will be able to refuel your ships and aircraft.

              We agree with the Plans of NUSSR, although we think it is better to wait for them to do the first wrong move, so that they will be seen as the aggressors, and ULS and GFDR might not join them.

              To NAF: (seen to all leaders of the Galaxy)
              Italy will stand with her allies. We don't want any part of South America, however our Peacekeeping forces in there had been increased and put on a maximum alert.
              The former Incan territories were declared a demitarilized zone by all the member of the Freedom Pact and the former Austro-Italian Pact, including the NAF itself. And now we think you should respect your own words.

              Italy also wonder if the AA Guns which fired upon the ULS craft that killed the ULS President weren't really some NAF AA Gun that you moved in there, waiting for the right time to take over all of South America.
              And that you fired upon the ULS craft because it was about to discover your movements in there.

              We don't even want to think about some thing like that, but after your recent declaration about South America, some of our historians and analists started to think about this possibility.

              To GFDR and ULS: (secret)
              Italy does not seek war against NAF, and the Freedom Alliance, please try to bring back your NAF ally to their senses, as a war between our two alliances will not only be destructive to Earth, but to all the Galaxy as well.
              Tell them not to annex Incaland territories, and tell them to remove the banning against the NAF Communist members.

              In the sad case that war will have to start, I wish to extend with you of an old secret pact that was signed between all three of us, in which we declared the we will not attack you, and you won't attack Italy


              The Nuclear shield has already been placed in all the capital cities of the Italian Empire, and all the most important cities of Europe, the Middle East and Venus.

              The smaller cities of Europe, Middle East, Venus, together with the other cities of Phobos, Uranum and Neptun will be shielded by the end of the year (1 year)


              International Projects
              Nuclear Winter solution: (GFDR, NUSSR, ULS, Africa and Italy): 1 year


              Italian Stats and Projects
              Archeological studies in Neptun: XX years
              Airforce to Large: 2 years
              Star Trek 1 to Vega: 1 years

              Name: New Italian Empire
              Goverment: Democratic Empire
              Territories: Italian Europe, Italian Phobos, Italian Venus, Galapagos Italian Military Base, Italian Uranum, Italian Neptun, Italian Middle-East.
              Capitals: Roma (Europe), Nova Firenze (Phobos), Nova Torino (Venus), Nova Belgrade (Uranum), Nova Bucarest (Neptun), Damascus (Middle East)
              Population: 407 milion (131 Europe, 120 Middle East, 90 Venus, 10 Phobos, 30 Uranum, 26 Neptun)
              Nuclear Winter Sick: 20 milion
              Suffering Famine: none

              Army: Large
              Navy: Medium
              Airforce: Medium (Large: 2 years)
              Space Navy: Huge
              Nukes: 50 (all located in Europe)
              Interplanetary Nukes: none
              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
              The trick is the doing something else."
              — Leonardo da Vinci
              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


              • Originally posted by Sheep
                OOC: Can anyone tell me what territories the NAF actually hold sovereignty over. I know what the situation is on Earth, and I think I own two Moon territorieas one in the north one in the south, but what of the rest of the galxy. Also I have just gathered as Incaland is closest to my territory that I am the main occupier force. Australia has Chilie, ULS in Uraguay and Italy in North Argentina. Any others (I think that leaves only the GDFR would occupy Soth Argentina.

                This show that the NAF is the most pwerful in the Americas, and the other nations futher away have some difficulty in supplying their occupation forces.

                You don't own anything on space.
                You sold you moon bases to ULs long ago, and you never colonized anything, so your territories are just the one on earth.

                About South America... well
                I don't know
                Nobody ever settled anything, as it was supposed to fall under an IPF (International Peacekeeping Force).
                So I don't think there are territories occupied only by one nation.
                Although if it was like that I agree the NAF should have the most, as they did the most, maybe not as much as you claim, but they should have the biggest slice.

                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                The trick is the doing something else."
                — Leonardo da Vinci
                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                • Swedish explorers discovers Genesis Galaxy. Colonization has begun on most planets and small observation stations are being installed on all others. We ask all nations to respect this system as Swedish-Io territory.

                  Colonizing Genesis Galaxy
                  Army finished upgrading with new personal and weapons
                  Mining asteroids for resources
                  Space Fleet Upgraded
                  Project Nuclear couintermessures: 2 years
                  Project SpecOpsSpace: 4 years

                  Govt: Monarchy
                  Army: Medium
                  Space Fleet: Large
                  Fleet: small
                  Airforce: no need since space fighters(JAS 92 Gripen) can fly in athmosphere
                  Nukes: around 10, all hidden in different parts of the galaxy
                  NAPs: GDFR, Italy, ULS, Confederate States of Draconia
                  Member of The Neutral Alliance

                  To: NUSSR
                  From: Sweden-Io
                  We suggest you don´t start a war with the NAF.

                  To: Italy
                  From: Sweden-Io
                  Ok, my troops are removed from India but are ready in orbit of earth to land if you invade India.


                  • To: Nations that have peace keeping forces in South america
                    From: Sweden-Io
                    Does it matter if you have forces in South america? All peace keeping forces sign a contract that they wont fire on other peace keepers while in that territory so it doesn´t matter if you amass 1 billion troops in there and shoot another nations peace keepers because you then broke an international treaty and should be attacked by all nations of the universe.


                    • To NAF(read by all other nations):
                      Please allow the comunist to have their own party. We have looked at your own laws. One of the founding members of the NAF, the United States, allowed the comnist pary to exist, and they could not declare any party illegal. One of the basic rights you say you protect is the right for people to assemble and to meet. We believe that this action you have taken is unconstitional, and urge the NUSSR to appeal this action with in the courts of the NAF before pursuing any other course of action.

                      Confederate States of Draconia

                      Universal Projects:
                      Earth research project(done)
                      Our Scientist are now returning to Draconia to share the things they learned with the rest of our planet.


                      anti-matter resreach(6 years or more)

                      D1 tank resreach done
                      We now have a working protype. It has a laser cannon that can heat targets up to 500,000 degrees celius. It also has a regular cannon (150 mm) that has a muzzle speed of 3000 meters per second. It seats 4 men to operate the tank. It has amor 12.5 centimeters thick, and the amor can take hits of projectiles going at 2500 meters per second with no damage to amor. It also has a 60 cal. machine gun. It also has a top speed of 230 km per hour. We now putting this tank into production and going to use this to upgrade our amor units. This will take 4 years to complete.

                      We are sending out 3 colony ships to the 3 planets in our system that are not colonized. Each ship is carriing 10,000 colonists. Each planet will have a colony on it in 1 years time.

                      Name: Confederate States of Draconia
                      Territory: Draconia (In 1 years colonies on Draconia 1,2, and 3)
                      Capital: Dracon
                      Population: 285 Million
                      Suffering Famine: None

                      Large Army
                      Medium Navy
                      Large Airforce
                      No Nukes
                      Medium Space Navy
                      Last edited by Jack_www; October 7, 2002, 12:23.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • Colonisation of Coranatio System: 8 Years
                        CapitailPlan: 4 Years
                        Upgrade Army size: 3 Years
                        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                        • The Toronto Tribunal

                          Feburary: Referendum Held in former Incaland provinces

                          In the four provinces occupied by the NAF in former Incaland for peacekeeping purposes a referendum was held to determine the regions fate. All four provinces voted seperatley to either become part of the new Federated States along with the NAF or to constitute a new state with NAF withdrawl in a year's thime pending stability issues.

                          In pro-unionist Brazil and Amazonia, which were amongst the poorer provinces the fromer Incaland Empire held voted marginly to join the FS. The NAF has formerly annexed the territory and has asked all sovereign nations to recognize the new governement.

                          However in the Incaland heartland, the provinces of Peru and Paraguay have voted to form a new nation. The Republic of Incaland has formerly been reconised by the Federation Parliament, and as promised the NAF army of occupation has begun plans for withdrawal. President Yeager has asked all nations to reconise this new country and has vowed that any attack upon it will be considered an attack on the NAF.

                          May: The Federated States is formed
                          The Federated States has been formed. President Yeager addressed the people of Toronto on this momentous occasion. No longer will the people of the Americas be confined to Earth by name. All future colonies in space will become automatically memebers of this union and have all privilges accorded to established states. We also welcome the new states of Amazonia and Brazil to our great nation and hope they prosper under our guidance.

                          August: NUSSR sponsored terrorists killed after rampage
                          Accross the Federated States the people are mourning the loss of 4 parlematarians and 30 others. The foreign minister was one of those slain. 4 persumably-Soviet sponsored terrorists stormed the parliamnet offices killing all who they came accross. The buliding was evacuated as ginshots rand out and the terroists we finally brought to justice by crack Special Froces of the Federal Army.

                          President Yeager has asked the NUSSR for an explanation into the matter.

                          November: Shock Election Result
                          In this years presedential elections the people have decided that President Yeager is no longer fit for the job. The President-elect Social Democrat Hosea Smith has declared that the foreign policies of the Federated States will be much diffrent under the new government. As per the Constitution the President-elect now has control over foreign policy and in all respects the presidency. Hosea Smith will be inagurated in Feburary next year. His first step will be to introduce the Political Reform Bill, which will allow all poltical parties to come under closer scrutiny when it comes to illegal activity. He has also promised to allow the Communist PArty to reform, albiet under new leadership. The ledership of the old Communist Party is still imprisoned awaiting their fate.
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • Federated States Diplomacy (President elect Hosea Smith)

                            To the NUSSR Although our nations have had their diffrences, I hope we can come to an agreement. If you agree I propose a DMZ along our Alaskan/Siberian border, and a possible reduction in nuclear armaments. I also ask you to remove your naval armada from near the Federated State of Hawaii. A likewise withdrawl of my sub fleet will occur automatically if you go ahead with this. I also ask you to consider taking in exile the leaders of the old Communist Party. If you do not do this we will execute them for treasonish activites

                            To Italy and Australia I do not seek war with you. I offer an NAP with the two of you. As a token of goodwill I ask you to withdraw you military bulid up along our frontiers and I will likewise do this.

                            To the Neutral Alliance My offer of a NAP still stands.

                            To all Peace Keepers of Incaland I have tidied up my part of the occupation mainly due to the fact we have been occupying the nation for 20 years. I ask you to recognise the new state of Incaland and the union of the NAF, Brazil and Amazonia. I ask you to decide what you will do with the provinces you have assigned to you in the peace keeping occupation. I suggest either formally unite them with your nation as I have suggested before or allow them to join the independent state of Incaland. The people of the occupied provinces deserve a say in the government after these long years.

                            To the Freedom PACT EXTREMLE TOP SECRET if the Triple Pact read this convey the same respect I gave you please I have done all I can top prevent war with the Triple Alliance. If war does go ahead it will be because of the apparent desire of the NUSSR to be the virtual world dictator. I ask you to make plans for war just in case. Pehaps an assault against thwe NUSSR from Germany and a defensive startegy against Italy to prevent invasion. I will of course be in the middle of the invasion and on the back foot, biut once the weight of inmvasion hits the NUSSR I will be able to invad through Siberia and through China granted Japanese permission. The ULS I ask you to make planetry drops into the middle of Australia and the NUSSR. As a space nation albeit the moon nation I am sure you will be able to keep this supplied. I do not seek war but will not allow myself to be attacked without a plan to strike back
                            Last edited by Sheep; October 7, 2002, 23:11.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • Federated States Stats

                              Name: The Federated States of Democracy (FS)
                              Capital: Toronto
                              Government: Republic (currently held by Social Democrats
                              Leader: President Yeager, President-Elect Smith
                              Population :1180 million and 5 million genecoms in automonous region in what was formerly Cuba.

                              Huge Army (can be upgraded to Very Huge through conscription in wartime)
                              Very Huge Space Navy (largest in galxy constantly being expanded)
                              Huge Navy (sub fleet very huge, surface fleet large)
                              Huge Air Force: (capable of solar system combat
                              Meduim Nukes (1000 warheads, downsizing pening agreement with Triple Pact)

                              Projects (Completion Dates have varied due to new government priorities)

                              SDP (90% completed) one year
                              Ultimate Missile Defence (satalites make 60% of all missiles turn around and strike its owner) 9 yrs.
                              Incaland Clean Up 2 yrs
                              New Colonisation: 8 yrs
                              Project Weather control (enables weather contorl for good in FS also able to be used as weapon but only on Earth due to global restictions) 8 yrs (previously classified)
                              Project Chronosphere 4yrs (I think we can all guess what this one is) (preveroly classified)


                              Last edited by Sheep; October 8, 2002, 00:54.
                              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                              • OOC: Just a quick not I have been rolling randamly using two ten sided dice to generate the outcome of the elections. I was actually surprised at the election of Smith as I place him at only a 30% chance of winning due to the apparent Soviet attack in August and the popularity of Yeager's stance against them.

                                The referendum in Incaland was done at a 60/40 chance in in Brazil and Amazonia leaning towards the union and the reverse was done in Peru and Paraguay.
                                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

