This, by far, has to be my best game yet. I picked "Honest Abe" for this one(normally I go Random), but in the spirit of July 4th, I felt patriotic. Anyways, it was a Full Random Small Map. The other civs were:
I get a decent starting position with two gold mines around me. My science slider is set to 0%, as I've taken the advice of fellow forumers and have decided to purchase my techs. So I was getting +8 GPT. I expand to three cities rather quickly. My third city, New York was placed on a Choke Point, which I later realized became a HUGE part of the game. The Egyptians were bordering NY with thier Empire, so it was a strategic foothold for me all the way. I could agree to a RoP and not allow them in . My empire grows beautifully as I purchase techs about every two turns, keeping up with the Jones' while building a military to the same pace.
I go into Monarchy, suddenly getting +41 GPT, and my nation suddenly is the third most happiest and powerful. Which has NEVER happened before. But without warning...
The Aztecs and Iroquios attack Egypt!! The fighting has begun. Hiawatha border Egypt on the other side while the Aztecs border Rome. Over the next few turns, the Egyptian empire crumbles from Mounted Warrior attacks and Jaguar Warriors, slicing the Egyptian empire in half and forcing Cleo to pull back and populate a small island off thier coast. Peace is made. 4 turns later...
Hiawatha has declard war on us!!!! It was only a matter of time since they're the strongest now, by territory and by score, military as well. By this time, I have Knights, and so does Hiawatha. It's a standoff. He takes no cities, I take no cities, no GLs are born, but heavy losses on both sides. Hia agrees to peace and we all go back to being hunky dory.
We enter the Industrial Ages and...World War I. Egypt is gone, wiped out by Hia a few turns before this. The Zulu(who have been quiet all game) ally with the Romans while Hiawatha teams up with the Aztecs. Chaos all over. None involving me since everyone is Gracious towards me. Fighting happens mostly on the land, some in my territory, but I'm not about to tell 4 warring nations to get out of my land, I'll find myself attacked. After mostly Zulu and Aztec casualities and loss of cities, they all come to a deal. All this war has jumped me to being the second most powerful nation in the world.(#2 was formerly Zululand)
It's the Age of Riflemen and Cavalry...and WWII. It's now Zulu and the Aztecs vs Hia and Caesar. This war turns out to run for about 100 years, with no real territorial gain. I develop the Manhattan Project and 2 turns later, the UN. I greased the wheels of every civ before the vote and since I haven't been involved in a war in centuries, I felt I had a good shot. So the vote comes in...
Caesar votes for Lincoln
Shaka votes for Lincoln
Hiawatha votes for Hiawatha
Lincoln votes for Lincoln
Montezuma votes for Lincoln
Woohoo!! I only got 1049 points out of the whole game but it's my first Regent victory!!
The game lasted about 6 hours and I played straight through, not stopping for ANYTHING!
I get a decent starting position with two gold mines around me. My science slider is set to 0%, as I've taken the advice of fellow forumers and have decided to purchase my techs. So I was getting +8 GPT. I expand to three cities rather quickly. My third city, New York was placed on a Choke Point, which I later realized became a HUGE part of the game. The Egyptians were bordering NY with thier Empire, so it was a strategic foothold for me all the way. I could agree to a RoP and not allow them in . My empire grows beautifully as I purchase techs about every two turns, keeping up with the Jones' while building a military to the same pace.
I go into Monarchy, suddenly getting +41 GPT, and my nation suddenly is the third most happiest and powerful. Which has NEVER happened before. But without warning...
The Aztecs and Iroquios attack Egypt!! The fighting has begun. Hiawatha border Egypt on the other side while the Aztecs border Rome. Over the next few turns, the Egyptian empire crumbles from Mounted Warrior attacks and Jaguar Warriors, slicing the Egyptian empire in half and forcing Cleo to pull back and populate a small island off thier coast. Peace is made. 4 turns later...
Hiawatha has declard war on us!!!! It was only a matter of time since they're the strongest now, by territory and by score, military as well. By this time, I have Knights, and so does Hiawatha. It's a standoff. He takes no cities, I take no cities, no GLs are born, but heavy losses on both sides. Hia agrees to peace and we all go back to being hunky dory.
We enter the Industrial Ages and...World War I. Egypt is gone, wiped out by Hia a few turns before this. The Zulu(who have been quiet all game) ally with the Romans while Hiawatha teams up with the Aztecs. Chaos all over. None involving me since everyone is Gracious towards me. Fighting happens mostly on the land, some in my territory, but I'm not about to tell 4 warring nations to get out of my land, I'll find myself attacked. After mostly Zulu and Aztec casualities and loss of cities, they all come to a deal. All this war has jumped me to being the second most powerful nation in the world.(#2 was formerly Zululand)
It's the Age of Riflemen and Cavalry...and WWII. It's now Zulu and the Aztecs vs Hia and Caesar. This war turns out to run for about 100 years, with no real territorial gain. I develop the Manhattan Project and 2 turns later, the UN. I greased the wheels of every civ before the vote and since I haven't been involved in a war in centuries, I felt I had a good shot. So the vote comes in...
Caesar votes for Lincoln
Shaka votes for Lincoln
Hiawatha votes for Hiawatha
Lincoln votes for Lincoln
Montezuma votes for Lincoln
Woohoo!! I only got 1049 points out of the whole game but it's my first Regent victory!!

The game lasted about 6 hours and I played straight through, not stopping for ANYTHING!