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SNESA2 Reborn: Ad Infinitum once more.

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  • SNESA2 Reborn: Ad Infinitum once more.

    It feels good my freinds to be back.

    The Year: 2127
    Russia has been defeated by the NAF and Germany.
    Germany and Italy Dominate Europe.
    Mankind has reached for the stars, Thanks to a new HyperAcceleration Engine (Pluto in a Month), and the first Extraterrestrial human Nation has been formed from a rebellious American lunar colony.
    Those United Lunar States have reached to a new Solar System and colonized Alpha Centauri.
    Mars colonization has begun, only to find it already inhabited by martians, Who Unite behind Mi. S. America Remains a war zone, 10 years following the Incan defeat at Allied handsThe Race is on for Asteroid capturing The ULS moving quickly ahead. The rest is for you to write....

    General NES Rules for Newbies
    1. Everyone Picks a civ
    2. They Write about what that Civ does in the NES
    3. It is not based on a civ game
    4. We must follow Civ3 rules for the Most part

    SNES Rules (For This NES only)
    1. 1 day = 1 year
    2. Respect other Writers
    3. A new Alien race can only be created by myself or a new Player and only after Most nations have been taken)

    North American Federation:
    Medium Army
    Large Navy
    Large Airforce
    Medium Nukes
    Huge Space Navy
    Govt: Democracy
    MPP's: Pact of Freedom (UK, GDFR, ULS)
    War: none

    Russian Union of Republics:
    Medium Army
    Medium Navy
    Medium Airforce
    Few Nukes
    Small Space Navy
    Govt: Republic (Communist Rebels in Nation)
    Ruler: ?
    MPP's: none
    War: none

    United Kingdom:
    Small Army
    Huge Navy
    Medium Airforce
    Few Nukes
    Large Space Navy
    Govt: Republic
    MPP's: Pact of Freedom (NAF, GDFR, ULS)
    War: none

    Medium Army
    Large Navy
    Medium Airforce
    Few Nukes
    Small Space Navy
    Govt: Republic
    MPP's: Austro-Italian Pact (Italy)
    War: none

    Large Army
    Small Navy
    Medium Airforce
    Medium Nukes
    Medium Space Navy
    Govt: Republic
    Ruler: Jonny
    MPP's: Freedom Pact (UK, NAF, ULS)

    Medium Army
    Small Navy
    Small Airforce
    Few Nukes
    Large Space Navy
    Govt: Republic
    Ruler: Giovanni Wine
    MPP's: Austrio-Italian Pact (Australia)
    War: none

    African Confederation:
    Medium Army
    Small Navy
    Small Airforce
    No Nukes
    Small Space Navy
    Govt: Republic
    Ruler: ?
    MPP's: Star Reachers Pact (China, Japan, India)
    War: none

    Small Army
    Large Navy
    Small Airforce
    Few Nukes
    Small Space Navy
    Govt: Republic
    Ruler: ?
    MPP's: Star Reachers Pact (China, African Confederation, India)
    War: Australia

    Medium Army
    Small Navy
    Small Airforce
    Medium Nukes
    Large Space Navy
    Govt: Republic
    Ruler: ?
    MPP's: Star Reachers Pact (Japan, African Confederation, India)
    War: none

    Medium Army
    Small Navy
    Small Airforce
    Few Nukes
    No Space Navy
    Govt: Republic
    Ruler: ?
    MPP's: Star Reachers Pact (Japan, African Confederation, China)
    War: none

    Medium Army
    No Navy
    Medium Airforce
    No Nukes
    Medium Space Navy
    Govt: Monarchy
    War: none

    United Lunar States:
    Medium Army
    Small Navy
    Medium Airforce
    Few Nukes
    Huge Space Navy
    Govt: Republic
    Ruler: SKILORD
    MPP's: Freedom Pact (UK, NAF, GDFR)
    War: none

    New Persian Empire:
    Large Army
    Small Navy
    Tiny Airforce
    No Nukes
    No Space Navy
    Govt: Despotism
    Ruler: ?
    War: none
    Last edited by SKILORD; September 12, 2002, 13:32.
    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land

  • #2
    I read all 26 pages of Ad Infinitum 1. I really enjoyed it, thanks to all participants. But is there still the nuclear winter and starvation in this one? What happened to Swedish Io and rest of ex-Incan Empire(under IDF control?).
    Though its my first NES, I hope I can join.
    I don't mind which nation I should pick, maybe Russia or Germany? If I can't, I would take a Western Pacific power.

    I sincerly hope thats this one will go as far as the first one did.
    Last edited by mmtt; September 11, 2002, 16:54.


    • #3
      This baby starts off where the last one ended. So yeah.
      Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


      • #4
        never mind. i hit the reply button by accidnet
        Last edited by unscratchedfoot; September 12, 2002, 14:30.
        Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


        • #5
          Guess who I am (without peaking at the rest of the post or my "location")

          Did you guess right?

          The long civil war in Mars (see my last post in SNESA2 before going on vacation) has ended! For the first time in the planet's history, a truly democratic government is in power! The new Martian leader, FIrst Servant of Mars Jerin Mastoff, extends a hand of friendship towards Earth.


          • #6
            I hereby reclaim the Presidency of the GDFR.

            I'm gonna go refresh my memory of SNESA2, but I believe I was allied with the ULS.

            IC: The GDFR welcomes the representative of the new Martian government to earth.


            • #7
              we are back!
              I of course reclaim the New Italian Empire throne

              Anyway, I do recall that the New Italian Empire was trying to start a new alliance together with NAF, ULS, and GFDR and of course Australia.


              ROMAN NEWSPAPER

              Italian colonist from Europe and Venus are heading toward the cold planets of Uranum and Neptun, both planets will be colonized in about 10 years.
              Emperor Raffello announces that the main pourpouse for that is to grow some of the plants that was given us for our Scientific research from the ULS, cause those plants need a very cool climate, and would dey on earth, even with Nuclear Winter Earth is still too hot for the Centaurian plants.
              About 25 milion people from Europe, alongside with other 15 milion from venus announced they wuold be more than happy to start a new life in those planets.
              Italy cliams those two planets as Italian territories, and ask for any other nation to not attempt colonizations there.
              In the meanwhile the deintoxicaficication of the Italian European lands using the Galilaianus Solution is proceeding at a very high speed, unfortunatly there is still not a solution to defeat the air pollution caused by Nuclear Winter.


              Italian Stats and Projects
              Denuclearization of military: 4 years
              Scietific Research to restore Earth to its natural status: XX years
              Colonization of Uranum and Neptun: 10 years

              Name: New Italian Empire
              Territories: Italian Europe, Italian Phobos, Italian Venus, Galapagos Italian Military Base.
              Population: 252 milion (147 Europe, 95 Venus, 10 Phobos)
              Nuclear Winter Sick: 25 milion
              Suffering Famine: 4 milion

              Army: Large
              Navy: Medium
              Air Force: Medium
              Space Fleet: Large
              Nukes: 100 (-25 each year)
              Interplanetary Nukes: none
              Taking from where I left...
              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
              The trick is the doing something else."
              — Leonardo da Vinci
              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


              • #8
                adding something new...

                ROMA NEWSPAPER
                Emperor Raffello fall in desease
                The Nuclear Winter sickness knocked at the door of the Imperial Palace in Rome, Emperor Raffaello today woke up with all of the symptomes of the Nuclear disease... insomnia, stomach ache, had ache, and most of all he is now completely blind.
                In a last effort he decided to abdicate from the throne, and he nominate his good and skillful former Foreign Minister, Michelangelo as New Emperor of Italy.

                Tomorrow Elections
                Also the former Prime Minister, Del Piero, of the Green Party is losing ground, the polls that were done showed that the Green Party is no more the first party of Italy, mainly because the Greens were no able (according to the population) to decently fight off the Nuclear Winter.
                The Secretary of the Colonist Party, Georg Kalac, from New Belgrade (Venus) is now the favourite by the Italians.
                Tomorrow 24 April 2195 the Italians will pick their Prime Minister, which will share his power with the newly nominated Emperor.

                Colonization continue
                The Colonization of Uranum and Neptun keeps going on, the first pioneer that landed on Neptun founded the rest of an ancient, but very advanced Civilization, studies on the site had started.

                Galileianus in mass production
                The Galileianus solution, a solution that is able to slowly dissolve the Nuclear Nube, is started to be mass produced in the Italian factories, and took a level 1 priority in every manifacturing center.
                The tests that were done in countryside near Palermo (Sicily - Europe) showed good results.


                Itallian Stats and Projects
                Denuclearization of military: 3 years
                Colonization of Uranum and Neptun: 9 years

                Name: New Italian Empire
                Territories: Italian Europe, Italian Phobos, Italian Venus, Galapagos Italian Military Base.
                Claimed: Uranum and Neptun
                Population: 254 milion (146 Europe, 94 Venus, 10 Phobos, 4 Pioneer in Uranum)
                Nuclear Winter Sick: 23 milion
                Suffering Famine: 3.5 milion

                Medium Army
                Small Navy
                Small Airforce
                Large Space Navy
                Nukes: 75 (-25 each year)
                Interplanetary Nukes: none


                EDIT: Typos
                Last edited by Giovanni Wine; September 12, 2002, 05:53.
                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                The trick is the doing something else."
                — Leonardo da Vinci
                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                • #9
                  I'm claiming the leadership of Russia (if Cap'n Crunch comes back and wants to claim Russia, I will leave).
                  Intelligence Reports about Russia for all countries of the World:

                  Interior Policy:
                  Riots start to appear in Russia. Lead by Vladimir Illiouchine and supported by workers and miners, the Soviets are gaining control over a few important cities. Volgograd is their stronghold and uprisings start in St-Petersburg and Moscow.

                  The government is powerless and isn't popular at all due to the defeat. The army is joining the Communists. Officers remembering the old good days of the Red Army are moving toward Volgograd and regrouping with the Commies already there.

                  Baltic States, Ukraine, Norway, Sweden and Finland may split from main Russia if order isn’t reestablish soon.

                  Russia needs help. It is clear that without any foreign support, the country will fall in anarchy and split up.
                  This is the official call for support from the government:
                  “Free nations of the World, our freedom is under the threat of a new communist onslaught. Dissensions are appearing through all Russia. We must stop this uprising before Russia falls into civil war. We are requesting peace keepers, mainly around Moscow and Volgograd. We are sure that the world powers won’t let Russia down and help her to reach stability once again.”

                  Russian Army situation:
                  A small part of the Army is still under control and based between Smolensk and Moscow. A few units are still loyal in the south and the west but will soon be smashed without help. Siberian and Oriental Army is divided between both sides. The Soviets haven’t really influenced the Eastern Russia, yet.
                  The Black Sea and Baltic Sea Fleets have already joined the Soviets. The Pacific one is still loyal to Moscow.
                  The Air Force, though quite small, are equipped with a new-generation of Mig fighters. Those planes in Soviet hands would give them a slight edge. Air Force officers assure that’s they are still loyal to Moscow government. But dealings behind the scene are taking place.
                  Space Navy is composed of the nomenclatura and then supporting the Russian former state.
                  Locations of nukes are unknown but some would be communist rebels control.

                  Farming and fishery due to the Nuclear Winter has been quite hurt. People in the Northern parts of Russian are starving. In Ukraine, the situation is only slightly better. But the Mafia is still active and is using famines to make profits.
                  In industrial terms, the country is quite hurt. The Italian invasion has destroyed a big part of it. It is estimated that Russia has lost 1/3 on her formal productivity.
                  The merchant navy is nearly unhurt. Petrol and gas from Siberia and Caucasus are still being traded and sent to other countries. Commercial airlines are really hurt though, airports have been destroyed by air raids and some civilian planes been hit. Railways to Europe have been neutralized, 75% of it has been destroyed but the Tran Siberian is still operational.
                  Hospitals, schools and other social services are obsolete.

                  -Russia is in Civil War.
                  -Soviets are holding South Russia (Caucasus, Black sea to Kursk and Kazan). They are being helped by the proletariat.
                  -Russian Government is weak and won’t last long without foreign help. But the Russia Elite supports it.
                  -Russia is still shaken by their defeat in the last war. Economy has suffered and the country is weak and unstable.
                  -The Russian Mafia is behind and is actively supporting the Moscow politics. If communists gain power, they would be defenseless.

                  Russia Stats :
                  Name: Russian Union of Republics.
                  Territory: Russia, a few Eastern Europe states and Scandinavia ones.
                  Population: 203 million
                  Nuclear Winter sick: 4 million
                  Starving: 10 million
                  War Casualties: 2 million

                  Medium Army
                  Medium Navy
                  Medium Air force
                  Few Nukes(50?)
                  Small Space Navy

                  Estimated end of civil war: 1 or 2 years most probably 2

                  OOC: I would like the Communists to get in power. But if you want to invade/send forces, do so, but Russian people will help the soviets.
                  Last edited by mmtt; September 12, 2002, 12:26.


                  • #10

                    need map.....
                    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                    • #11
                      Sigh, ok ok I guess I'll take up my role again as Australia!

                      We are more than happy to resign the Austro-Italian pact and continue colonization both in this solar system and others. We are also happy to announce that Australia has remained relatively genecom free, and continue to aid the fight against them. Lastly we have almost completely cleaned up from the nuclear attacks that left almost a third of our population on Earth dead.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cinna
                        Sigh, ok ok I guess I'll take up my role again as Australia!

                        We are more than happy to resign the Austro-Italian pact and continue colonization both in this solar system and others. We are also happy to announce that Australia has remained relatively genecom free, and continue to aid the fight against them. Lastly we have almost completely cleaned up from the nuclear attacks that left almost a third of our population on Earth dead.
                        don't forget the Bio-Warfare dead. And the Abomination induced deaths......

                        The ULS votes to send the IPF to Russia to maintain order there.
                        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                        • #13
                          Note: This was taken from p25 of the original thread. The upgrades that were started then are now considered complete.

                          [/b]Germany's Status:[/b]
                          Armed Forces:

                          Huge Army
                          Large Navy
                          Large Airforce
                          Medium Nukes
                          Large Space Navy
                          Govt: Republic
                          German Territories:

                          -European Territories (consisting of Germany, France, Benelux, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Denmark, Austria, Poland, and several other Central European countries)
                          -Most of Antarctica (all except for former Sweedish Antarctica)
                          -Saturn and all of it's moons
                          -Colonies on Mars
                          -Faulkland Islands
                          -Tierra del Fuego
                          GDFR Actions:
                          Part of our huge army is being sent to newly-acquired Poland, which we obtained from the peace treaty with the Russians.

                          Also, part of our army has claimed former Sweedish Antarctica. All of Antarctica is now unified under the German Flag.

                          The GDFR Space Comittee has launched a plan to greatly increase colonization of the Saturn system. Shuttles are now on a regular schedule from Earth to Saturn.

                          To ULS, NAF, UK, Australia, Italy: How about we join our two alliances together?
                          Last edited by Jonny; September 13, 2002, 18:04.


                          • #14
                            Actuaally with the present alliances all are allied but the Aussies.
                            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                            • #15
                              To all who have lands on Mars or his moons: We would like to negotiate a deal to unify Mars and his surroundings. First Servant Jerin Mastoff only wishes to bring unity to the planet, not cause an international crisis like the empress did in the old days.

                              Immediate measures are taken to rebuild Mars's infrastructure. WIthin 5 years inhabited Mars will be more or less at par economically and developmentally with the moon and Earth.

                              To all nations: I suggest the creation of an International Agency for the Protection of Civilization (IAPC; like the UN of SNESA1 if anyone can remember back then). All current nations will be members. Recognition be 1/3 of the members allows new nations to join. Every 3 years, we meet. Anyone can make proposals. We shall choose a chairman, who every 3 years (days IRL) will announce (ie post) the list of proposals, and the nations will have 1 year (day) to vote. All proposals posted since the previous vote and posted no later than 30 minutes after the vote is announces must be included (if not included originally they must be eidited in). Normal proposals require a majority to pass, proposals involving military operations require 2/3.

                              What do you all think of this idea?

