Chapter 1: "The Coming of an Enemy"
"There coming!! There coming!!! The Romans are marching this way!!!", A man on a hoarse screamed as he galloped through the once tranquile English village. His scream peirced the silence, sending the deadly warning to the homes on the side of the dirt road. He waved the tourch about trying to attract attention to those sleeping and resting in there homes. The man cried again this time galloping through the village square. "The Romans Legons are coming!! They are coming!!!" The cries of the horseman faded away along with him and his hoarse. There was silence for a moment, but it was soon broken as the screams and footsteps of about two hundred villagers burst from there once quiet homes. Some villagers were armed with swords and had light bronze armor on, however most just had simple pitch forks and staffs. The men began building up a wooden wall with carved sharp ends jutting out the wall. The men all leen against the wall and waited quietly for the Roman legions. Inside the village houses the wives and children of the men were gathering there most valuble belongings and fleeing to the woods, hoping to find a safe hiding.
"Please lord watch over my husband as he does battle", Fellina thought to herself as she clutched her 11 month year old baby son named Luther.
She ran deep into the forrest looking around desperatly for a place to hide herself. She knew if she was caught
the legions might rape her or do worse....kill Luther. She looked around and spotted an old rotted log laying down on the ground. With her baby Fellina crawled into the log and layed still, trying her best to calm her beating heart and quiet her loud breathing. The only thing she could do no was lay there and wait.
It was still quiet at the wooden wall. None of the soldiers had spotted a Legion yet. "Maybe there not coming, maybe they turned back..", a young boyly 13years old said.
An older villager who had experinced the Roman might before shook his head at the young boy, "No...Romans do not turn back....They fight to win and conquer. They fight to the death."
The man said, gazing back on past battles with the Romans. The man spoke again. "I remeber when we first heard the reports about the Roman invasion on the southern island...It is scary how quiclky they managed to push the English army to the north. Only months....Soon they will be at Londonia." The man sighed and looked forward again, fixing his eyes on the road.
"We wont let that happen!! We can fight the Romans and we shall overcome them!!", the boy shouted, trying to lighten the villagers spirits. The boy was about to shout again but was cut off by a man a few feet to the right of him. "I see a light!!! Look ahead, its a light!!!"
The men all looked ahead as if all in unison. The villager who had first seen the light was right. The light came closer and the sound of marching was heard soon after. More appeared and with them came the light wich revealed what the villagers deadly apponent.............. Roman Legions. The villagers could here the clank of iron armor, and swords against eachother. A shout was called for the villagers to hold out there pitchforks outwards so they could the stab the charging legions. The villagers with pitchforks did so and waited.
"Soldiers hault!!!", The commander of the Roman unit said waving his hands in the air.
The legion unit stopped and stood there motionless. The commander turned to the villagers and studied them and there wooden wall, which he found amussing. "English villagers, I see you are prepared to fight with your pathetic wooden wall and your wooden sticks. However, I will save you all your certain death and ask you to peacefully join with the Supreme Roman Empire."
The cheif of the village a tall 7'1 man who dawrfed the other villagers answered the commanders request, "We shall never give in to the savage Romans. We will fight you tell the last man. Long live the English Clan!!!!"
The other villagers began to chant "Long live the Englisg Clan", holding up there weapons and shouting. The Roman commander rolled his eyes and turned to his unit. "Why do they always choose the hard way.", he muttered to himself. "You heard them soliders, they want a battle and we shall give them such.", the commander yelled to his men.
The commander raised his hand and shouted out a command. The archers in behind the legions lighted the end of there arrows and took aim. The commander quickly dropped his arm and instantly the archers let loose there firery projectiles. The sound of defient chearing from the villagers quickly turned to screams of pain. About half of the villagers had been hit by arrows and were staggering around on fire. The wooden wall soon errupted into a wall of fire scortching those who were directly behind it.
"Legions.. sheilds up, swords out, charge!!", the commander shouted through the screams.
The legions raised there oval sheilds and lifted the swords as they marched forward like a stone wall read to crush all who stood in its way. The remaing villagers who were not on fire jumped over the burning fire wall and ran to meet the legions. The staffs and the pitch forks of the villagers clashed on the metal sheilds of the Romans causing little damage to the unit. The legions countered with a slash of there iron swords, bringing the firts line of villagers down.
"Die you Romans, go back to the hell you came from!", Charlamen, a villager shouted thrusting his bronze sword into the unprotected lower side of a Roman legion.
The villager kicked the dead legion of his sword and turned with a powerful slash which cut across a roman legions throat. The Roman fell to the ground grabbing his bloody neck. The villager proud of his kill put his foot ontop of the legion and yelled, lifting his sword high. Little did Charlamen know hes celebration would end quickly. Behind Charlamen came another legion sneaking up behind him. Charlamen couldn't hear the footsteps of the soldier because of his shouting and the clashing of weapons around him. The legion saw his chance and drove his sword upward into the back of the warrior. Charlamen yelled in agnoy and relised what had happened as he turned to see the legions sword in his back. He fell to his knees and looked around at the battle around him. He turned his head seeing the villagers.....his freinds..his own... being slaughtered by the Roman legions. His home and his village burning to the ground..... He thought only one last though before the darkness set in. "Lord please protect my child and wife Fellina."
The sounds of roaring fire and screams of pain had reached Fellina's ears. She could only sit there wonder if her home would still be there tommorow....or her husband. Suddenly the sound of running and women screaming broke her grim thoughts.
"What is going on?", she thought to herself peeking out the log.
Feet scampered by the log and soon after another set of feet went by. Fellina peeked out the log once more to the direction in which the feet had went. She gasped as she saw an english women being chased by a legion. The lady tripped over a rock and and landed on the hard rocky ground slidding. She turned on her back and looked up at the legion now standing infront of her. The women pleeded for the legion to leave her be, but the legion ignored her please and dragged her by her legs in the direction of Fellina.
Fellina ducked her head back into the log and watched as the legion dragged the women away. As fellina ducked back into the log she lighty kicked Luther, awaking him from his peaceful sleep. Luther began to cry, and the Roman turned his head to the log.
"Shush luther, be quiet..", Fellina said to Luther in a quiet voice trying to calm her baby.
The legion let go of the women allowing her to escape and walked over to the rotten log to check out the noise. Fellina heard his footsteps and grabbed a few leaves on the outside of the log. She quickley placed the leaves over Luther to try and hide him. Luther calmed down and stopped crying, however the sound had gotten the attention of legion. The Legion crouched down beside the log and looked in. The legion and Fellainas eyes met and she began to scream.
"Well well look at what I found. Come here you!" the legion said pulling Fellina from the log. Fellina struggled from the legions grip, but was powerless against the built man.
"Let go!!. Leave me alone!!. Let me be.". Fellina pleaded, but like the legion did with the previouse women, he just ignored her plees and dragged her away. Fellina took one last look at her preciouse baby boy for the last time..or so she thought......
This is the end of the First Chapter. I would love comments question ect..... Soon more will come!!
P.S- I hope you like long stories
"There coming!! There coming!!! The Romans are marching this way!!!", A man on a hoarse screamed as he galloped through the once tranquile English village. His scream peirced the silence, sending the deadly warning to the homes on the side of the dirt road. He waved the tourch about trying to attract attention to those sleeping and resting in there homes. The man cried again this time galloping through the village square. "The Romans Legons are coming!! They are coming!!!" The cries of the horseman faded away along with him and his hoarse. There was silence for a moment, but it was soon broken as the screams and footsteps of about two hundred villagers burst from there once quiet homes. Some villagers were armed with swords and had light bronze armor on, however most just had simple pitch forks and staffs. The men began building up a wooden wall with carved sharp ends jutting out the wall. The men all leen against the wall and waited quietly for the Roman legions. Inside the village houses the wives and children of the men were gathering there most valuble belongings and fleeing to the woods, hoping to find a safe hiding.
"Please lord watch over my husband as he does battle", Fellina thought to herself as she clutched her 11 month year old baby son named Luther.
She ran deep into the forrest looking around desperatly for a place to hide herself. She knew if she was caught
the legions might rape her or do worse....kill Luther. She looked around and spotted an old rotted log laying down on the ground. With her baby Fellina crawled into the log and layed still, trying her best to calm her beating heart and quiet her loud breathing. The only thing she could do no was lay there and wait.
It was still quiet at the wooden wall. None of the soldiers had spotted a Legion yet. "Maybe there not coming, maybe they turned back..", a young boyly 13years old said.
An older villager who had experinced the Roman might before shook his head at the young boy, "No...Romans do not turn back....They fight to win and conquer. They fight to the death."
The man said, gazing back on past battles with the Romans. The man spoke again. "I remeber when we first heard the reports about the Roman invasion on the southern island...It is scary how quiclky they managed to push the English army to the north. Only months....Soon they will be at Londonia." The man sighed and looked forward again, fixing his eyes on the road.
"We wont let that happen!! We can fight the Romans and we shall overcome them!!", the boy shouted, trying to lighten the villagers spirits. The boy was about to shout again but was cut off by a man a few feet to the right of him. "I see a light!!! Look ahead, its a light!!!"
The men all looked ahead as if all in unison. The villager who had first seen the light was right. The light came closer and the sound of marching was heard soon after. More appeared and with them came the light wich revealed what the villagers deadly apponent.............. Roman Legions. The villagers could here the clank of iron armor, and swords against eachother. A shout was called for the villagers to hold out there pitchforks outwards so they could the stab the charging legions. The villagers with pitchforks did so and waited.
"Soldiers hault!!!", The commander of the Roman unit said waving his hands in the air.
The legion unit stopped and stood there motionless. The commander turned to the villagers and studied them and there wooden wall, which he found amussing. "English villagers, I see you are prepared to fight with your pathetic wooden wall and your wooden sticks. However, I will save you all your certain death and ask you to peacefully join with the Supreme Roman Empire."
The cheif of the village a tall 7'1 man who dawrfed the other villagers answered the commanders request, "We shall never give in to the savage Romans. We will fight you tell the last man. Long live the English Clan!!!!"
The other villagers began to chant "Long live the Englisg Clan", holding up there weapons and shouting. The Roman commander rolled his eyes and turned to his unit. "Why do they always choose the hard way.", he muttered to himself. "You heard them soliders, they want a battle and we shall give them such.", the commander yelled to his men.
The commander raised his hand and shouted out a command. The archers in behind the legions lighted the end of there arrows and took aim. The commander quickly dropped his arm and instantly the archers let loose there firery projectiles. The sound of defient chearing from the villagers quickly turned to screams of pain. About half of the villagers had been hit by arrows and were staggering around on fire. The wooden wall soon errupted into a wall of fire scortching those who were directly behind it.
"Legions.. sheilds up, swords out, charge!!", the commander shouted through the screams.
The legions raised there oval sheilds and lifted the swords as they marched forward like a stone wall read to crush all who stood in its way. The remaing villagers who were not on fire jumped over the burning fire wall and ran to meet the legions. The staffs and the pitch forks of the villagers clashed on the metal sheilds of the Romans causing little damage to the unit. The legions countered with a slash of there iron swords, bringing the firts line of villagers down.
"Die you Romans, go back to the hell you came from!", Charlamen, a villager shouted thrusting his bronze sword into the unprotected lower side of a Roman legion.
The villager kicked the dead legion of his sword and turned with a powerful slash which cut across a roman legions throat. The Roman fell to the ground grabbing his bloody neck. The villager proud of his kill put his foot ontop of the legion and yelled, lifting his sword high. Little did Charlamen know hes celebration would end quickly. Behind Charlamen came another legion sneaking up behind him. Charlamen couldn't hear the footsteps of the soldier because of his shouting and the clashing of weapons around him. The legion saw his chance and drove his sword upward into the back of the warrior. Charlamen yelled in agnoy and relised what had happened as he turned to see the legions sword in his back. He fell to his knees and looked around at the battle around him. He turned his head seeing the villagers.....his freinds..his own... being slaughtered by the Roman legions. His home and his village burning to the ground..... He thought only one last though before the darkness set in. "Lord please protect my child and wife Fellina."
The sounds of roaring fire and screams of pain had reached Fellina's ears. She could only sit there wonder if her home would still be there tommorow....or her husband. Suddenly the sound of running and women screaming broke her grim thoughts.
"What is going on?", she thought to herself peeking out the log.
Feet scampered by the log and soon after another set of feet went by. Fellina peeked out the log once more to the direction in which the feet had went. She gasped as she saw an english women being chased by a legion. The lady tripped over a rock and and landed on the hard rocky ground slidding. She turned on her back and looked up at the legion now standing infront of her. The women pleeded for the legion to leave her be, but the legion ignored her please and dragged her by her legs in the direction of Fellina.
Fellina ducked her head back into the log and watched as the legion dragged the women away. As fellina ducked back into the log she lighty kicked Luther, awaking him from his peaceful sleep. Luther began to cry, and the Roman turned his head to the log.
"Shush luther, be quiet..", Fellina said to Luther in a quiet voice trying to calm her baby.
The legion let go of the women allowing her to escape and walked over to the rotten log to check out the noise. Fellina heard his footsteps and grabbed a few leaves on the outside of the log. She quickley placed the leaves over Luther to try and hide him. Luther calmed down and stopped crying, however the sound had gotten the attention of legion. The Legion crouched down beside the log and looked in. The legion and Fellainas eyes met and she began to scream.
"Well well look at what I found. Come here you!" the legion said pulling Fellina from the log. Fellina struggled from the legions grip, but was powerless against the built man.
"Let go!!. Leave me alone!!. Let me be.". Fellina pleaded, but like the legion did with the previouse women, he just ignored her plees and dragged her away. Fellina took one last look at her preciouse baby boy for the last time..or so she thought......
This is the end of the First Chapter. I would love comments question ect..... Soon more will come!!
P.S- I hope you like long stories
