Congratulations to all. Here are the four finalists.
Choose wisely
2-The Plight of One Worker by Insane_Ike
3-“Es Frater Meus, Et Es Inimicus Meus” (“You Are My Brother, And You Are My Enemy”) by TheGuitarist
4-Organised Chaos(Dangerous Games 4) by cbraund
6-Six Degrees of Seperation by Velociryx
Choose wisely
2-The Plight of One Worker by Insane_Ike
3-“Es Frater Meus, Et Es Inimicus Meus” (“You Are My Brother, And You Are My Enemy”) by TheGuitarist
4-Organised Chaos(Dangerous Games 4) by cbraund
6-Six Degrees of Seperation by Velociryx