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SNESA7: On the Brink

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  • #16
    ooc: PEI, AMERICAN???? i demand a change!!!!!!!!!!! lol.

    How did u know im from PEI????? *paranoid*
    Last edited by trickey; August 19, 2002, 17:56.


    • #17
      Imperial Japan announces that it is selling it's lands from the Indian border to the Russian border. The buyer is also invited to join a NAP.

      ooc: trickey, you had PEI as your loacation for a while, i noted it strange because i didn't think anyone actually lived there...well maybe anne of green gables


      • #18
        ooc: OK, good.

        and btw, for its size, PEI is the most crowded province in Canada. I know its hard to believe, but its true.


        gonna go change my location back to pei now


        • #19
          Japan doesnt have an Indian border....


          • #20
            Originally posted by civman2000
            Japan doesnt have an Indian border....
            It seems our maps were rather out of date, we meant to say the lands from Korea up to the Russian border west (excluding Korea) is for sale. Japan regrets the error.


            • #21
              germany will buy anything, as long as we dont haggle (this is the world, not a flea market)

              Germany establishes embassies in Rome, Paris, London, Washington, Mumbai and Sydney [ooc: exceptions are mostly intended] N-APs are offered/accepted to/from
              the aforementioned nations.

              German Forces mass on Polish border

              secret to France, Italy and Britain: a permanent alliance between the European nations would benefit us all, and allow for large armies to be in other continents without fear of being recalled to their home nations. what you say? Poland will be mine soon.


              • #22
                To Germany: if there is to be a united Europe, Poland will be part of it.


                • #23
                  Australia to China, India

                  As the leader of the Australian nation, I request a NAP between our great nations. We should strive towards better relationships and grow together.
                  Oooh! Pretty flashing red button! * PUSH *


                  • #24
                    From Mexico:

                    To Japan, Australia: How about a non-agression pact?

                    To Brazil: We request an alliance with your fine nation. Our nations share a large land border, so peace between our two nations would be beneficial to both of us.


                    • #25
                      Britain to Germany

                      England will have nothing to do with the invasion of poland, NOTING. Pleas do not pester our great nation with your warmonging ideas.

                      Britain to France

                      We oviously have a warmonger o our hands with Germany. I thiknk a mpp would benifit us both greatly. Would you care to sing one with me?

                      Briatin to Poland

                      Germany is planning aggression twords your country, please prepare to defend yourself.


                      • #26
                        Brazil has built a small navy, and is currently expanding her army...

                        Mexico (secret): sounds about an invasion of the Boers?


                        • #27
                          Mexico is beginning a plan to increase their air force from small to medium, and will be done tommorow (real time).

                          Brazil (secret): Invading the Boers sounds good, they are weak, with only a small army, no navy, no airforce. I say let's do it.


                          • #28
                            Italy immeadiatly begins to produce, and train pilots in, fighter aircraft. They also instate a low rate of conscription.
                            within the year thier airforce should be tiny. within the month thier amry should be large.

                            To France, and Britain: I would like to join your MPP, as I highly disagree with Germany's ideals.

                            To Germany: ((cheap Keanu Reeves surfing voice)) "dont do it man, drop the gun!"

                            To Mexico and Brazil: I suggest a NAP between our two great alliances, what do you say?


                            • #29
                              edit: Double Post!
                              Last edited by Jonny; August 20, 2002, 10:18.


                              • #30
                                To Italy: A NAP sounds like a good idea, but I will wait and see what Brazil has to say before accepting it, but I think Brazil will accept it as well.

